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Forum > Game Recaps > THL, the Best HB to date?
Originally posted by shadetoms
Originally posted by BP

lol...get many carries?

Not to get down on you..ok, maybe a little...but an RB that gets spammed with his carries and puts up big numbers really doesn't count.

season 6 player in AA..3500 carries in 105 career game with as many as 778 a season. You were obviously too old to play in the capped leagues (though underleveled..your own little SSB style going on there I see) and got your carries spammed.

Sorry Crypt's guy is a ton better then yours..your number mean nothing to real dotballers...

In fairness, we're talking 38,000 yards on 3528 rushes @ 11.1ypc vs 36,000 yards on 3122 rushes @ 11.4

To say one is getting spammed and the other isn't... 11.1 vs 11.4 career is still a pair of impressive stats really.

Yeah, guess that is fair. The only thing I guess you could say was the OP got alot of his carries in AA+ and that dude with 800 TDS was spammed in the Minors when he had a starting date (TP) advantage. We all know rushing is pretty easy at lower levels cuz people are powerbuilding and there are ton of defensemen running around with little to no strength and tackle and it helps being a SSB in a capped league.

But good point.
Originally posted by BP
Yeah, I've seen Ted..he's pretty good. That retired HB is a pretty rough build, I'm sure he broke a metric shit ton of tackles...but that's just a little slow for my taste TBH.

the consistent yardage took his team from As to pro though... he did his job up the middle... but that's just how I imagined him doing it. and yea... he did break a shit tone of tackles... mainly DTs and LBs.
Originally posted by Raid
Originally posted by BP

Yeah, I've seen Ted..he's pretty good. That retired HB is a pretty rough build, I'm sure he broke a metric shit ton of tackles...but that's just a little slow for my taste TBH.

the consistent yardage took his team from As to pro though... he did his job up the middle... but that's just how I imagined him doing it. and yea... he did break a shit tone of tackles... mainly DTs and LBs.

Right on. With my guy

I actually redid his EQ last season and reduced his strength, upped his carry and REALLY upped his speed. Instead of a bulldozer in the middle what I have is a guy who does break tackles (not as many as your guy) and when he does it...he can be off to the races. Also helps with the tagging thing because he a nice substitute for the speed back we have on the squad for stuff outside of the tackles...

these are some highlights in a 90 point win we have vs. a team that was 3 points better on the lolbar (and 5 levels higher then my RB)

He can break Dline tackles

But he can also do this on the outside

and if he gets around the edge enough speed to finish it

Rusty Pickle is a pimp..
Edited by BP on Apr 22, 2010 15:54:11

He hasn't had the best career for various reasons, but at this point in time he is better than any HB has ever been.
Originally posted by w_alloy

He hasn't had the best career for various reasons, but at this point in time he is better than any HB has ever been.

Pssssssss...that's the sound of this thread deflating as big pimp alloy comes along with his lvl 75 monster HB that's tearing up the WL on the best squad GLB has ever seen.

Ummm...let me try to come up with a good slapdown....uhhhh..

HEY, he's also the HIGHEST LEVEL any dot has ever been, doesn't count,
This again?
Blame the spin changes. I am actively lobbying to get it nerfed on the test server, if that is any consolation.
Originally posted by jdbolick
This again?

Sorry, I've only got till the end of the season, so I'm trying to hang on to it. My players will be gone soon enough

I am sure a better HB is already a pretty decent level, and it's only a matter of time, but right now with the sim how it is and his build luckily poised to take advantage, he's got a unique advantage.
Originally posted by w_alloy
Blame the spin changes. I am actively lobbying to get it nerfed on the test server, if that is any consolation.

spin is so overpowered it's insane. Juke and HF are underpowered..I know the argument, but anybody with some AEQ can pump up spin and it's just too strong. Very much needs to be toned down...
Edited by BP on Apr 22, 2010 19:16:23
Originally posted by BP
Right on. With my guy

I actually redid his EQ last season and reduced his strength, upped his carry and REALLY upped his speed. Instead of a bulldozer in the middle what I have is a guy who does break tackles (not as many as your guy) and when he does it...he can be off to the races. Also helps with the tagging thing because he a nice substitute for the speed back we have on the squad for stuff outside of the tackles...

these are some highlights in a 90 point win we have vs. a team that was 3 points better on the lolbar (and 5 levels higher then my RB)

He can break Dline tackles

But he can also do this on the outside

and if he gets around the edge enough speed to finish it

Rusty Pickle is a pimp..

I have a younger HB a lot like that.

but yeah, Cupp was always more a straight through kinda guy, doesn't matter who you are he was gonna lay a hurting.

the kind of guy you just hated see line up to run it inside

just always driving for what he wanted... he carried the offense, but it was never really glorious per say... very few TD runs over 60 yards... always just keeping our punter on the sideline with consistent gains and wins week in and week out to grind our way from the bottom to the pros... and now with Ted taking the helm I hope Lyon can really kick it up a notch, and go for WL.
Originally posted by w_alloy

He hasn't had the best career for various reasons, but at this point in time he is better than any HB has ever been.

Finally a legit HB is submitted to this thread.

Success like that in the WL trumps anything else by a mile.
Originally posted by BP
lol...get many carries?

Not to get down on you..ok, maybe a little...but an RB that gets spammed with his carries and puts up big numbers really doesn't count.

season 6 player in AA..3500 carries in 105 career game with as many as 778 a season. You were obviously too old to play in the capped leagues (though underleveled..your own little SSB style going on there I see) and got your carries spammed.

Sorry Crypt's guy is a ton better then yours..your number mean nothing to real dotballers...

It always goes that way when a player has better stats. Their is always some reasoning to make his stats (what really counts in the end) look like were not deserved.
You would think more carries would hurt his avg, but...real dotballers, lol

In the end, stats have the final word and to argue otherwise is making excuses. GG
Originally posted by w_alloy
Sorry, I've only got till the end of the season, so I'm trying to hang on to it. My players will be gone soon enough

No, I meant Cryp pimping his HB.
Originally posted by Triple_A
Originally posted by BP

lol...get many carries?

Not to get down on you..ok, maybe a little...but an RB that gets spammed with his carries and puts up big numbers really doesn't count.

season 6 player in AA..3500 carries in 105 career game with as many as 778 a season. You were obviously too old to play in the capped leagues (though underleveled..your own little SSB style going on there I see) and got your carries spammed.

Sorry Crypt's guy is a ton better then yours..your number mean nothing to real dotballers...

It always goes that way when a player has better stats. Their is always some reasoning to make his stats (what really counts in the end) look like were not deserved.
You would think more carries would hurt his avg, but...real dotballers, lol

In the end, stats have the final word and to argue otherwise is making excuses. GG

Not really, you took 2 seasons off from playing and sandbagged in the lower leagues and got a crapload of carries, 800 in one season.

Bottom line..your stats are vapor, this thread is for real dots who are competing on a level playing field against other good dots. Your HB is a 21 year old high school hero, GG [/debate]
Originally posted by Loco Moco
Rusty Pickle IMO.

But damn good stats. Easily in the conversation of GLB great HB's.

LOL, yeah, those multiple 255-0 games don't mean anything when it is HB Rusty Pickle. Easily in the conversation of GLB great HB's
Edited by Triple_A on Apr 23, 2010 10:40:07
Edited by Triple_A on Apr 23, 2010 10:39:55

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