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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > So who's ready for the season?
Originally posted by SCACE
your K will be very good in a few levels, but you don't have the strength for a 50 yarder yet - 23.5 ain't kicking that far.

Remember that the game rounds to the 1, so that could have been 4th and 1.499999. With 3 timeouts and a good defense, I think you'd be surprised how many RL coaches would kick the FG and then yell to their defense to get a 3 and out and get the ball back. Then a FG wins it. You miss on 4th and 1, you need to get the ball back and need a TD to win.

So yes, you may have gotten a bit unlucky, but you have to tip your hat to BA - they played a hell of a game.

It would help if I had boosted my kicker, sure. Since when I do boost him, the first thing that's increasing is strength. I'd still have rather given it a shot. Oh well, that wasn't the most important play in the game.

I do tip my hat to them, no disputing that. They did everything they had to in order to win, and on this day, they were better than us. Maybe a fraction, but better than us still. They are a quality team, and I look forward to perhaps meeting them again in the playoffs.

And you're exactly right, it could've been 1.49 yards. But there's no way I'm kicking a field goal on 4th and < 1.5 on their 9 with 3:30 to go. Just not happening, since a field goal really does nothing there. If I fail, then they have the ball on their 9 with ~3:25 to go. Instead, we kicked it off and they started from their 40. We didn't have enough time to get back into field goal position. Tactically, it doesn't behoove me to go for it. Were it 4th-and-3 or more, then I would be slightly more inclined. Were it on their 19 or 29, then I probably would, yes. The tactics haven't evolved enough for that situational gameplanning, I think.

no, the tactics have not to this point - my point was that if you go for it and fail, they have the ball back and you need a TD to win.

if you kick the FG (which you did), you only need a FG to win if you get the ball back. And 3:30 with 3 timeouts is enough time if your D stopped them 3 and out, which is pretty much what most coaches who strategize plan on - sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't think the SIM had an error in judgement there - until they allow you more control so you can go for it on 4th down more often or in certain situations, the SIM generally plays by the book
Originally posted by SCACE
no, the tactics have not to this point - my point was that if you go for it and fail, they have the ball back and you need a TD to win.

if you kick the FG (which you did), you only need a FG to win if you get the ball back. And 3:30 with 3 timeouts is enough time if your D stopped them 3 and out, which is pretty much what most coaches who strategize plan on - sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't think the SIM had an error in judgement there - until they allow you more control so you can go for it on 4th down more often or in certain situations, the SIM generally plays by the book

You're dead on, if you miss it there, you need a TD to win. The field goal did cut it to one point, but we couldn't get the ball into field goal range due to a first down on Bikini Atoll's next series. If that darn fourth quarter were just 16 minutes long!

I definitely understand why Bort has the SIM play by the book in situations like these. You'd have 3 times as many owners upset if the SIM went for it and missed in that situation. Perhaps that'll be ready by Season 4. Oh well, just have to move on, I guess. Hopefully, we'll take it to Coney Island Saturday. I'll get 'em ready.

i think you guys are underrating Bikini a little. we still have some guys yet to clear from contracts and we have a solid group going. our OL might have lost the "pancake" battle but there made strong, in fact thats a solid very solid group. we only had 1 hurry on the QB all night and looking at film you guys never pushed around the OL.

if i had to pick our strength on this team it would be the OL
Last edited Jun 13, 2008 05:04:37
Originally posted by hendoxps
i think you guys are underrating Bikini a little. we still have some guys yet to clear from contracts and we have a solid group going. our OL might have lost the "pancake" battle but there made strong, in fact thats a solid very solid group. we only had 1 hurry on the QB all night and looking at film you guys never pushed around the OL.

if i had to pick our strength on this team it would be the OL

I'm not underestimating you guys at all trust me on that, you raised enough eyebrows in week #1 to get lots of attention

i dont think we have the best overall team thus far, however we are a team of season 1 vets that know how to find proper talent and run a game plan. we have increased the talent 10 fold since the beginning.

trust me we love playing the under dog
Originally posted by hendoxps

trust me we love playing the under dog

You won't be doing that much more!

We did underestimate you a bit in week one, and you made us eat a lot of crow. Looking back on it, we have to thank you for that swift kick in the rear. Trust me, it'll be worth it due to the game-planning experience we'll receive to avoid a similar outcome. I'd love to see you all again in the playoffs for Round 2. Good luck!

Teh bump
Originally posted by sssylvessster
Have you seen my baseball

im not

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