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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Going blind, an Obamacare critic now needs a bailout
Originally posted by Corndog
the safety net he was thoroughly against isn't big enough to catch him

Um, I'm not sure it isn't big enough so much as the safety net he put a lot of effort into slipping through turned out not to be impermeable.
Originally posted by Time Trial
Yup. American Politicians have turned the American population into sports fans.

Sure, you may not always be happy with how your team played, but if you don't cheer for them, you don't have a right to criticize.

Fans of a sports team might spend twenty minutes describing how terrible they are, but that doesn't mean that they are going to start cheering for another team.

That's not how politics should be.

Fucking exactly, two groups of seemingly level headed intelligent adults, can see the same play(or receive the same info about a player involved in a scandal) then reach completely opposing conclusions, based purely upon which team they follow. Meaning that in those decisions, logic, reason, and objectivity have been totally supplanted by affiliation.

Understanding this flaw in human nature(that was actually pretty useful when we were tribal cavemen) has given politicians ridiculous power.

Instead of weighing legislation or political decisions on their inherent logic and morality, we immediately look for ways to argue for the issue if it falls on the side of our team, or against it, if it belongs to the opposing side.

Meaning we not only accept whatever shit our parties produce but we also instantly start shoveling it without a thought to whether or not we should.

Edited by Saris on May 14, 2015 18:11:32
Originally posted by Larry Roadgrader
Hey, is this the thread where we applaud the suffering of others because they don't vote the same way we do?

No, this is the thread where we bash insurance companies and the people who enabled them.
Nobody seems to agree on what this thread is for.
This thread is now about.

Ron Paul.
Originally posted by glbisthewaytobe
This thread is now about.

Ron Paul.

Originally posted by Time Trial
"Bengals fan wishes he had Super Bowl tickets."

Shots fired. Ur ded to me TT
Originally posted by Corndog
And now, the self-proclaimed self-responsibility and self-accountability team is throwing money at him because "GO TEAM!"

I missed the part of the story that said his donations are coming from Republicans. I know when I feel compelled to help someone in need out, I always check their political voting record first.

To expand on your assumption, you are saying that his "team" can handle helping people out on their own, they don't need 2500 pages of government documents, a bunch of administrators, they can handle that need when it is actually necessary.
Originally posted by Cowpoker

To expand on your assumption, you are saying that his "team" can handle helping people out on their own, they don't need 2500 pages of government documents, a bunch of administrators, they can handle that need when it is actually necessary.

Originally posted by Homage
Shots fired.

Originally posted by Corndog
No, this is the thread where we facepalm at people making poor decisions because of what team they're on.

There are plenty of Democrats that despised ACA and plenty more that are not fans of Obamas.

Shouldn't we help stupid people that live in states where the majority elected stupid representation ?
Originally posted by Catullus16
maybe if it were a better net he would've voted for it.

no sick left behind, etc.

I can never tell when you are being serious or sarcastic, probably why I am a big fan.

The confusing part of people trying to use this situation as political ammo and thinking it is proof that one side got it right is that it shows huge failures that cover all the political bases and parties involved.

This guy was dumb, I am assuming he knew about the diabetes thing prior to missing the cutoff and at 49, you can't rule out any number of potential diseases. Who cares what you support and don't support.

Screw his state, leaving your citizens exposed to take some imaginary stand against a policy. People are not your political play toys.

Screw ACA. I thought the arguing point was that it was going to help people who didn't have insurance and had pre-existing conditions. Basically, it strongly suggests you participate in insurance meaning they want more people paying in to insurance companies and it was never about helping people that need medical help. I didn't understand the part about him not making enough money to qualify for the federal subsidy.

I don't see any angle of this story where Republicans or Democrats could claim victory and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to politicize a guy with a health problem.
Originally posted by Cuivienen
ACA was meant to help stupid people? I thought it was meant to help poor people and people with pre-existing conditions.

Originally posted by Corndog
He has no job and has diabetes.

His level of stupidity (really more willful ignorance than stupidity imo) needs a special stupidity insurance, for which I propose the ASA, the Affordable Stupidity Act. Anybody who is too stupid to do what is obviously in their best interests should get nth chances to correct their f-ups IF they sign up for Obama's Affordable Stupidity Act by December 31st, 2015.
Originally posted by Lurchy
His level of stupidity (really more willful ignorance than stupidity imo) needs a special stupidity insurance, for which I propose the ASA, the Affordable Stupidity Act. Anybody who is too stupid to do what is obviously in their best interests should get nth chances to correct their f-ups IF they sign up for Obama's Affordable Stupidity Act by December 31st, 2015.

I get that you are being sarcastic but why do we need a sign up for anything to help people ? There shouldn't be a deadline, there shouldn't be a government form, there shouldn't be a level of enforcement/additional tax fee for non participation, there shouldn't be an opportunity for politicians to argue or use misfortune to sell an agenda.

If someone could use some help, just F'ing help them. I'll go out on a limb and say that it would probably be cheaper.
Originally posted by Cowpoker
I get that you are being sarcastic but why do we need a sign up for anything to help people ? There shouldn't be a deadline, there shouldn't be a government form, there shouldn't be a level of enforcement/additional tax fee for non participation, there shouldn't be an opportunity for politicians to argue or use misfortune to sell an agenda.

If someone could use some help, just F'ing help them. I'll go out on a limb and say that it would probably be cheaper.

Because universal health care is socialism.
Originally posted by Cowpoker
I get that you are being sarcastic but why do we need a sign up for anything to help people ? There shouldn't be a deadline, there shouldn't be a government form, there shouldn't be a level of enforcement/additional tax fee for non participation, there shouldn't be an opportunity for politicians to argue or use misfortune to sell an agenda.

If someone could use some help, just F'ing help them. I'll go out on a limb and say that it would probably be cheaper.

Agreed. But....

Originally posted by Corndog
Because universal health care is socialism.


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