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Dub J
thatsa spicee meetball

Originally posted by armadafalls
I Love Balls too...

Originally posted by armadafalls
Hey lets keep on topic here! There are other forums to post that kind of stuff in.

Edited by Mr.McFlyGuy on Oct 5, 2012 16:07:46
Mr. McFlyGuy,

I find your comments to be offensive and reprehensible! I was merely teasing you about being a sports fan. When I changed your qoute to say "I love balls" I was referring to footballs; basketballs; and baseballs. On the other hand you have defamed my reputation by insinuating that I love men's testicals and extended genitalia. I will not allow those unsupported allegations to stand!
You have left me with no other recourse, so as much as I hate to do this I am left with no choice but to start a flame war:

Originally posted by armadafalls
Mr. McFlyGuy,

I find your comments to be offensive and reprehensible! I was merely teasing you about being a sports fan. When I changed your qoute to say "I love balls" I was referring to footballs; basketballs; and baseballs. On the other hand you have defamed my reputation by insinuating that I love men's testicals and extended genitalia. I will not allow those unsupported allegations to stand!
You have left me with no other recourse, so as much as I hate to do this I am left with no choice but to start a flame war:


Dub J's new avatar is the coolest! I love Daniel Bryan or Brian Danielson or whatever you want to call him.
Originally posted by armadafalls
Dub J's new avatar is the coolest! I love Daniel Bryan or Brian Danielson or whatever you want to call him. I want to smell his dick

Being that he's a man I'm sure that you do love him.....
Dub J
Originally posted by armadafalls
Dub J's new avatar is the coolest! I love Daniel Bryan or Brian Danielson or whatever you want to call him.

fuken WWE making him change his name.

frickin' geniuses

Originally posted by Dub J
Originally posted by armadafalls

Dub J's new avatar is the coolest! I love Daniel Bryan or Brian Danielson or whatever you want to call him.

fuken WWE making him change his name.

frickin' geniuses

Usually I would agree with you...the WWE tends to mess up established wrestlers' gimmicks and personas (that is the main reason Sting will never join the WWE). But in the case of Daniel Bryan, I love everthing that the WWE has done with this guy since he won the World Heavyweight Championship from the Big Show. Bryan was already the most technically sound wrestler in the WWE. Hell, nobody has better in-ring techniques then Daniel Bryan (with the exception, of couse, of Dolph Ziggler's ability to sell it when another Wrestler does a move to Ziggler). But now Daniel Bryan is also the most entertaining Wrestler to watch in the WWE. Hell I am more captivated by Daniel Bryan's interviews and vignettes then by most of the matchs on Raw and Smackdown. A lot of that was the choices that WWE creative made with the Daniel Bryan character and the slow build tempo they have set for him. Daniel Bryan has given new life to the Kane character; established AJ Lee as a bona fide superstar; helped carry the CM Punk title matches this past year; and is now making the tag team division of WWE relevant again.

Dub J
Why change his name from Bryan Danielson to Daniel Bryan?

that's retarded

That I agree with. The name change was stupid. The WWE really did not know what to do with this guy from the moment he appeared on the first season of Nexus until he cashed in his Money in the Bank suitcase on the Big Show. He was a just a vanilla baby-face wrestler who lacked any personality for the first year or two of his WWE career (See Alex Riley). That story-line involving Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim and the Bella Twins was awful. But over time WWE's creative team got the feel for him and really started something awesome. Now he is red hot!! That story-line with Daniel Bryan, AJ Lee, CM Punk and Kane from this last summer was the most compelling television (not just Wrestling but any televised show) that I watched all summer long. And WWE could have ruined EVERYTHING with that stupid wedding between AJ Lee and Daniel Bryan. But, to their credit, they had Daniel Bryan's character get stood up at his own wedding and turn bat-shit crazy. Oh my god...he is so funny now. Those Anger Management skits were the best.
Dub J
I think Bryan has been successful in spite of the WWE writers. He and Punk both had a cult-like following before they ever stepped foot in a WWE ring.

As far as the AJ storyline...if I live to be a thousand that will still not make any sense. Okay, she leaves him at the altar to become GM of Raw? lol that's just plain stupid.

I am equally in disbelief that the WWE is obviously gearing up to give Ryback a huge push. The guy is obviously not even remotely as strong as he looks and he literally only knows 3 moves (I'm not exaggerating). He's clumsy as hell in the ring. I was embarrassed for him last Monday night.

Dub J
If they give Ryback a shot at a title any time soon I am pretty much done with WWE. To be fair, I'm an old NWA/WCW guy that just started getting back into wrestling in the last couple of months.

Dub J
Originally posted by armadafalls
(with the exception, of couse, of Dolph Ziggler's ability to sell it when another Wrestler does a move to Ziggler).

Dolph Ziggler sucks. He oversells badly in every match. Two weeks ago on Raw Kofi missed him by a mile with a drop kick and Ziggler flies to the mat like he was dead. A better wrestler would have improvised and played it as if he intentionally stepped away from the drop kick rather than try to stick with the script and look like a jackass.

Only thing worse is Seamus' no sells. Notice how Damien Sandow beat the living hell out of him last Monday and Seamus kicked out at barely a one count every single time he was pinned?

WTF is our league forum the one that is turned into the WWE Forum
Originally posted by Dub J
Dolph Ziggler sucks. He oversells badly in every match.

Most Wrestlers love to work with Dolph Ziggler as he always makes his opponent look like a Superstar. I have never seen him oversell a move. Sometimes, especially when he wrestles Sin Cara or Sheamus, he may look like he is overselling a move, but I have always suspected that was because his oppenent badly botched a "crucial" move. I think he gets victimized by sloppy performances by other Wrestlers when he is supposed to hit certain time marks in these live matches in order to keep the whole thing on schedule.

Well I don't want to alienate the rest of the league with our WWE threads, so I will get back to mindlessly trading homophobic insults with Mr. McFlyGuy and DarkRogue:

uhhhh.......You guys really like members of the same sex in a romantic fashion.... There I showed up Mr. McFlyGuy and DarkRogue.....oh ya and the reason your footballl teams suck is because your sexual preference somehow renders you less competent to gameplan and design and build Dots.......I guess.

Congratulations Mr. McFlyGuy!! You managed to derail me and Dub J's interesting analysis of the current state of the Sports Entertainment industry and redirect the forum back to junior high level banter.

Edited by armadafalls on Oct 3, 2012 18:05:09

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