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Forum > Pro Leagues > S47 Preseason Ranks
This forum has gone to shit
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Way to ignore my post scrub. Well played.

*sigh* Fine. I never said or even implied "that nothing after s30 means anything." I said that the World League doesn't mean as much as it used to, which is undeniably true. It's not a coincidence that you failed to make the playoffs eight straight times while winning only 30.5% of your games (by comparison I made the playoffs in 7 of my first 8 while winning 62.5%), then finally started doing better once most of the veterans quit. You didn't suddenly become better at GLB after all that time. You're the same guy you've always been. You try to pick fights with me because the only way you can pretend to be relevant is to feud with someone who is relevant, and you make "CHICAGO MIDGET HEDGEHOG MAFIA IS GLOBAL RANK #1" threads in GLB main precisely because you've never achieved anything worth bragging about. Empty posturing is all you have. You don't even have a team anymore.
Originally posted by jdbolick

People like you are why WiSeIVIaN continues to embarrass himself while believing that he's "winning."

Do you even believe you are winning these days?

Just lookin at some games around this place and shit hasn't changed much. You think it would. But it hasn't.
Originally posted by jdbololick
I never said or even implied "that nothing after s30 means anything." I said that the World League doesn't mean as much as it used to, which is undeniably true.

Your premise here is wrong bololick. For anything what is happening currently as well in the recent past, means more than what happened a long time ago. This is how humans work. Memories and legacies are all well and good in real sports, but fan still care about NOW more than some past legacy.

The teams that are here still, care much more about the last 3 seasons than they care about seasons 21-23. Current seasons mean more to those still here.

Not to mention GLB in some amount of time which isn't too far off, will cease to exist. if you want to sit around reminiscing of the good ol' days when WL meant more (whatever on earth you think that means) feel free but all the GLB legacies will mean absolutely nothing in a couple years (or less) when this game implodes. And for those here who do remember, the memory of winning a WL championship whether it be s20 or s47, will be the same in the recordbook of their minds.

So me, and everyone else here, are here for the now until they shut the doors.

Originally posted by jdbololick
It's not a coincidence that you failed to make the playoffs eight straight times while winning only 30.5% of your games (by comparison I made the playoffs in 7 of my first 8 while winning 62.5%), then finally started doing better once most of the veterans quit. You didn't suddenly become better at GLB after all that time.

First off, I think it's hilarious you are busting out your Win/Loss as a DC while comparing that to my Win/Loss as an owner. Not that facts matter to you, but I did OC the Nashville Hounds into the playoffs back in the 20's. Still, it doesn't really matter. As I've stated before I have no regrets on my GLB journey. And *now* is still what matters, not the distant past.

I do want to touch on the fallacy you perpetuate the GLB was hard and now it's easy. Are there less elite coordinators now than there once were? Yes. But there are still enough elite coordinators left that are unable to grab recent WL titles, to prove it is still a tough job up top. The fact is the DS has won the last 5 WL championships. That means an entire generation of dot has not tasted WL gold unless they were on a team of the 1 particular network. But ya WL is easy now.

Don't mind the fact that many other teams that were perrenially bad at WL in the teens/20's/30's are still bad in WL. Surely TSW will be making the playoffs since WL is so much easier now.

Oh and don't mind the fact that the 2nd greatest franchise in WL history, HHWC, missed the WL playoffs the last 2 seasons. Say what you want about cares, but as many have said most *great* teams walk through the regular season. Also as someone who's watched tape of HHWC I can tell you with confidence there were some regular season games that had hard tries and adjustments. Clearly WL sucks and any scrub can do well now. It's an idiotic stance.

Originally posted by bololick
You're the same guy you've always been.

This is true to a point. I am still the same guy that was throwing out some top 5 WL offenses in the teens and 20's. I'd like to think in 7 years I've grown a bit and changed a bit (as we all have), but believe what you will. Still, the Hedgehogs recent resurgence has not been the result of the full demise of WL, but rather luckboxing into two elite WL championship level DC's (T2 and Nexill) which is something we sorely lacked before s35ish. I give those two individuals all the credit in the world for carrying me on their back of course.

Originally posted by bololick
You try to pick fights with me because the only way you can pretend to be relevant is to feud with someone who is relevant, and you make "CHICAGO MIDGET HEDGEHOG MAFIA IS GLOBAL RANK #1" threads in GLB main precisely because you've never achieved anything worth bragging about. Empty posturing is all you have.

You think I pick fights with you? I simply respond to the diarrhea you can't help but type on your keyboard. You think this is a feud when you post moronic comments and I point out how moronic they are? Lol yup great fued, thx for that bro.

As far as bringing up a thread, that was a good thread. It is not the first time I've posted such a thread (I did one a few seasons before the duckies did fwiw). The fact that you think this is a big deal shows how ridiculous you are.

Oh and the only achievement worth anything in GLB is a WL Championship? I don't think so. That is the goal of course and a good goal to strive for, but the view that anything less is without value, is a very sad and lonely way to play online games. I've thoroughly enjoyed my GLB ride thus far and I do not regret my 45 seasons owning the Chicago Hedgehogs in any way shape or form. I lived my dotball dream, and owned an independent team longer and better than most. Not only that, I guaranteed me and my dotball buddies had more fun than almost anyone along the way. #noregrets

Originally posted by bololick
You don't even have a team anymore.

I like the you added this at the end, like it was meant to be a zinger. Do you think GLB titles mean anything? A lolGM that puts together a team had more to do with that team's success/failure than an owner who just sits back. Offering Spread the owner tag and taking the co-owner tag was something I openly offered during merge talks as I literally give zero shits about titles.

I own 50% of the team and will still be doing work as needed. Happy to be working with spread as I have a ton of respect for him, so it's good we are both equally invested.

For someone who just got done resetting his team and never has gotten a WL title as an owner, its hilarious you are trying to tell me I have less worth due to taking a different title tag. I haven't reset the team that I've owned since season 2. As an owner you can't even hold my jockstrap scrub. This of course has been proved on the dotball field as grand island has a losing WL record vs the Hedgehogs both in the regular season and playoffs.


So ya, I won this thread. Enjoy? If you're lucky you'll find 1 line to reply to with an abstract comment you think is witty while ignoring the rest of the facts you are too busy gagging on.

As always, I replied to your entire post using 1 hand, while I used the other hand to .
Edited by WiSeIVIaN on Apr 20, 2015 21:08:04
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
The teams that are here still, care much more about the last 3 seasons than they care about seasons 21-23. Current seasons mean more to those still here.

No, they really don't. They matter more to you because you were laughed at in those old seasons whereas you don't look as pathetically inept now as you did then. You trying to argue that the WL isn't a lower level of competition than it used to be is just the latest in a long line of idiotic comments from you where you try to deny reality because you don't like what it says about you and your embarrassing lack of success.

Originally posted by
First off, I think it's hilarious you are busting out your Win/Loss as a DC while comparing that to my Win/Loss as an owner.

Actually I was referring to my seasons as an owner or co-owner.

Originally posted by
You think I pick fights with you? I simply respond to the diarrhea you can't help but type on your keyboard.

Again, denying reality is one of the reasons everyone on this site thinks you're an idiot (some are amused by your idiocy, some are irritated by it, and some are indifferent). You post threads like this: precisely because you desperately want to be my rival, but you aren't and never will be. You have more losses than anyone else in the history of the World League. Trying to use my relevance to acquire some for yourself won't work.

Originally posted by
As far as bringing up a thread, that was a good thread. It is not the first time I've posted such a thread (I did one a few seasons before the duckies did fwiw). The fact that you think this is a big deal shows how ridiculous you are.

It's not a "big deal," it's just a sad testament to how utterly desperate for attention you are given that you've never actually earned anyone's respect.

Originally posted by
Oh and the only achievement worth anything in GLB is a WL Championship? I don't think so.

I never said that either. You really are remarkably stupid, as you can't ever seem to understand what anyone else says unless it's explained in detail with monosyllabic vocabulary. There are lots of people who have been good in the WL but never won a title. You, on the other hand, were laughably awful in the WL for a very long time before you took advantage of the declining userbase to finally make the playoffs.

Originally posted by
I like the you added this at the end, like it was meant to be a zinger.

It is, given the context. In all those many seasons of comical failure, your one comeback was always your supposed prowess as an owner in keeping a non-network team going. You not even having that anymore makes your failure complete.
Originally posted by drewd21
This forum has gone to shit

Who the fuck wants to read all of that?
This thread started off awesome, thanks boozer!, then turned into a bitch fest between the 2 biggest douches in GLB.

GLB has turned to shit, everyone hanging around now talking about the teens and 20's needs to just leave the game because there's nothing left for you.

Every season someone wins now is the easiest WL season that there has ever been, same old bullshit story every time someone that wasn't around in the 20's wins.

you guys should just play out the drama on PM because nobody wants to read any of that shit in a thread about rankings created by someone who isn't busy living in the past.
I think it is more entertaining than listening to the rest of you whine
The rest of your post was rehashed mindless dribble, but I'll still reply on 1 point.

Originally posted by jdbololick
It is, given the context. In all those many seasons of comical failure, your one comeback was always your supposed prowess as an owner in keeping a non-network team going. You not even having that anymore makes your failure complete.

You seem to lack an understanding of how time and circumstances correlate. S2-S46 I am very proud of keeping an independent team going through that entire very long stretch. The fact that I've "sold out" to "the man" (as 1970 hippies would put it), does not mean I didn't do what I did s2-s46. Epic logic fail bololick.

I chose to evolve with the times.. I can both be happy with the run I had as an independent team owner, as well as extremely excited about our prospects moving forward while merged with OMM and as a part of the Agency. Try to keep up.
Originally posted by blitz39
This thread started off awesome, thanks boozer!, then turned into a bitch fest between the 2 biggest douches in GLB.

GLB has turned to shit, everyone hanging around now talking about the teens and 20's needs to just leave the game because there's nothing left for you.

Every season someone wins now is the easiest WL season that there has ever been, same old bullshit story every time someone that wasn't around in the 20's wins.

you guys should just play out the drama on PM because nobody wants to read any of that shit in a thread about rankings created by someone who isn't busy living in the past.

If you are going to call me a top2 GLB douche (I'd like rankings though tbh), you should at least tell me why I'm a douche and not just cite jdbolick's dumbass viewpoint which I clearly don't share with him imo bbq.
Also while I'd like to appologize to Boozer for the short thread hijack (less than 1 page isn't really that much) I'd also like to say you're welcome to all of WL for defending this forum from bololick's tyranny. Yes I will accept cash dontations in thanks. PM me for paypal details.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Also while I'd like to appologize to Boozer for the short thread hijack (less than 1 page isn't really that much) I'd also like to say you're welcome to all of WL for defending this forum from bololick's tyranny. Yes I will accept cash dontations in thanks. PM me for paypal details.

Quit hijacking shit
This crap is like listening to the teacher on the old Charlie Brown episodes.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Also while I'd like to appologize to Boozer for the short thread hijack (less than 1 page isn't really that much) I'd also like to say you're welcome to all of WL for defending this forum from bololick's tyranny. Yes I will accept cash dontations in thanks. PM me for paypal details.

Just shut the fuck up already.

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