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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Thought about moving up?
Originally posted by RunningMn9
Originally posted by 32mewelde32

unfortunately for you your in the same division as the falcons and i dont see you being able to beat us to easily

You never know, they might get lucky and not have to play you in the playoffs.

lol you had to bring that up.... ok its not impossible for them to beat us it just wouldnt be easy =)
My player has been on this team since season one. Lvl 1 So, eat it!
They arent going to penalize players that stay with teams, only teams that try to bring in higher levels to lower leagues.
Originally posted by woodson-heisman
I know some of you enjoy being a whole lot better than your competition in a single A league but dont you think you should try to be real men and play with people your own levels? I am in a pro league that even some of these teams in this league would stomp. People like this is what makes this game a lot less enjoyable.

Been building our team since 1/2 way through season 1. Believe me, we want to get moved up. Grats on getting promoted to A#3. Tell them to save you a spot in BBB.
Originally posted by Florida__boi08
Hey its very possible to rebuild our eam into something good. But while your rebuilding Is their a rule that we should all throw our games against you........No. Personally i predict my guy blowing up your O-line and getting 8 sacks.


Part of me tells me that that avatar is one of the funniest I have ever seen. The other part tells me that you have a little girl getting rammed by a teddy bear. Beastiality is sick, but when you add a 10yr old in the picture, that is fuckin disgusting!
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Part of me tells me that that avatar is one of the funniest I have ever seen. The other part tells me that you have a little girl getting rammed by a teddy bear. Beastiality is sick, but when you add a 10yr old in the picture, that is fuckin disgusting!

agreed, I laughed and then got really mad at myself for laughing :-|
Last edited Jun 13, 2008 11:15:43
Its to diss on laggo because the girl is laggos avatar
Originally posted by Florida__boi08
Its to diss on laggo because the girl is laggos avatar

LOL! I don't know who laggo is. Just thought I would throw that out. Again, I thought it was hilarious until I stopped and thought about it.
Over time it should all even out. The guys taking over teams that have to rebuild will eventually find their level, and the better teams will eventually find themselves moving up through promotion.

The poor teams in higher divisions will similarly find themselves going down.

My HB has been with this team since season 1 after which we moved to the US leagues.

After you've rebuilt your team would you expect to lose your best players just because they might not be at the level they should be?

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