Originally posted by GP1
Id be willing to bet that 80% of posts in a Kai thread are by ITS or Skanker. Mostly ITS. Im lazy to check the roster. Do they have any other agents on the team?
Owned by ImTheScientist Co Owned by Skanker irl
Head Coach: Ubasstards
ST Coach: Domer
CFO: jfcvsrxb
GMs: coreyls18, Handcuffed, blacksunshyne, hokeez, UCLABUCSFAN, Brad Childress, jallowe, JuniorMcSpiffy, uoY_redruM, Cool Hand Bsby, spartans72, archstanton, rynoman01, stunzeed, aridhol, DatzHim, blazzinken, The Amplifire, Al Jack, WVtackle72, cptafw163, DAWG, raylewis22, bluesman845, jhunter, hsk1998, talmon, lemdog, Iversen5771, ElvisTCB, Nuge20, Primate, punkaweedus, BornANole, tuba_samurai, Erica, Ivy76, nightmaresabin, house54hoops, jamz, El_Windex, Hate Sighed, billthekill, sam1chlt, seahawk10, ReadingFC, StoutOne DTD, rick61, gocincinnati, PitchBlack, Dpride59, Swartzgraf, oauitam, suske127, volcomrj, supersonics, inurbase, o0oTonyTigero0o