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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR doesn't block his assigned defender - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
what's to say that the WR in those plays didn't perceive the other defender as a bigger threat? i don't think there's anything to say that the WR absolutely must block the CB. in a bunch of those replays, the CB is going backward, whereas the player that the WR blocks is going forward and in the direction of where the HB is going.

in that respect, i don't think this is a bug. however, the logic could be improved, so i won't label it as not a bug. i'll wait to see what other QAs say.
Originally posted by RMiller517

in that respect, i don't think this is a bug. however, the logic could be improved, so i won't label it as not a bug. i'll wait to see what other QAs say.

bad logic is bad logic though (and if that bad logic effects the sim in an unintended manner its considered a bug) and the WR should pretty much ALWAYS block the CB (unless it's a really weird defense, which i stated earlier), as the CB has the most open shot to stopping the HB. Plus, nowhere in the blocking assignment is the WR supposed to move anywhere near the middle of the field.
Edited by kuaggie on Jun 22, 2010 22:14:34
Originally posted by kuaggie
something definitely not right. I question what the defense looks like in that scenario as the CB does move in opposite direciton of the ball-carrier at first as well (I can't tell if he's in zone or in man, following the wayward WR). It's possible that the CB has an interior zone, causing the WR to go for, what he believes is/will be the outtermost man. Then again, i don't know any DC that would create such a poor defensive scheme.

Any idea who was DCing for these games so i can contact them and ask them what plays they think were called?

Don't know. He's the owner though -

I would imagine that he'd know.
Im sorry Ku, you bring up a good point, but I gotta agree with Rmiller. I just think that the WR is perceiving the other players as a bigger threat, and letting other players deal with the CB. The best way to "fix" this is to make an option for the WR to either block the closest threat or the biggest threat, but as it sounds that's a suggestion. I agree that its something that can be improved, but doesn't classify as a bug to me. First verification.
I am more inclined to think this is a bug. The WR Blocking in no way looks or feels like it is "working as Intended" Changing thread title to "NEEDS BUG ADMIN VERIFICATION" and Moving this to the "NEEDS TESTING" thread

All the examples given thus far:
Edited by STG on Jun 23, 2010 05:59:58
This isn't a bug - the WR is blocking what he perceives as the biggest threat and is taking him on. They do not have an assigned blocking target.

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