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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian Letter--Support
bohica mike
Originally posted by True Blue Titan
how are you gus getting penalized?

We are asking that every team have their chemistry set to what it would have been had there just been a regular hit instead of double

it will actually help you guys if you would think.

It's not helping me at all because I didn't take a chemistry hit. I had my team filled by the end of the grace period. I worked my ass off scouting players that fit into my team plan, typing up PM's to those particular players, and then sending out contracts left and right to the one's who like what I had to offer. If they change the chemistry, then basically you get half of yours back, while mine stays the same. How is that fair to me just because I outworked you?
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 15:50:41
If you didnt take a chemistry hit why is your overall at 68

and defense at 68?

plus its not like i waited until after game 2 to put my team together i made about 3 trades and that murdered my chemistry.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 15:56:03
bohica mike
Originally posted by True Blue Titan
If you didnt take a chemistry hit why is your overall at 68

and defense at 68?

plus its not like i waited until after game 2 to put my team together i made about 3 trades and that murdered my chemistry.

What I meant was my chemistry is still pretty much the same it would be if there was an extended grace period. 4 points added back to my chemistry is not going to make a difference at all. Everyone knew there was a double hit in the middle of the season, and everyone knew there was a 4 day grace period. Plus, it's really stupid to trade for someone because you take a hit for sending someone AND you take a hit for receiving someone (unless you traded cash). I'm sorry, but chemistry problems are of your own creation.
This is the first time ive owned a team. (also never gmed one) and i had no idea there was going to be a double chem hit until i already accepted two trades

they destroyed my chem and im just asking that we get a regular hit before a double which i think is totally reasonable for a new team.
bohica mike
Look in the Announcements forum. Its been posted since June 1st about the chemistry.

its not the middle of our season, and thats what every other team had.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 16:44:47
bohica mike
Doesn' matter if its our season...everyone has the same season.
Technically not really
Originally posted by Gronert
I sent a letter to support:
How do you guys feel about it?

Hi, I go by Gronert, and i just recently recieved a new team in the new Canadian A Leagues. I was very thrilled, and i started to recruit players right away.
As it turns out our first problem was that nobody knew that the Canadian Owners only had 4 grace days to get their entire team. (I believe the African teams had 10 days, right?)
Anyways, some team owners and i had a big discussion about this in the bug forum, and they gave us one more night. However, this is not enough time for the new owners to get a complete roster in.
This is way to short of a time period first of all, and second of all none of the teams had enough money at all to support their players.
Most teams are in the negative team money for this, and i also am in need of some serious money.
No one wants to take a loan so early, because as a fresh new team, you cant afford to pay all of it back, with interest.
Another BIG Concern with the League is that right we had the 4 days of grace, we went right into DOUBLE CHEMISTRY HITS, which also know one knew about!!!
Once again many teams have screwed over chemistry for this, and none of us are really happy about how this is being handeld.
All of the teams are in dire of money, and fast, and it would not hurt for at least 2 more grace days!
I know you guys are always trying to make this game smooth, but i think that this whole Canadian Team thing shouldve had more planning to it.

I mean all of the new teams for this season had a 10 day grace period, and they all started with nearly 10 million in cash.
So how is this fair to any of the Canadian team owners from League A?
Some of the teams still have loads of CPU players, because they cant affort other players!
Other teams have almost -1 million, just from their signings, and thats not going to get any better soon, and once again their is no way they can afford a loan.

So what i am asking for is give at least each team a total of 2 more grace days, and also give each Canadian A League team a total of 5 million in cash.

Thank you, for your support

The rest of the Canadian A League Owners

Please tell me you are joking?

We all started on a level playing field. You tried to buy a championship in the first season. How? How? did you spend 3 million?

You did it to yourself. You should fix it, Not the Admin.

If Admin steps in to help you, Every team in every league will be looking fo a hand out.

Admin already helped you with the chemistry grace period, Now you want more?

You where unprepared and financially irresponsible.
Originally posted by bohica mike
Doesn' matter if its our season...everyone has the same season.

every team except for the canada a league teams had time to fine tune there roster. we had no time without the double chemistry hit to fine tune.
thank you yabo exactly what i was trying to say

im not asking for any gifts just what i think should be done

and as far as the money thats totally your fault

I have about 1,400,000 left and im currently building more seats and ive taken my daily salary down almost 10000 due to players wanting to re-work their deal.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 17:28:45
Yukon Don
I'm okay on money, lower than you, but I'll get some playoff bonuses. There is noo way with my higher level players I could get my daily salary that low, but frankly I can make ends meet until the playoff bonuses roll around, and like you I built extra seats.
Yea money isnt an issue anymore but they said that chemistry has a 9% affect on the game.
Seriously just stop complaining, it's not going to get you anywhere. I understand how hard recruiting can be, our team sent hundreds of offers and still doesn't have much depth. The owner and I spent all weekend working on it to make sure that when the grace period was over (the information about this was available) and double chem hits went into place (also information that was available) we were as close to complete as possible. We've still had to make some moves after that point, but we knew what we were getting into and weighed the benefit of the trade with the chem hit.

As for money, I have no idea how people are broke, much less how you can say that most teams are. Our team is one of the best in our league and we have ~1 mill remaining after stadium expansions.

The only thing that is worrying us is the idea of moving up to AA because we win this year. We don't want to get slaughtered, we all play GLB because we like being competitive and there is just no chance that we could be competitive in AA without redoing our entire roster.
Yukon Don
Originally posted by THE PWNER
Seriously just stop complaining, it's not going to get you anywhere. I understand how hard recruiting can be, our team sent hundreds of offers and still doesn't have much depth. The owner and I spent all weekend working on it to make sure that when the grace period was over (the information about this was available) and double chem hits went into place (also information that was available) we were as close to complete as possible. We've still had to make some moves after that point, but we knew what we were getting into and weighed the benefit of the trade with the chem hit.

As for money, I have no idea how people are broke, much less how you can say that most teams are. Our team is one of the best in our league and we have ~1 mill remaining after stadium expansions.

The only thing that is worrying us is the idea of moving up to AA because we win this year. We don't want to get slaughtered, we all play GLB because we like being competitive and there is just no chance that we could be competitive in AA without redoing our entire roster.

Money isn't my problem. I agree that the problem is competitiveness after promotion. Out of 16 conference championship games, I'll guess that at least 15-20 of the teams in those games will be trying to lose that game so as to avoid promotion. Something is wrong with that picture...

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