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Rod Long
Yeah, lets not do this shutdown "cornerback part Deaux" discussion again this season.

Just agree with me that the entire Samoa defensive line and the QB, Bob Avellini are just trying to outplay each other for MVP at this point.

With Bob its not even close. I think he's got 10? tds more than the next guy and that is while we didn't even feed him his bloodthirst but for a handful of the games.
Originally posted by MrMoose
Originally posted by deasterling32

What about a seperate "Shutdown Corner" Award. I know my CB doesnt get the stats because they've only thrown his way 13 times this year through 7 games. Of those 13 he's deflected 11, Intercepted 1 and allowed 1 completion and even then he was covering the WR, the TE and the Fb in the flats. This may hard to track, but we could nominate one per team and then narrow it down. It may not be my guy who gets it, but i know there are other CB's out there who are good at shutting thier side of the ball down(including run stopping) but wont ever see an award. Champ Bailey is considered one of the best CB's of all time and his stats will never show it. Just an idea.

Oh god, not this discussion again

We do not have the stats we need to prove this kind of stuff at this point. We would have to watch every single play of every single game to see how many times the corner has been thrown to, how many of those passes were caught, etc. I don't think there will be a need for a separate trophy when we get these stats -- you'll just vote for who you think is the best. Plus, there's still the argument I made last year -- is it fair to penalize the players on teams with good corners all around? People have to pass somewhere and all. Not to mention, teams that get ahead early will have all of their corners getting tons of passes tossed their way due to the catch-up AI.

No offense intended at all to Papeete, since I think you all are cool guys, but you really haven't blown anyone out this year, so there will be less passes in general thrown your way. Teams that get ahead early will have more passes thrown against them.

Sorry i wouldnt have brought it up had i known it was already discussed
Im not gonna touch this one with a 10 foot pole.
Rod, McAnderson is also in the MVP hunt again. I think the performance of him and Avellini in the games between Samoa, LVSB, and will probably go a long way to determining the MVP--it will either be Bob, McAnderson, or probably a Samoa d-lineman (Mister Moose in particular appears to be unblockable right now).

Of course, I don't really know what's what in Alpha. Presumably Northbrook at least has some strong contenders as well.
Originally posted by Mornacale
Rod, McAnderson is also in the MVP hunt again. I think the performance of him and Avellini in the games between Samoa, LVSB, and will probably go a long way to determining the MVP--it will either be Bob, McAnderson, or probably a Samoa d-lineman (Mister Moose in particular appears to be unblockable right now).

Of course, I don't really know what's what in Alpha. Presumably Northbrook at least has some strong contenders as well.

You're probably right. The big games will determine a lot. Unfortunately, we Inmates spread the ball around so much that no one player is dominate. Even on the D-Line Knight Mare and Mike Patterson aren't the only guys with stats.

The big guns are on Samoa and LVSB for sure.
I wish people would stop proposing dumb awards, when was the last time you saw an award for 'Best shut down corner'. If he were to make a trophy for that then he might as well make one similar to that for every position on the defense. Then the awards would be like:
Best CB/Best Shut Down Corner
Best DE/ Best Run Stopping DE
Best RB/Best Receiving RB
Best FB/Best Blocking FB

It's just pointless.
Originally posted by Tishi
Originally posted by Mornacale

Rod, McAnderson is also in the MVP hunt again. I think the performance of him and Avellini in the games between Samoa, LVSB, and will probably go a long way to determining the MVP--it will either be Bob, McAnderson, or probably a Samoa d-lineman (Mister Moose in particular appears to be unblockable right now).

Of course, I don't really know what's what in Alpha. Presumably Northbrook at least has some strong contenders as well.

You're probably right. The big games will determine a lot. Unfortunately, we Inmates spread the ball around so much that no one player is dominate. Even on the D-Line Knight Mare and Mike Patterson aren't the only guys with stats.

The big guns are on Samoa and LVSB for sure.

Yeah, that's why Samoa doesn't have standout receivers this year. Our new HB, DC Rambo, is doing really well though, along with our #1b guy, David Byron.

But yeah, our D Line actually is all pretty solid, save for my NT. I am guessing he just gets so many people trying to stop his fat ass that other guys get to make plays.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to the big games so much.
Last edited Jun 25, 2008 21:33:41
Yeah, Samoa's d-line is solid throughout. After all, we do have three of the top 4 sack guys in the league. Mister Moose is just the most insane (and it is pretty verifiably insane to have more sacks than every other team but 1 AND an INT return TD).
Originally posted by wad3
I wish people would stop proposing dumb awards, when was the last time you saw an award for 'Best shut down corner'. If he were to make a trophy for that then he might as well make one similar to that for every position on the defense. Then the awards would be like:
Best CB/Best Shut Down Corner
Best DE/ Best Run Stopping DE
Best RB/Best Receiving RB
Best FB/Best Blocking FB

It's just pointless.

pointless like having just real-life awards for a computer simulated game?
If someone had the patience to review it all i don't think it would be a bad idea to have awards like that. People create players, they want thier players to do well. It wouldnt be such a "dumb" idea for each position to have an award to shoot for. It may be too hard to track right now, but it doesnt make it dumb.
Originally posted by deasterling32
Originally posted by wad3

I wish people would stop proposing dumb awards, when was the last time you saw an award for 'Best shut down corner'. If he were to make a trophy for that then he might as well make one similar to that for every position on the defense. Then the awards would be like:
Best CB/Best Shut Down Corner
Best DE/ Best Run Stopping DE
Best RB/Best Receiving RB
Best FB/Best Blocking FB

It's just pointless.

pointless like having just real-life awards for a computer simulated game?
If someone had the patience to review it all i don't think it would be a bad idea to have awards like that. People create players, they want thier players to do well. It wouldnt be such a "dumb" idea for each position to have an award to shoot for. It may be too hard to track right now, but it doesnt make it dumb.

Well, if you create too many awards, you get the T Ball syndrome where everyone gets a trophy for something.

I think that you're fine having there be a best CB award then letting people vote on who they thing is the best CB based on whatever standard they want to vote on.
Originally posted by MrMoose
Originally posted by deasterling32

Originally posted by wad3

I wish people would stop proposing dumb awards, when was the last time you saw an award for 'Best shut down corner'. If he were to make a trophy for that then he might as well make one similar to that for every position on the defense. Then the awards would be like:
Best CB/Best Shut Down Corner
Best DE/ Best Run Stopping DE
Best RB/Best Receiving RB
Best FB/Best Blocking FB

It's just pointless.

pointless like having just real-life awards for a computer simulated game?
If someone had the patience to review it all i don't think it would be a bad idea to have awards like that. People create players, they want thier players to do well. It wouldnt be such a "dumb" idea for each position to have an award to shoot for. It may be too hard to track right now, but it doesnt make it dumb.

Well, if you create too many awards, you get the T Ball syndrome where everyone gets a trophy for something.

I think that you're fine having there be a best CB award then letting people vote on who they thing is the best CB based on whatever standard they want to vote on.

Yeah i understand that totally. I just didnt think it was absurb enough to warrant that type of response from wad3. But everyone's entitled to thier opinion, and i respect that.
the next few weeks will be the real determiner of who has just had luck and who has done well.

i hope to prove out that samoa is just unstoppable, not just mean.
Ha I think I had been studying for a test all day and was in a bad mood. My apologies : /
no problem, been there and done that.
There will be just one tropy for each position at this time. No sense in over doing the awards: if you have to many available, they would lose their "luster." As for the plan on voting: I will be opening the voting thread for playes during the week 12 games, and close the polls after the final week of the regular season: this will give you about 1 full week to vote. All votes will be tallied and the winners announced during the first week of the playoffs.

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