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Originally posted by MichN18
Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

Mich, to me you are cool and I have no problem with someone who wants a team without all the politics of whiner player owner's, BUT, the ORG is a whole diff situation...
putting guys that obviously belong in pro leagues into a new league just to pad stats is just stupid, gutting a team and calling it fair....stupid. And the ENDZONE is cool with me too, cuz they ain't pulling from 3 or 4 diff teams....I have no problem getting beat by them.
Originally posted by joecabezuela
Originally posted by MichN18

Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

Mich, to me you are cool and I have no problem with someone who wants a team without all the politics of whiner player owner's, BUT, the ORG is a whole diff situation...
putting guys that obviously belong in pro leagues into a new league just to pad stats is just stupid, gutting a team and calling it fair....stupid. And the ENDZONE is cool with me too, cuz they ain't pulling from 3 or 4 diff teams....I have no problem getting beat by them.

I agree with you on everything except for the last part.
Lol, it's okay, we didn't get beat by them...and we will look for revenge in the playoffs against doubt I will be spending hours planning for that game if we get to it.

Tiger guys, I respectfully request we keep our comments to our boards. I would rather let our playing talk for ourselves.


Originally posted by MichN18
Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

You should've seen the recruiting that we did pre-season 3. Talk about hard work, my fingers were hurting from typing so much!

We did nothing against the rules, and if you wanna be pissed about us being better than you guys, go ahead. It's just like people being pissed at the Patriots for going 16-0 last season. It's just because they were the best team (until the Giants beat them of course); and this is coming from a Jets fan!

And if you want to put in your backups against us and let us win, that's your loss. By doing that, you would be accepting that we would beat you anyway and that we are the better team. Maybe we'll just put our backups in against your team, just to show we can beat you any way we want (just kidding, we won't actually do that). Putting your backups in as starters against us would be the most childish thing to do. The best thing to do would be to try your hardest, and hope for a lucky game sim. Anything can happen, but by letting us win, you would be completely ruining your chances of winning, and of having fun playing GLB.
Last edited Jul 1, 2008 17:21:29
Originally posted by Hard_Hitta
Originally posted by joecabezuela

Originally posted by MichN18

Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

Mich, to me you are cool and I have no problem with someone who wants a team without all the politics of whiner player owner's, BUT, the ORG is a whole diff situation...
putting guys that obviously belong in pro leagues into a new league just to pad stats is just stupid, gutting a team and calling it fair....stupid. And the ENDZONE is cool with me too, cuz they ain't pulling from 3 or 4 diff teams....I have no problem getting beat by them.

I agree with you on everything except for the last part.

Why? Would that be such a shame for you?

Congrats on the win, BTW
Originally posted by DSi
Originally posted by MichN18

Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

You should've seen the recruiting that we did pre-season 3. Talk about hard work, my fingers were hurting from typing so much!

We did nothing against the rules, and if you wanna be pissed about us being better than you guys, go ahead. It's just like people being pissed at the Patriots for going 16-0 last season. It's just because they were the best team (until the Giants beat them of course); and this is coming from a Jets fan!

And if you want to put in your backups against us and let us win, that's your loss. By doing that, you would be accepting that we would beat you anyway and that we are the better team. Maybe we'll just put our backups in against your team, just to show we can beat you any way we want (just kidding, we won't actually do that). Putting your backups in as starters against us would be the most childish thing to do. The best thing to do would be to try your hardest, and hope for a lucky game sim. Anything can happen, but by letting us win, you would be completely ruining your chances of winning, and of having fun playing GLB.

Just to be clear, even though you quoted my post, I didn't say any of the things you referenced in your post. I'm guessing you just quoted mine for convenience's sake. Rest assured, if we meet in the league championship, my starters will be in. Not that there's any difference between my starters and my back-ups, but you see my point.
starter = backups

Depth is so important in this game, especially once they start putting injuries into this game.
Originally posted by joecabezuela
Originally posted by Twolf1

Interesting reading...I know all of the conspiracy theorist' would have us loading up thru the org, but we only got three players from the transition, one of which I had to release, net two. I know all of you have made comments of gutting and colusion, my statement to that is we did it open, announced and above board. As many players went out of the org as we kept. If it was inappropriate, admin would have stepped in and voided the transactions. We were careful to keep it fair as we knew we would be scrutinized (as we have been).

It was unfortunated that SPROVO left, but stuff happens and we have to deal with it. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, because it would leave everoyne with nothing to talk about, but thats the official version from the Travelers.

just hurry up and win out so we can get rid of you guys.........

just cuz you guys "Announced" that you guys were going to gut a team doesn't make it o.k.

and the ONLY reason the admins don't say anything is because of the money you guys put into this......

USAORG is just a bunch of 45 yr old men who live at home in mommy's basement spending all their allowance on this game.....which makes them feel more like men since the're all a sorry excuse of a man....(But at least they can feel like men if they dominate a "Brand New League" with guys from "season one"..........
you guys are embarassing to this game!!!

Agreed, just because I tell everyone Im going to punch an Old lady in the face while crossing the street before I do it does not make it any less of a douchebag move. THe admins dont do anything about this stuff and havent when anyone has in the past, they want their money and honestly It is starting to get old, Both leagues I am in have a team that has done this and it is BS. Luckily this wasnt as bad as the first instance I had with a gutted team, the other league I am in had a 0-6 team get 34 new players in one day due to the owner and his brother and girlfriend combining three teams into one in the lowest league which happened to be the league my new team was in....and they still missed the playoffs. lol. Do as you see fit, it is just disheartening to everyone else who does things on the up and up but at least you guys will have your fun.
Anyways on a positive note, any non playoff teams who have quality players who would like to be in the playoffs, the Dreadnoks are holding an inter league draft in which we hold every draft pick and if you release your player you can sign with us to beat the ORG in week 16 so that they dont reach the playoffs undefeated and there is nothing wrong with it because you are just releasing them and giving them the option to be drafted by the Dreadnoks, Please make sure to discuss this internally to ensure that none of the players being released intend to go anywhere other than Melbourne though, because if thats the case then I probably wouldnt release them....
Originally posted by gambrinus843
Anyways on a positive note, any non playoff teams who have quality players who would like to be in the playoffs, the Dreadnoks are holding an inter league draft in which we hold every draft pick and if you release your player you can sign with us to beat the ORG in week 16 so that they dont reach the playoffs undefeated and there is nothing wrong with it because you are just releasing them and giving them the option to be drafted by the Dreadnoks, Please make sure to discuss this internally to ensure that none of the players being released intend to go anywhere other than Melbourne though, because if thats the case then I probably wouldnt release them....

Too funny!
Originally posted by gambrinus843
Anyways on a positive note, any non playoff teams who have quality players who would like to be in the playoffs, the Dreadnoks are holding an inter league draft in which we hold every draft pick and if you release your player you can sign with us to beat the ORG in week 16 so that they dont reach the playoffs undefeated and there is nothing wrong with it because you are just releasing them and giving them the option to be drafted by the Dreadnoks, Please make sure to discuss this internally to ensure that none of the players being released intend to go anywhere other than Melbourne though, because if thats the case then I probably wouldnt release them....

Well I will give you credit, you have a passion to beat us.

OK, OK..........I'm a little calmed down now.....USAORG....I'm over the whole RANT and RAVE and "I HATE YOU" attitude I had....
I'm just gonna have the "If the ref don't throw a flag, then it's not a penalty!" mentality......
and you'll be getting our team at full effort....see you in a couple days
Originally posted by joecabezuela
OK, OK..........I'm a little calmed down now.....USAORG....I'm over the whole RANT and RAVE and "I HATE YOU" attitude I had....
I'm just gonna have the "If the ref don't throw a flag, then it's not a penalty!" mentality......
and you'll be getting our team at full effort....see you in a couple days

Thanks Joe, we'll put in our backups to give you a chance...

Originally posted by Twolf1
Originally posted by joecabezuela

OK, OK..........I'm a little calmed down now.....USAORG....I'm over the whole RANT and RAVE and "I HATE YOU" attitude I had....
I'm just gonna have the "If the ref don't throw a flag, then it's not a penalty!" mentality......
and you'll be getting our team at full effort....see you in a couple days

Thanks Joe, we'll put in our backups to give you a chance...

LOL better stop messing around......I can take whatever you got.....don't pull no punches....i have plenty of bandaids, neosporin and ice packs........bring it full force baby...


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