Originally posted by Tony Dungy
Funny I didn't hear any of you guys bitching when Gart threw games late in the season 2 of the last 3 seasons to try to get my team eliminated from the playoffs. In fact, everyone thought it was p funny.
A far greatest issue than gutting affecting playoff spots is the issue of people being affiliated with more than 1 team affecting playoff spots. The fact that gart controls 2 (or more) teams in the WL allows him to manipulate the scores far more than any gutting could do.
The rule that needs implemented is 1 GM or ownership spot in a league at a time. And then make any pre-arranged deals to throw a game by anyone who controls the AI on offense.........makes the team ineligible for the playoffs that season and a 1 season forum posting ban.
The fact that a mod (Deathblade) was aware of the thrown games and thought it was funny is just more proof that:
1.) He shouldn't be a mod
2.) Bort needs to make a rule about the issue.
Note: I'm not accusing anyone of cheating or anything illegal. Gutting mid season and throwing games is 100% legal and by the current rules.
But you won't get any free trophies this way.