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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > The Ingolstadt Hat Tossers eat babies
Originally posted by merenoise
Yeah, I'm sure your top notch CFO skills really make the difference on those Pro league teams which never seem to win anything. All the Pro teams you are associated with are a joke, nothing going on in the trophy case. Which is why Sahara is in APL while District 9 is in WL. Because when you face a team that you can't just throw levels at or SSB past you guys fall apart every time. But keep pretending that you are relevant and please keep bumping this thread for us, we appreciate your patronage.

In other news IHT wins it's first game in the Rivalries Never Die tournament. We nut-stomped the Bogata Condors:

I was promoted prior to last season.

If your logic is that Sahara couldn't compete with D9 (who's been a WL capable team), thus rendering the team useless, then I feel exceptionally sorry for you and your reasoning skills, and now fully understand why you've never won anything more than lol16 with your SB team.

Dance, merenoise, dance!

/bump for IHT's morale bonus
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Originally posted by merenoise

Yeah, I'm sure your top notch CFO skills really make the difference on those Pro league teams which never seem to win anything. All the Pro teams you are associated with are a joke, nothing going on in the trophy case. Which is why Sahara is in APL while District 9 is in WL. Because when you face a team that you can't just throw levels at or SSB past you guys fall apart every time. But keep pretending that you are relevant and please keep bumping this thread for us, we appreciate your patronage.

In other news IHT wins it's first game in the Rivalries Never Die tournament. We nut-stomped the Bogata Condors:

I was promoted prior to last season.

If your logic is that Sahara couldn't compete with D9 (who's been a WL capable team), thus rendering the team useless, then I feel exceptionally sorry for you and your reasoning skills, and now fully understand why you've never won anything more than lol16 with your SB team.

Dance, merenoise, dance!

/bump for IHT's morale bonus

And how many titles did the team's you owned win? 1 in single A?

I've OC'd many quality teams to championships. Actual AI work involved and titles won. You changed the numbers on some ticket prices and concession prices on teams that didn't win anything and have never done anything past the cloud.

Bump Mongoose Bump
Edited by merenoise on Jun 1, 2010 20:52:46
Originally posted by merenoise
And how many titles did the team's you owned win? 1 in single A?

I've OC'd many quality teams to championships. Actual AI work involved and titles won. You changed the numbers on some ticket prices and concession prices on teams that didn't win anything and have never done anything past the cloud.

Bump Mongoose Bump

You must be referring to the fact that the Hitmen caught IHT after you promoted to A (and left us for dead as a CPU team after snarfing our roster.) Right? Yeah, that was actual owner's work involved and a title won. We went 20-0 that season, too, if I recall correctly, beating IHT after they got fat waiting around in A because they couldn't promote ahead of us (apparently there were no rosters to pilfer in A that season.)

Of course, you're not familiar with that part of the game because rather than reloading and trying to actually improve your club, you gutted and went SB. Something I'm sure your current league-mates will understand as you try to out-morale them this season with the millions you've earned by taking the easy way out.

Limber up, merenoise ... I hear the organ grinder being unpacked.

ITT there is a douche somewhere. 15 bonus points to the person who figures out who it is.
Damn you 404 errors.
Edited by merenoise on Jun 2, 2010 14:01:27
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Originally posted by merenoise

And how many titles did the team's you owned win? 1 in single A?

I've OC'd many quality teams to championships. Actual AI work involved and titles won. You changed the numbers on some ticket prices and concession prices on teams that didn't win anything and have never done anything past the cloud.

Bump Mongoose Bump

You must be referring to the fact that the Hitmen caught IHT after you promoted to A (and left us for dead as a CPU team after snarfing our roster.) Right? Yeah, that was actual owner's work involved and a title won. We went 20-0 that season, too, if I recall correctly, beating IHT after they got fat waiting around in A because they couldn't promote ahead of us (apparently there were no rosters to pilfer in A that season.)

Of course, you're not familiar with that part of the game because rather than reloading and trying to actually improve your club, you gutted and went SB. Something I'm sure your current league-mates will understand as you try to out-morale them this season with the millions you've earned by taking the easy way out.

Limber up, merenoise ... I hear the organ grinder being unpacked.

Where is this team you speak of the Hitmen? I do a search for them and they don't seem to exist? They certainly haven't done anything since I last saw them in season 9. Oh, that's right you couldn't hack it as an owner and got repeatedly smashed in AA, then AAA and then Pro never winning a damn thing and then sold the team with your tail between your legs. The Hitmen had as much to do with IHT restarting as the 1970s oil crisis. The team that gave us fits was the Argonauts, they beat us so bad in the playoffs in season 9 that we decided to take a break. The season before that PRIME EVIL brought some of my players in to Barcelona and stole that season's title from you if you recall and we rocked you so bad in our first 2 seasons that you guys weren't even on our radar.

Truth is even with only 1 gold and 2 silvers the Tossers have more hardware from the cloud level than the Hitmen did before you gave up even trying. And in the interim while you were learning how to CFO crappy cloud teams I was winning championships as an OC from AAA on down including taking a non-SSB team to a 63 game winning streak and 4 straight OC titles. By comparison the losers on LHG couldn't even put a 30 game win streak with a team that had 3+ seasons of training against every team they faced because of team's like mine and that sticks in your craw. Because even when you exploited we were still there to put you in on your ass because unlike the tools you associate with I can put together a game plan that wins even as an underdog.

Keep spinning those wheels though, it is fun to watch you steam. Now bump the thread again.

You really missed your calling ... you should have been a political spin-doctor. You search as well as you remember; and if you think I steam, you think as well as both of those. Go ahead and keep making things up in an effort to save face.

Nothing you do sticks in my craw. You're insignificant to me. You're the one who came whining in our League forum because of your obsession with LHG, and now that I've come here to expose you, you spew essays and diatribe.

The only streak that matters to LHG is the 4 consecutive golds -- and it'll be 5 soon enough.

The fact is that I have an owner's gold that isn't lolSB16, and it frosts your ass that I tore through your precious A-league where you thought you were some kind of hot shit. What have you got to show for your 10 seasons worth of ownership? Self-proclaimed forum trophies? That's the only reason you won't engage me in the LHG thread -- so you can proclaim IHT's forum greatness as having the longest thread. Pitiful and pathetic come to mind.

Keep dancing, mere' ... I'm sure one of your organ grinders will be along shortly.

Consider yourself bumped.

Wow, we got a fan. This guy has been in our thread more than me and I have players on the team. It's cool to have a crush on us Mongoosey. We aren't like that but we appreciate that you think of us that way.
Originally posted by Roger6363
ITT there is a douche somewhere. 15 bonus points to the person who figures out who it is.

Douches are cleaning tools that are always getting close to some strange. The guy you are referring to is dirty as all hell and only gets laid by whores when he shows up with a sweaty palm filled with a $20 bill.

Goosey is just mad we smacked his little gorillas around. Kinda like the US back in the 80s. Figures that guys who revere Che are cheaters.
Originally posted by Wicked_Cthulhu
Wow, we got a fan. This guy has been in our thread more than me and I have players on the team. It's cool to have a crush on us Mongoosey. We aren't like that but we appreciate that you think of us that way.

It's mere' and his ilk that have a crush on LHG (more likely an obsession.) It's understandable, although; a little creepy. But since they can't beat us in Championship games, they apparently try to beat us with smack. Problem is, since I normally don't post in the league forums, and prefer to make my statement with titles, mere' thought he had an easy mark. As usual, he was wrong.

I've got (another) one for you mere;

Find a post of mine, any post, in Oceania's (AA #3) forum (from this offseason) earlier than you and your Organ Grinder' s started posting in LHG's League forum (EE #1.) 50 bucks says you can't.

Here's the time stamp to beat - May 19, 2010 11:55:40

Now that you gutted, how long do you plan on being irrelevant? (merenoise)

Done with you, buddy. Now that the season is here, I have a few more Championships to tally. Enjoy your struggle in the League that GLB forgot. I'm sure you and your lemmings will win another title, albeit a self-proclaimed, forum trowphee.

EDIT: Since you so often seem to prefer to express yourself with pictures and videos, I'll leave you with this:

Dance, mere', Dance!

Edited by THE_Mongoose on Jun 3, 2010 06:36:43
Originally posted by THE_Mongoose
Some nonsense by some guy who has never really accomplished anything

Thanks for stopping by. We enjoy your visits and your daily check ins with the team. Please don't let the owner of LHG chump out and sell off the team the way you did with the Hitmen. We want to enjoy your fail for a long time.
Edited by merenoise on Jun 3, 2010 12:21:15
keep it coming guys...this has been extremely entertaining...

Originally posted by MRIGUY
keep it coming guys...this has been extremely entertaining...

If history is any indication you'll get it till the end of the season and they switch leagues. Then you gotta turn the channel.

Douchebag GM of LHG checking in. Good luck to everyone.
Originally posted by MeauxJeaux
If history is any indication you'll get it till the end of the season and they switch leagues. Then you gotta turn the channel.

Douchebag GM of LHG checking in. Good luck to everyone.

You know what Meaux...You really should have a player on Death Valley.
Originally posted by MeauxJeaux
Originally posted by MRIGUY

keep it coming guys...this has been extremely entertaining...

If history is any indication you'll get it till the end of the season and they switch leagues. Then you gotta turn the channel.

Douchebag GM of LHG checking in. Good luck to everyone.

At least you do something for of value for LHG. Mongoose is a lolCFO. The funniest part to me is while my level 60+ players are in World League, Goosey's level 60's are in AA. Tells you a bit about how good his own dots are.


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