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Originally posted by Loonzilla
The Packers O-line is going to get worked IMO. Pittsburgh 24-14 and the old crafty vet Hines Ward will be the MVP.

LOL and Pitts won't ???????....It is going to be a nasty game ...plain and simple
Originally posted by herbdawg
LOL and Pitts won't ???????....It is going to be a nasty game ...plain and simple

half to agree with this one. Pittsburgh O-Line is not going to be in any better position.
It will be 27-24 Steelers. Rodgers is a great QB but he will not be able to overcome all that the Steelers bring to the table. The packs lack of a consistent running game will hamstring them in this game.
Originally posted by Seric
Originally posted by Packers27

Experience will play nothing in this game. Experience is over-rated. Wanna talk about that, Big Ben has experience holding the ball for 8 seconds while he looks for open receivers. Lets see what he does when GB sends the heat after him. It doesn't matter if the Steelers D is better than Chicago's, Chicago plays us tough anyway and the Steelers had problems closing the Jets out. We shut the Jets out on their turf in the season. Yall gave them 19 points. How much are the Steelers gonna give us? BTW, our defense is better than the Steelers, so is our offense. Fairly easy win for the Packers.

Heat on him? Seriously? What game has he played where he DIDN'T have heat all over him?

Seriously did you just say your defense is better than the Steelers?

Post season stats

Total Defense

Steelers ranked #1
Green Bay ranked #3

Passing yard per game

Steelers ranked #2
Green Bay ranked #7

Rushing yards per game

Steelers ranked #1
Green Bay ranked #2

Sure as hell doesn't look like Green Bay's defense is better than the Steelers.

Regular Season rankings

Total Defense

Steelers ranked #2
Green Bay ranked #5

Passing yard per game

Steelers ranked #12
Green Bay ranked #5

Rushing yards per game

Steelers ranked #1
Green Bay ranked #18

So please tell me, where in all this does it show the Packers defense being better than the Steelers?

It is not going to be an easy win for EITHER team and to think it will be is just straight up stupidity.

You talk about us giving up 19 points to the Jets when you guys gave up only 5 less to the Bears and let the THIRD string QB lead the Bears to 14 points. but yeah you're so much better on defense than us. Did you bother to watch the Steelers game? They were on auto pilot on offense in the second half. Only threw it when necessary. 43 runs to 19 passes for the entire game.

As for experience matters none, we'll see come next sunday.

Apparently the heat wasn't that bad if Big Ben is evading the blitzes. The difference bewteen the Packers heat and other teams heat is our secondary. We got the CBs to lock down the receivers. The blitzes work much better when you have guys who can cover. Plus, the Packers are a 6th seed gonig into the playoffs and they're 2.5 points favorites. Those guys in Vegas and all around the world must see something in our guys. We're red hot!!!!! The trophy means more to us than anyone else and I think everyone can agree on that. That alone will make us want it more.

Its gonna be a damn good game, dont get me wrong but I think we'll win it. I'm not being bias. I'm just being honest. If Pitt wins it outright then I wont be shocked. They're good too
Originally posted by Packers27
Apparently the heat wasn't that bad if Big Ben is evading the blitzes. The difference bewteen the Packers heat and other teams heat is our secondary. We got the CBs to lock down the receivers. The blitzes work much better when you have guys who can cover. Plus, the Packers are a 6th seed gonig into the playoffs and they're 2.5 points favorites. Those guys in Vegas and all around the world must see something in our guys. We're red hot!!!!! The trophy means more to us than anyone else and I think everyone can agree on that. That alone will make us want it more.

Its gonna be a damn good game, dont get me wrong but I think we'll win it. I'm not being bias. I'm just being honest. If Pitt wins it outright then I wont be shocked. They're good too

It's one thing to be confident in your team but right now you're bordering on straight out homerism. The Packers are good, yes, but they are not some super team that can't be beat. Remember, you have pretty much played 5 straight playoff games. Had you lost either of the final 2 games in the regular season, you wouldn't have even made the playoffs. We play the Ravens twice a year. A team who's defense is always near the top in the entire NFL pretty much every single year.

Packers gave up 56 yards in 2 catches to Knox, 45 yards and a TD in 3 catches to Bennett in the game against the Bears. They gave up 93 yards and a TD in 6 catches to Avant, 73 yards in 3 catches to Maclin, and 47 yards in 2 catches to Jackson. So don't act like your CBs aren't prone to allowing big plays.

Not to mention we have 3 WRs that have been performing great lately. Emmanuel Sanders, Mike Wallace and Antonio Brown. Not to mention one of the better possession receivers around in Hines Ward.

Be the favorites, the Steelers prefer it that way. Wanting it more? Same thing could have been said for the Cardinals in XLIII and the Seahawks in XL. They both lost.
Good write up for both McCarthy and Tomlin
Originally posted by Seric
Originally posted by Packers27

Apparently the heat wasn't that bad if Big Ben is evading the blitzes. The difference bewteen the Packers heat and other teams heat is our secondary. We got the CBs to lock down the receivers. The blitzes work much better when you have guys who can cover. Plus, the Packers are a 6th seed gonig into the playoffs and they're 2.5 points favorites. Those guys in Vegas and all around the world must see something in our guys. We're red hot!!!!! The trophy means more to us than anyone else and I think everyone can agree on that. That alone will make us want it more.

Its gonna be a damn good game, dont get me wrong but I think we'll win it. I'm not being bias. I'm just being honest. If Pitt wins it outright then I wont be shocked. They're good too

It's one thing to be confident in your team but right now you're bordering on straight out homerism. The Packers are good, yes, but they are not some super team that can't be beat. Remember, you have pretty much played 5 straight playoff games. Had you lost either of the final 2 games in the regular season, you wouldn't have even made the playoffs. We play the Ravens twice a year. A team who's defense is always near the top in the entire NFL pretty much every single year.

Packers gave up 56 yards in 2 catches to Knox, 45 yards and a TD in 3 catches to Bennett in the game against the Bears. They gave up 93 yards and a TD in 6 catches to Avant, 73 yards in 3 catches to Maclin, and 47 yards in 2 catches to Jackson. So don't act like your CBs aren't prone to allowing big plays.

Not to mention we have 3 WRs that have been performing great lately. Emmanuel Sanders, Mike Wallace and Antonio Brown. Not to mention one of the better possession receivers around in Hines Ward.

Be the favorites, the Steelers prefer it that way. Wanting it more? Same thing could have been said for the Cardinals in XLIII and the Seahawks in XL. They both lost.

Let me break down your post for you. First off, I'm not bias. I already said this. Yes, the Packers can be beaten. They got beat too many times this season against crappy opponents. We didnt play good football til late because we had 7 impact players that went on IR, early in the season. Thats when everyone counted us out. I'm aware that if we would've lost either one of the two last games then we wouldnt be here but the point is, we are here because we are good enough. People didnt see the Packers real game until late anyway. I'm aware that yall play the Ravens twice. We play the Bears twice and should've sweeped them. So what have we done since we been in the playoffs?? We beat Vick and the Eagles. Once in the season and beat them in Philly to knock them out. Then we beat a Atlanta Falcons team that only lost 1 home game in the last two seasons. We made them look elementary. Then we go to the Bears field and beat them. We had to earn this chance the hard way. If we hadn't lost our guys like Finley, Barnett, and Bigby then we wouldn't be talking about how the Packers barely sneaked in. Yeah, I know the Packers gave up those last minute yards to the Bears WRs because the Packers tried to go for Collins and Hanie's throats when we knocked Cutler's ass out of the game. Collins choked but Hanie made us pay for sending stupid ass delay blitzes. Thats where the yards came from. When we took Hanie a little more serious, we didnt blitz. We covered the WRs and made Hanie make his own mistake like all young QBs do. I dont hold those yards against the Packers D anyway. Its not like that hurt us to begin with LOL.

How do we match up with those WRs you've mentioned? Easy! We play alot of man and blitz the QB because we have the lockdown corners to do it with. We put Woodson on Sanders(which is a very easy task for him even though Sanders has been playing great but he doesnt face CBs like Woodson). Tramon Williams has the speed and shutdown ability. He goes on Wallace. Sam Shields goes on Brown or Ward. We have a Pro Bowl FS in Collins so there will be nothing thrown over his head. Peprah has my vote for most improved player on the team. I'd start out by playing a cover 1 with Collins as the lone safety. Bring the SS up for run support, occasional blitz or short crossing routes, We blitz from different angles. Great man coverage with disquised blitzes to Ben.
And if Ben's line can hold up and he makes us pay then we can always switch it up. Matthews will be hard to handle anyway
All in all guys it will be 1 of the better SB in recent history ......I truely believe the 2 best teams are in it
Originally posted by Packers27
Let me break down your post for you. First off, I'm not bias. I already said this. Yes, the Packers can be beaten. They got beat too many times this season against crappy opponents. We didnt play good football til late because we had 7 impact players that went on IR, early in the season. Thats when everyone counted us out. I'm aware that if we would've lost either one of the two last games then we wouldnt be here but the point is, we are here because we are good enough. People didnt see the Packers real game until late anyway. I'm aware that yall play the Ravens twice. We play the Bears twice and should've sweeped them. So what have we done since we been in the playoffs?? We beat Vick and the Eagles. Once in the season and beat them in Philly to knock them out. Then we beat a Atlanta Falcons team that only lost 1 home game in the last two seasons. We made them look elementary. Then we go to the Bears field and beat them. We had to earn this chance the hard way. If we hadn't lost our guys like Finley, Barnett, and Bigby then we wouldn't be talking about how the Packers barely sneaked in. Yeah, I know the Packers gave up those last minute yards to the Bears WRs because the Packers tried to go for Collins and Hanie's throats when we knocked Cutler's ass out of the game. Collins choked but Hanie made us pay for sending stupid ass delay blitzes. Thats where the yards came from. When we took Hanie a little more serious, we didnt blitz. We covered the WRs and made Hanie make his own mistake like all young QBs do. I dont hold those yards against the Packers D anyway. Its not like that hurt us to begin with LOL.

How do we match up with those WRs you've mentioned? Easy! We play alot of man and blitz the QB because we have the lockdown corners to do it with. We put Woodson on Sanders(which is a very easy task for him even though Sanders has been playing great but he doesnt face CBs like Woodson). Tramon Williams has the speed and shutdown ability. He goes on Wallace. Sam Shields goes on Brown or Ward. We have a Pro Bowl FS in Collins so there will be nothing thrown over his head. Peprah has my vote for most improved player on the team. I'd start out by playing a cover 1 with Collins as the lone safety. Bring the SS up for run support, occasional blitz or short crossing routes, We blitz from different angles. Great man coverage with disquised blitzes to Ben.

You can say you're not being biased all you want but your posting quite opposite.

All your talk sounds good but fact of the matter is you can get to Ben all you want, tackling him is a totally different story. The likes of Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs have issues tackling him. He's played plenty of teams that have no problem tackling yet they all have the same issues.

Originally posted by Packers27

We have a Pro Bowl FS in Collins so there will be nothing thrown over his head.

We have one of the best safeties in the league in Polomalu and even he has things that get past him.

As for beating the Eagles, the same team that was inconsistent the entire season. They'd play good then turn around and lose to teams like the Redskins, Tennessee, and Minnesota.

Atlanta, I'll give you that one.

Make all the excuses you want about the Bears game but the fact is you let a 3rd string QB lead them to 14 points. It's not like it hurt you anyways? Dude had he not thrown that last INT, the Packers could very well be watching from home while the Steelers and Bears are in the SB.

Originally posted by Packers27
And if Ben's line can hold up and he makes us pay then we can always switch it up. Matthews will be hard to handle anyway

The thing you need to remember is you really only have 1 LB that stands out and really needs to be focused on. That is Clay Matthews. Don't get me wrong A.J. Hawk is good but he doesn't have that much of an impact like Matthews. The Steelers have 3. James Harrison, LaMarr Woodley and Lawerence Timmons. Then you throw in James Farrior and Larry Foote.
Doesn't matter seric. The Steelers wont be able sack Rodgers. They cant catch him. Lets juts see how hard it is for GB to get Ben's ass on the ground.
Originally posted by Packers27
Doesn't matter seric. The Steelers wont be able sack Rodgers. They cant catch him. Lets juts see how hard it is for GB to get Ben's ass on the ground.

I have a feeling you'll be eating your words.
Seriously, are you really predicting 0 sacks by the Steelers? Would you put money behind a statement like that?
I'll put money between them tata's.. Wait is that a ban statement..
Originally posted by MileHighShoes
Originally posted by Packers27

Doesn't matter seric. The Steelers wont be able sack Rodgers. They cant catch him. Lets juts see how hard it is for GB to get Ben's ass on the ground.

I have a feeling you'll be eating your words.
Seriously, are you really predicting 0 sacks by the Steelers? Would you put money behind a statement like that?

Of course not. I'm not saying the Steelers will not get a sack on Rodgers. I'm saying that the Packers will get more. Trying to keep Rodgers from passing and running is not easy. No one has done it.
Originally posted by BobbyCox4Pres.
I'll put money between them tata's.. Wait is that a ban statement..

Me too, and no its not. I hope not

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