DC Rambo was a good guy that's for sure...but there were build problems and just an excessive amount of Fumbles, often times seemingly clutch fumbles...in spite of this he wanted a salary I just couldn't pay in good conscience - we parted ways as friends and I wish him well.
We did loose two key O-Line players so there will be some work there, I'm actually seeing if we can hold our own as is through the 'front heavy' schedule this year and then have the time to see what needs shaking out for (hopefully) playoffs.
This season is "trial by fire" scheduling for our part as we face the majority of league favorites in our front half.
I'd like to say up front to everyone: I look forward to every game and wish everyone luck regardless of how it all turns out...plus I'd hate to not be in a league where Cerneo wasn't around to give out his wisdom...so he can't advance until we do
So that may be awhile here in "CCC" for you Cerneo