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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Week 10 Hitmen vs Purples
Originally posted by danchrism
Originally posted by ccgarland

Hmm. Semantics on a forum is pretty much all one can go by. I can't see your face nor hear inflection in your voice. I have to go by what is typed. So come to the board, make snide hit and run comments, and then act like I am thin skinned when I am offended. The MO is weak and your attempt to be "the civil one" doesnt hide your bitchiness. If it wasn't a sore spot with you guys you wouldn't bring it up everytime you speak of us. It would make some sense if we had a superior team, but the jealousy is misplaced my friend.

I'm not even jealous of you guys. We've attained the exact same amount of success this season. Again, what's the point of being jealous? How could my team somehow benefit from that? Could we get a winning %age of 1.001 to edge out your 1.000? Them dots ain't connecting, amigo. Maybe I shouldn't have poked at what's obviously a soft spot for you, but I don't run around monitoring what my teammates' agents say. I can't define their intent, but I can define mine, and I think neutral third parties can read the multiplicity of "I was joking" posts and deduce that I was... joking.

At this point, you're left with two options: Drag out something that I'm now telling you for the FOURTH time doesn't even exist, or don't and roll with the original intent of my post. I can't make that decision for you.

Then what is the point of continuing to point out how many people are involved in our team? We have not commented on you guys having dozens of GMs. You certainly have no reason to be jealous, yet we continue to read about how many agents are involved with our team.

It's not a sore point with me personally. If someone with an inferior squad made the remark, I wouldn't say a word. But you guys have a better roster than us and still can't get over the composition of our ownership.

I know what the original intent of your post was/is and I am not going to "laugh it off". There was nothing friendly about either of your remarks and I am not going to take them as such. So continue to label us and me however you wish, but don't expect me to be cordial to your backhanded insults.
Originally posted by ccgarland
Originally posted by danchrism

Originally posted by ccgarland

All I can say is wait and see. Everyone thought we would blow out our division opponents and we barely squeaked by. Everyone thought we would blow out Dallas in the league championship and they should have beaten us. We are really not that good. No false modesty, just a realistic outlook. I will be very surprised if this game is close and I will be SHOCKED if we win.

You'll be shocked if both of you win...?

Not this bullshit again. Dont pretend we (the 5 of us) have some kind of huge advantage over you guys. You out-level us at most positions. You have alot more people to scout and recruit. Your sarcastic remarks make you look small and do nothing but give you some kind of built in excuse if you lose and something to pump your chest out if you win. I wish we could crush you guys because of this type of stupid comment and I'll be perfectly honest... if we do beat you I will come to this board and rub your noses in it as severely as I can (but not as much as you will if you win).

Peat is a clown and semi-funny. But the whining he and his teammates continue to do show what he truly is- small.

Just know this, on tuesday, on that very simfield, the Purples are gonna lay the Smackdown on all 5 of you're Candy Asses, If ya smelllllalalalalaalalala, what the Kiefer....... is cookin!!!!!

(the preceding announcement was NOT paid for by Da NOLA Brah!!!)
Originally posted by ccgarland
Originally posted by danchrism

Originally posted by ccgarland

Hmm. Semantics on a forum is pretty much all one can go by. I can't see your face nor hear inflection in your voice. I have to go by what is typed. So come to the board, make snide hit and run comments, and then act like I am thin skinned when I am offended. The MO is weak and your attempt to be "the civil one" doesnt hide your bitchiness. If it wasn't a sore spot with you guys you wouldn't bring it up everytime you speak of us. It would make some sense if we had a superior team, but the jealousy is misplaced my friend.

I'm not even jealous of you guys. We've attained the exact same amount of success this season. Again, what's the point of being jealous? How could my team somehow benefit from that? Could we get a winning %age of 1.001 to edge out your 1.000? Them dots ain't connecting, amigo. Maybe I shouldn't have poked at what's obviously a soft spot for you, but I don't run around monitoring what my teammates' agents say. I can't define their intent, but I can define mine, and I think neutral third parties can read the multiplicity of "I was joking" posts and deduce that I was... joking.

At this point, you're left with two options: Drag out something that I'm now telling you for the FOURTH time doesn't even exist, or don't and roll with the original intent of my post. I can't make that decision for you.

Then what is the point of continuing to point out how many people are involved in our team? We have not commented on you guys having dozens of GMs. You certainly have no reason to be jealous, yet we continue to read about how many agents are involved with our team.

It's not a sore point with me personally. If someone with an inferior squad made the remark, I wouldn't say a word. But you guys have a better roster than us and still can't get over the composition of our ownership.

I know what the original intent of your post was/is and I am not going to "laugh it off". There was nothing friendly about either of your remarks and I am not going to take them as such. So continue to label us and me however you wish, but don't expect me to be cordial to your backhanded insults.

Wow. I have no words for this. Bygones = bygones. Your repeated self-defense in the face of me repeatedly and plainly telling you that I was joking leaves me shocked at how dumbfounded I should actually be at this point.

To make it clear again, I was joking in the post that started all of this; I can't make you get my sense of humour but I can explain it as needed, which I have done repeatedly. Maybe if I called all of my fellow GMs out here to post in unison with me, it'd seep in?

Either I'm failing the Turing test or you're really this vapid, and I'd really like to not believe either of those scenarios...
I've heard from my grandmothers dad, that the son of her neigbours daughter friend knows a person who is joking around this board quite some. I forgot his name. Maybe it was something like dan chisum? Oh wait, it's danchrism. He is also called the joker.
what in the blue fuck???
you get pissy if we say we aren't good and pissy if we say we are???

screw it then, fuck you and your ONE other fucking guy on the team...
oh that's right, 5 because after all you said so and no one lies on the interwebs...

its a game francis, a game that me and my players really have little invested in in the grand scheme of things. OBVIOUSLY it bothers you a bit more than it bothers us because you are acting like you have sand in your vag. you making a pearl down there?
furthermore, please eat an entire bag of penises...
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 03:46:40
good, some old fashioned hate. bout time you pansies from pisstown and vagrantville manned up and said what was on your mind instead of acting like huge vaginas and crying about our ownership. The only reason I have sand in my shorts is because YOU are a whiney little kuunt**

If there is a GLB god please let us beat the Nawlonz trash, even if we lose every other game. It would be worth it because I know how steamed you'd be if the TWO of us beat your sorry ass. bag of penises huh... nola fag
Vermont secretly hopes you two beat the ever living shit out of each other..thereby rendering your entire squads to the DL..allowing Vermont and a handful of other teams to get through the first couple of rounds of the playoffs uncontested.

Wheres my popcorn..dis gonna be fun.
what a fucking douche bag. fuck you and bobby bowden, you anus jizz!
so tell us about the conversation on your board??? must be quite a hoot huh? yeah, so fucking skilled to manage you and your buddy...

so which one of you is the bitch in the relationship? I guess you because you complain like you are on the rag...
Originally posted by nolecharlie
crying about our ownership.

Truth hurts, much?

All jokes are funny, until you're the victim?

Which is it, 26nolesCharlie?
Wow, talk about some schizo behavior. You know, we actually discussed this "issue" in a thread near the beginning of the season. I remember respectfully laying out my concern, and ccgarland came into the thread and responded like a man, and if we had any problem with your response, we would have said so in that thread. The truth is, we all accepted what you had to say and we were done with it.

Until today, did anyone on our team mention your two accounts with 45 players? No, I don't believe so. It was such a non-issue, in fact, that danchrism felt comfortable joking about it. You guys didn't roll with it, and instead, decided to take offense. It's funny how the both of you call US "bitches" and "whiners", when clearly, you can't handle a little friendly ribbing.

Why did you get overly defensive? Is it because you've heard it before? I'm sure you have, and you will hear it in every league you play in. YOU are the guys that need to get over it, not the rest of the league. You say that our roster is better and you don't have an advantage. That is complete horse-shit, and I don't know how you expect anyone to believe you. We all have access to the rosters, we can all see we don't have a level advantage over you, and everyone can see that your "situation" allows you to be 2-4 deep at every position.

TLDR: If you want to own your whole team to get a leg up, that's fine, but YOU TWO need to learn how to deal with the smack talk that's going to arise because of it. It's not going to change no matter what league you're in, because you are going to be playing against teams and owners that did it the hard way. So, YOU TWO stop being little bitches. YOU TWO man up and kick some ass and develop a thick skin real quick or YOU TWO will be a joke like the rest of the "I own my whole team" losers.

I mean shit, I thought you two were cool, at least. I don't know if you're both drunk or on the rag, but talk about mood swings. Holy fuck, lol.
keep it classy Atlanta...
NOLA/Katrina comments are so fucking funny!!!
Which of his personalities said that? I did enjoy the "look in the mirror" comment. Some real 6th grade shit right there. Hey Onepeat, you'd better watch out or he's going to want to meet you at the bike racks after school. He might bring all five of his personalities out for that one.
Originally posted by nolecharlie
I dont care about you or that filth hole you represent. eat a bag of crap... I am sure there are hundreds of bags of it on the sidewalks there in the land of hobos.

Last edited Jun 30, 2008 19:48:44
Oh ... yeah, pure class.
I will be watching, we have a certin lost tuesday so I am just going to see the score to my game and then hurry over to you guys and watch that! can't wait!

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