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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Rigged ?? The Explanation ...
Originally posted by davitrav30

WHY do I feel that my team is personally being attacked ? Its simple. Even the timing of the simmed games have been changed. The first 6 games of the season it was like clockwork, my teams would always play there games like 30 minutes before the sheduled time. Basically, my team was in one of the first groups of games to be simmed. But now ... for some very strange reason, my game has been moved to be the very last one in the league AFTER everyone elses has been simmed ? I find that very odd. Its almost like mine has been moved to the last so that special editing can be implemented. Do NOT tell me that the DESIGNER and OWNER of this game does not have the ability to edit games. He sure does ! And right now I am accusing him of being involved in shady business practices. I will contact the Better Business Bureau to have them investigate. This is a business and people pay REAL MONEY to participate and all that I have ever wanted was a FAIR playing experience.

This is my favorite part.

Originally posted by Bountytaker
For those that are interested, here's the "original" rigged thread.

Originally posted by

Greetings. I am the owner of a team called Madden Nation over in the USA A # 2 league. I would like to announce to all goal line blitz players that this game is definitely rigged. The sim engine does not give everyone a fair sim. It only gives 'certain' teams fair sims. Bort personally has a lot to do with fair sims and I have proof.

Lets take a look at my team. Madden Nation.

As you can see, in the first 6 games of the season, Madden Nation was pretty much an unstoppable team with a 5-1 record. We dropped 83 points on Michigan and 77 on New Jersey.

After that 6th game is where my living hell with this game began. I had a couple of players on the team that demanded trades because they were not happy with backup roles and felt they were good enough to be a starter somewhere else. I also had one of my stud LB's ask me for a release so that he could retire the player cuz he wanted to use flex points to boost another player. So anyways, to the trading forums I went. I did some wheeling and dealing to replace these players. After one particular trade was conducted, someone accused me of being involved in team gutting/collusion. I will tell you that I was not involved in that garbage. I simply made a trade in trading forums with a GM that I had never met before, and that was that. Well, I guess someone wouldnt let the issue go, so they reported me to Bort for team gutting/collusion. I was told by a GM that they were looking into the situation. I was fine with it because there was no team gutting/collusion going on. So I patiently awaited for the GM's to investigate and get back to me about there findings. I never heard anything from them. So I figured they investigated and found that it was all legit and case closed. Well ... ever since then, my team has gone to total sh*t. Game 7, we get shutout 20-0. Game 8, lose 30-10. game 9, we barely win a tough game against a very weak team that has only won 2 games ? Game 10, lose 28-6 to a lesser team. Game 11, barely win 13-6 to a weaker team with losing record ? Game 12, lose 6-3 to a team that got POUNDED 44-7 by the team that we DESTROYED 77-3 ???!?!?!?!?!?
And then todays game was the straw that broke the camels back. We TIED 3-3 to a team that we totally OUT-MATCH in almost every category ??

Also, at the beginning of the season my QB was a total stud who threw 14 TD's and only 5 INT's in the first 6 games. Keep in mind that these are my QB's stats BEFORE I got accused of gutting/collusion.
AFTER the accusation: my QB has thrown only 3 TD's and 14 INT's ???????????? WTF is going on here ?

HOW do you go from UNSTOPPABLE to an INT MACHINE ??

HOW does your team go from 5-1 with the #1 ranked offense in the league to a 7-5-1 record with one of the WORST offenses in the league ?? Something very fishy is going on here. I feel that higher powers are screwing with my team. Why ? All because some idiot accused me of gutting/collusion and now losing is my payback from Bort ? Thats garbage.

WHY do I feel that my team is personally being attacked ? Its simple. Even the timing of the simmed games have been changed. The first 6 games of the season it was like clockwork, my teams would always play there games like 30 minutes before the sheduled time. Basically, my team was in one of the first groups of games to be simmed. But now ... for some very strange reason, my game has been moved to be the very last one in the league AFTER everyone elses has been simmed ? I find that very odd. Its almost like mine has been moved to the last so that special editing can be implemented. Do NOT tell me that the DESIGNER and OWNER of this game does not have the ability to edit games. He sure does ! And right now I am accusing him of being involved in shady business practices. I will contact the Better Business Bureau to have them investigate. This is a business and people pay REAL MONEY to participate and all that I have ever wanted was a FAIR playing experience.

I know that there will be a LOT of you who will agree with me, and a lot of you who will disagree with me and tell me to stop crying/whining. But honestly, even a monkey could take one look at my roster and tell you that I have one of the BEST mixture of players that there possibly could be in this game. Heck, I proved it when we went 5-1 and were blowing teams away 77-3 and 83-6. But now all of a sudden my offense has went into shutdown mode ? Bullsh*t.

And dont tell me that it is my teams chemistry that is the problem either. There are plenty of teams out there with garbage chemistry that are still steam-rolling through the league.
Tecmo All Stars

Even IF chemistry was a factor ... its not going to TOTALLY shutdown my offense to where we cannot score a single point or to where we can only score ONE FG ????????? If anything it should only penalize us a fraction.

I have spent hundreds of dollars on this game to purchase a team, create players, boost players, and buy custom equipment. Why would you screw with a paying customer ? Do you think that I enjoy sitting here watching my team crumble ? Its garbage.

Some of you guys are missing my whole point.

BEFORE I got accused of team gutting/collusion, I felt the sims were FAIR.

AFTER I was accused, is when I started to suspect some UNFAIRNESS.

Just take a look at my Teams chemistry. Thats all the proof you really need. I have had basically the same exact offensive players since last season. The only players I added to Offense were a Guard, 2 HB's, a Kicker, and an OT. Thats only FOUR offensive player moves. WHY is my offensive chemistry down to 49 ??????????????
Maybe chemistry alone is the single factor that shutdown my offense, but my question is HOW did it get so low from 4 player moves ?????? I feel that Bort or someone secretly PENALIZED my offense somehow by deleting some extra chemistry points from my team. At least let someone know about a penalty if your going to penalize a team.

On defense, I made like 10-15 roster moves. Why is my defensive chemistry 70 ? Shouldnt it be LOWER than the Offense / Something is up.

Seems like the story has changed a least upon a quick perusal.

Ypur right, the story did change because back then I had no clue how much chemistry affected the outcome of games. And then I realized that chemistry was causing a shitload of good regular season teams to get beat in the Playoffs. So basically I knew that Bort had jacked with my team, I just didnt realize how. When we first started losing games last season, I did not realize that my chemistry had been jacked with. I was fine with the chemistry hits that I took from making trades. I was willing to live with it. But what I didnt realize was that more chemistry was unexplainably taking away overnight. Chemistry dropped from 50 down to the 20's with no more trades being conducted. And I did not comment or add anymore corrections to the original post because ... ummm ... lets see ... wow ... the thread was LOCKED ? Dumbass.
Originally posted by davitrav30

Ypur right, the story did change because back then I had no clue how much chemistry affected the outcome of games. And then I realized that chemistry was causing a shitload of good regular season teams to get beat in the Playoffs. So basically I knew that Bort had jacked with my team, I just didnt realize how. When we first started losing games last season, I did not realize that my chemistry had been jacked with. I was fine with the chemistry hits that I took from making trades. I was willing to live with it. But what I didnt realize was that more chemistry was unexplainably taking away overnight. Chemistry dropped from 50 down to the 20's with no more trades being conducted. And I did not comment or add anymore corrections to the original post because ... ummm ... lets see ... wow ... the thread was LOCKED ? Dumbass.

Rocky Top
Rocky Top
Let's see 5-3 this year with a lucky win over the Pariah's, yet you have good chemistry and you seem to be rated higher than most teams. Is it back to Bort stopping the sim and making your little dots do something that your little dots wouldn't normally do if you could control your little dots? How 'bout this, YOU CAN'T GAMEPLAN WORTH A SHIT!

i can type in all caps and all lowercase....
Last edited Jun 27, 2008 18:52:04
Team chemistry is the composition of a team and the relationships among team members.
Originally posted by prthdinhoc
Let's see 5-3 this year with a lucky win over the Pariah's, yet you have good chemistry and you seem to be rated higher than most teams. Is it back to Bort stopping the sim and making your little dots do something that your little dots wouldn't normally do if you could control your little dots? How 'bout this, YOU CAN'T GAMEPLAN WORTH A SHIT!

i can type in all caps and all lowercase....

7/11 we will see how well we can gameplan.
I cannot tolerate this. Help me understand why you guys would respond. Why? Why? Why would you. Why am I here.
When I said the story had changed, I was refrencing this:

Originally posted by
I never said that Bort was going in and personally editing scores and stats of Madden games as they were being played.

Which seemed contradictory to this:

Originally posted by
Even the timing of the simmed games have been changed. The first 6 games of the season it was like clockwork, my teams would always play there games like 30 minutes before the sheduled time. Basically, my team was in one of the first groups of games to be simmed. But now ... for some very strange reason, my game has been moved to be the very last one in the league AFTER everyone elses has been simmed ? I find that very odd. Its almost like mine has been moved to the last so that special editing can be implemented. Do NOT tell me that the DESIGNER and OWNER of this game does not have the ability to edit games. He sure does ! And right now I am accusing him of being involved in shady business practices.

Seems like a different story to me.

Had no idea that you meant to "edit" out that other part later on after the thread was locked. I certainly am a dumbass when I can't read someone's mind, and end up calling them out on the only actual written evidence they have. Stupid me.
Originally posted by stamango
I cannot tolerate this. Help me understand why you guys would respond. Why? Why? Why would you. Why am I here.

I will give you something to tolerate boy ! Im almost ashamed of you being from Dallas !
Rocky Top
Originally posted by stamango
I cannot tolerate this. Help me understand why you guys would respond. Why? Why? Why would you. Why am I here.

Excellent point. I'm out
Davitrav30 hates trailer trash and he lives in Dallas.... Oh and he also hates irony.
Originally posted by vgaff
Davitrav30 hates trailer trash and he lives in Dallas.... Oh and he also hates irony.

Originally posted by vgaff
Davitrav30 hates trailer trash and he lives in Dallas.... Oh and he also hates irony.

Have you ever even been to Dallas ? Obviously not. You will have to look very hard to find a trailer park in Dallas. But all I have to do to find a trailer park in Iowa City is take the first exit I see into the city and there will be a trailer park. Actually, I bet Iowa City is one of those places where people buy double wides (if they can afford it) and puts it on a secluded lot and thinks it is the nicest home they have ever had. Haha !
Yeah guys there are no trailers in Dallas. Just individuals who represent a big percentage of the lower-IQ'd population of America. Go Texas.

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