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I think they were sandbagging too... they scrimmaged the entire Pee Wee nation in S12... they probably wanted a little break.
Edited by mccollums on Jan 29, 2010 09:20:25
My vote would be for the Maine Grenadiers as they showed they are a powerhouse of a Silver team. They won a tourney, went 16-0 in one of the hardest Silver conferences, and only just lost to Who Touched My Pee-Wee in the conference finals. They also have an impressive list of scrimmage wins. And lastly, they don't sandbag! My 85'Bears team played them twice and we split, and they actually had the more impressive win, so they are at least as good as my 85'Bears team and would do well in Gold.
WTMP has basically the same coaching staff as TIA...they are a very good team, but maybe their coaching staff requested to not be in Gold

Madison and The Crabs (Bye Week)

Square there CPU players off for the first ever CPU Regular Season Game in Gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

History in the making!
These guys definitely need to game plan and try to win this match up.
Originally posted by Moogz
Most people felt they were sandbagging.

We were not sandbagging, just that with the limited time I have, they are my last priority as far as setting tactics and buying equipment for 55 dots, and setting up a gameplan. When I looked at them after the first blowout loss I realized I still didnt have the tactics set on half my dots and about a quarter of them were running around naked lol. Usually we have them on autopilot until playoff time. Hopefully we will be a bit more prepared this season for the tournaments!
Originally posted by smpsmi
We were not sandbagging, just that with the limited time I have, they are my last priority as far as setting tactics and buying equipment for 55 dots, and setting up a gameplan. When I looked at them after the first blowout loss I realized I still didnt have the tactics set on half my dots and about a quarter of them were running around naked lol. Usually we have them on autopilot until playoff time. Hopefully we will be a bit more prepared this season for the tournaments!

Ahh that makes sense for sure. You guys were really hit or miss in some games.
Originally posted by Moogz
Originally posted by smpsmi

We were not sandbagging, just that with the limited time I have, they are my last priority as far as setting tactics and buying equipment for 55 dots, and setting up a gameplan. When I looked at them after the first blowout loss I realized I still didnt have the tactics set on half my dots and about a quarter of them were running around naked lol. Usually we have them on autopilot until playoff time. Hopefully we will be a bit more prepared this season for the tournaments!

Ahh that makes sense for sure. You guys were really hit or miss in some games.

I thought they were sandbagging, TBH. They were beating up everyone, and then suddenly got killed by Maine. I played them the next day with the Pigs...and I was perplexed by A)how they weren't getting killed by everybody with the defensie AI they had in place, and B)that they didn't appear to have changed their AI for some time. We destroyed them, and then they got killed by Maine again.

So I figured since they were all games within the league that they lost on purpose and was saving for the playoffs. Which seemed to be confirmed when they beat Maine in the playoffs. I guess not.
Gee Money

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