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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Most offensive thing a team has done
Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS
Originally posted by Hatesong

Quit yer Bellyachin. YAR..I don't know who be doin this but we should run em' through with a rusty whale's giggystick. ARR I BE A PIRATE!!!

Are you going to talk like you're a pirate on every thread? Seriously, what an f'n douchebag!

Aye, he be full of douchebaggary.
As a member of the Panther's, I just happened to cruise by this thread and I thought I'd go ahead and say that Lout is a great owner

There's a reason we're a much improved team from last year, and he's treated us all fairly. The End.

Oh and ManBearPigs, get ready to lose
Originally posted by gbeer
Originally posted by Lout84

GtBice, you are pretty immature for posting about this in a public forum. GtBice is only telling parts of the story, so I will defense myself, as I did nothing wrong. I have an agent that had another one of his players traded (in conference) last season. We had already played the BearPigs last year so it wasn't a problem at the time. The agent did not want to be traded to the BearPigs, because he realized it was a conflict of interest (he is the one that brought it to my attention).
I am a member of another team in a different league, and I decided to offer a trade for the RB to get him out of the USA AA #3 conference and into a Canadian League.

I am not quite sure what is wrong with offering a trade to another team.. is that against the rules now? Gtbice, is a little whiny baby.. He got offended because I sent him a trade offer for 2 Level 13 players + Cash for his Level 18 RB. All he needs to do is simply, not accept it. He is the one who people should not be dealing with. That is all.

Lout84, as GM of South Park, I read the PM conversation that you had with GTBICE. While, I wouldn't share what was said with anyone else...all I can say is WOW!! Such slime ball tactics on your part. For you to be calling him a "whiny baby" just goes to show your character. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!
GTB was minding his own business when you approached him with a bunch of BS demands.

There were no "demands". I offered a trade from my other team, and he declined it. End of story.
Last edited Jun 16, 2008 12:10:24

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