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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > what bonus SA is best for a KR/PR CB?
i started shopping in the late 30s and found some decent pieces.
can someone explain why remedy edits his posts 15x no matter how long they are?

it's ridiculous
if you are adding several clips of replays, then i understand. but most of the time i might correct spelling errors a couple times but that is it. not sure with ReMeDy, though.
Originally posted by ReMeDy
Juke is useless. It never triggers and I encourage someone to show me replays of a CB from this season proving me wrong. (Addict board) (Addict board)

Spin is your best bet because unlike Juke, at least it works! A friend of mine on the Addicts board swears by it. Plus, the special teams sim has been degraded back to being a power return game. Return men are too stupid to do the fancy moves like they did a few seasons ago (replays of what I mean available on request).

My CB return man had max Clever Instincts, max Return Man, Man Special Teamer, +7 Quick Feet, +10 Juke (yes, 10!), 83 agility, 61 vision, and 69 carrying. He's an ideal Juke candidate, yet he never triggered it once. Complete waste of shopping time and equipment funds. Stay away at all costs.

here you go
A cb juking another CB on a PR

No More Shines Billy gets juked right before my Cb makes his cut to the left for the open field
It helps when you have the changed direction SA pretty high

I have more but to lazy o look for them...and by the way my CB does not have the juke SA
i think that kind of defeats the purpose if he didnt have juke SA. when he says juke, he means a juke from the SA, not just some move to get around a guy.

and i posted a list of jukes that i think i did and he hasnt responded to any of them and he is normally on here a lot.
Edited by The Fromunda Cheeseheads on Mar 23, 2010 23:02:27
so which one is best for a cb returner to have spin or juke? is stiff arm something ever consider? thx.
Originally posted by TexasPachyderm
so which one is best for a cb returner to have spin or juke? is stiff arm something ever consider? thx.

SPin with out a doubt.....

If you read the discription on Return Specialist, and then ask what tackle avoidance is....they will tell you it is a break tackle chance., not a fake......
Originally posted by Beachsand DTD
SPin with out a doubt.....

If you read the discription on Return Specialist, and then ask what tackle avoidance is....they will tell you it is a break tackle chance., not a fake......

who is 'they' and where is that stated? was it in a thread or by a mod somewhere? a link would be really good to know regarding the break tackle stuff.
Worker 3
Originally posted by The Fromunda Cheeseheads
who is 'they' and where is that stated? was it in a thread or by a mod somewhere? a link would be really good to know regarding the break tackle stuff.

several mods have posted it... i dont have a link on hand though.
Originally posted by PP

So Return Spec must have built in HF & Juke? I assume % fake would work with that, also?

Originally posted by Bort

No, Return Specialist gives you bonuses to speed and agility and tackle avoidance (like Spin or jumping over diving tackles), not head fake or juke abilities

Originally posted by PP

Interesting...I know a lot of CBs returners that have % fake AEQ.

Edit: I assume you wouldn't mind me making a post on this on the live server forum?

Originally posted by Bort

Yeah, that's fine. If the ability improved head fakes or jukes, it would say so.

Edited by Beachsand DTD on Mar 27, 2010 22:28:34
There you go....Have fun with that now....

thanks for the post, where was that being discussed? i'd like to read the thread it was in to see a larger context.

also, bort is really good at using vague language like 'tackle avoidance'. almost no one got that the conclusion was spin and jumping diving tackles when lots of things can cause an 'avoidance'. that type of shit is just infuriating.
Originally posted by The Fromunda Cheeseheads
thanks for the post, where was that being discussed? i'd like to read the thread it was in to see a larger context.

also, bort is really good at using vague language like 'tackle avoidance'. almost no one got that the conclusion was spin and jumping diving tackles when lots of things can cause an 'avoidance'. that type of shit is just infuriating.

There is the conversation that happened way long ago......
Thanks alot
thanks for the link. that is some interesting stuff. ive been saying for a few weeks that if in the play-by-play it says when spin fires, then it should say when a fake fires. if that happened, 100s of posts and hours of discussion never would have happened (at least regarding this).

and that stuff being 5 months old or so makes it hard to think they wont try and do something to make the fakes more obvious. i know their plates are really full, so i wouldnt think this gets addressed til next season.

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