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Forum > Champion League > What can save the WL forums?
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by GMathiasf

Seriously. If you don't have it, get it. Maybe if enough of these idiots are just ignored, eventually they'll go away. I've given up thinking that moderators will do anything about it because quite frankly, most of them are involved in it. If you don't like the way someone posts, click ignore and you won't have to worry about it again. The downside is you still have to read them when someone quotes them, but if enough people just ignore the truly worthless ones, then eventually, the quotes will stop happening. With that in mind, I've decided to contribute something positive to the forums. Maybe there is hope after all if I can find the handful of people out there with a mental age higher than their shoe size that might have some interest in making the World League forums better. I'll toss out some ideas and anyone interested in me doing any of them the rest of the season, just post your preference. If someone wants to do something as well, feel free.

Power rankings
Gambling game
Players of the Week
Coaches Poll
Other ideas welcome!

Why? If you want to have a forum full of only dot ball talk, I suggest creating a private forum, inviting all of your dot ball talk buddies, then you can have your dot ball talk orgies whenever you feel the need to. Personally, I've been of the opinion that the community itself, consisting of the teams and agents involved, should dictate what is posted on the WL forums, not you and your elitist holier than thou self or anyone else of the same mold. If that means bump when you take a dump threads, then so be it. You don't have to post here or read here at all. Using an ignore script is pretty silly. Especially one that doesn't work right. Seriously, you post as if this forum is for your enjoyment, and if things being posted aren't something you approve of, something must be wrong right? Seriously, things will get better for you once you get over yourself. If I had my way, the WL forums would be just about beer and women, but I realize that there are others here other than me, and think they should be able to post whatever they want, within the rules of course.

Are you sure you are serious? You only said seriously twice in 2 sentences.

I meant to take care of that in the edit, but meh...
Originally posted by silenthatred
Originally posted by jrry32

Originally posted by silenthatred

Originally posted by GMathiasf

Seriously. If you don't have it, get it. Maybe if enough of these idiots are just ignored, eventually they'll go away. I've given up thinking that moderators will do anything about it because quite frankly, most of them are involved in it. If you don't like the way someone posts, click ignore and you won't have to worry about it again. The downside is you still have to read them when someone quotes them, but if enough people just ignore the truly worthless ones, then eventually, the quotes will stop happening. With that in mind, I've decided to contribute something positive to the forums. Maybe there is hope after all if I can find the handful of people out there with a mental age higher than their shoe size that might have some interest in making the World League forums better. I'll toss out some ideas and anyone interested in me doing any of them the rest of the season, just post your preference. If someone wants to do something as well, feel free.

Power rankings
Gambling game
Players of the Week
Coaches Poll
Other ideas welcome!

Why? If you want to have a forum full of only dot ball talk, I suggest creating a private forum, inviting all of your dot ball talk buddies, then you can have your dot ball talk orgies whenever you feel the need to. Personally, I've been of the opinion that the community itself, consisting of the teams and agents involved, should dictate what is posted on the WL forums, not you and your elitist holier than thou self or anyone else of the same mold. If that means bump when you take a dump threads, then so be it. You don't have to post here or read here at all. Using an ignore script is pretty silly. Especially one that doesn't work right. Seriously, you post as if this forum is for your enjoyment, and if things being posted aren't something you approve of, something must be wrong right? Seriously, things will get better for you once you get over yourself. If I had my way, the WL forums would be just about beer and women, but I realize that there are others here other than me, and think they should be able to post whatever they want, within the rules of course.

Are you sure you are serious? You only said seriously twice in 2 sentences.

I meant to take care of that in the edit, but meh...

Why? It tells everyone that you are SUPER serious.
Originally posted by silenthatred
I meant to take care of that in the edit, but meh...

Sad that the word seriously runs through your mind so often. That's Valleygirlese right there.
Sik Wit It
Originally posted by silenthatred
Originally posted by GMathiasf

Seriously. If you don't have it, get it. Maybe if enough of these idiots are just ignored, eventually they'll go away. I've given up thinking that moderators will do anything about it because quite frankly, most of them are involved in it. If you don't like the way someone posts, click ignore and you won't have to worry about it again. The downside is you still have to read them when someone quotes them, but if enough people just ignore the truly worthless ones, then eventually, the quotes will stop happening. With that in mind, I've decided to contribute something positive to the forums. Maybe there is hope after all if I can find the handful of people out there with a mental age higher than their shoe size that might have some interest in making the World League forums better. I'll toss out some ideas and anyone interested in me doing any of them the rest of the season, just post your preference. If someone wants to do something as well, feel free.

Power rankings
Gambling game
Players of the Week
Coaches Poll
Other ideas welcome!

Why? If you want to have a forum full of only dot ball talk, I suggest creating a private forum, inviting all of your dot ball talk buddies, then you can have your dot ball talk orgies whenever you feel the need to. Personally, I've been of the opinion that the community itself, consisting of the teams and agents involved, should dictate what is posted on the WL forums, not you and your elitist holier than thou self or anyone else of the same mold. If that means bump when you take a dump threads, then so be it. You don't have to post here or read here at all. Using an ignore script is pretty silly. Especially one that doesn't work right. Seriously, you post as if this forum is for your enjoyment, and if things being posted aren't something you approve of, something must be wrong right? Seriously, things will get better for you once you get over yourself. If I had my way, the WL forums would be just about beer and women, but I realize that there are others here other than me, and think they should be able to post whatever they want, within the rules of course.

I agree people should be able to post whatever they want within the rules, but can we at least keep it contained to their respective threads? Somebody makes a slightly off-topic thread, everyone has their fun in there. But if there's a dotball talk thread with power rankings, writeups, whatever, don't de-rail the damn thing with nonsense and unreadable posts until it gets locked.

Anyways, just my $.02.

The troll posts don't bother me much, but when it leaks into some serious threads, it's just disrespectful to the TC. Like you said, people are different, so if you don't want to post in a bump when you dump thread, so be it, but ALSO if you don't want to post in a lolGG thread, then stay out of it instead of ruining the thing.

Forum needs more orgies tbh.

Originally posted by tautology
Forum needs more orgies tbh.

Originally posted by Sik Wit It
I agree people should be able to post whatever they want within the rules, but can we at least keep it contained to their respective threads? Somebody makes a slightly off-topic thread, everyone has their fun in there. But if there's a dotball talk thread with power rankings, writeups, whatever, don't de-rail the damn thing with nonsense and unreadable posts until it gets locked.

Boy, is this ever a rehash of what happened in CPL.

People seem to still not realize that people de-railing srs dottalk threads very rarely ever happens.
Originally posted by Iceman16
Boy, is this ever a rehash of what happened in CPL.

People seem to still not realize that people de-railing srs dottalk threads very rarely ever happens.

There's at least a handful of derailed srs dottalk threads on the front page in here. I'm pretty sure more of the srs threads were derailed than were left alone. Heck, even the Survivor thread turned into a cesspool for a few pages.
Originally posted by NiborRis
There's at least a handful of derailed srs dottalk threads on the front page in here. I'm pretty sure more of the srs threads were derailed than were left alone. Heck, even the Survivor thread turned into a cesspool for a few pages.

The only srs dotball threads that get derailed are the chest beating threads, or in response to desperate attempts to discredit the CHAMPS.
Originally posted by Deathblade
Originally posted by NiborRis

There's at least a handful of derailed srs dottalk threads on the front page in here. I'm pretty sure more of the srs threads were derailed than were left alone. Heck, even the Survivor thread turned into a cesspool for a few pages.

The only srs dotball threads that get derailed are the chest beating threads, or in response to desperate attempts to discredit the CHAMPS.

i see what you did there.
Dotball talk is the shit.
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by phthalatemagic
Originally posted by silenthatred

I meant to take care of that in the edit, but meh...

Sad that the word seriously runs through your mind so often. That's Valleygirlese right there.

More like I wrote that post at different times since I went to pick up my food in between. Like, I left that tab open and had to go back and read his post to continue responding. Like, I didn't fully read my post before starting again though. Like, I'll give you one guess where I stopped and started.
Power Rankings
well this thread pretty much accomplished what I figured and that's got a whole bunch of people on my ignore list to respond and seemingly got only like 2 legitimate responses. Thanks to Playmakers and blln. I also found a few more imbeciles to add to my ignore list. I think I'm going to do the gambling game. It has the double fun factor of if I have someone on ignore than I'll have no idea what they're betting and honestly won't care.

Out of the utter nonsense that I was able to read in this thread, I will only respond to one. Sik wit it is spot on. I'm not saying that you children in these forums can't continue to act like it. Even though an honest reading of the forum rules would tell you that it's not acceptable, the moderation staff, especially the ones that frequent this forum, are almost as much of a problem as the worst of the worst. So, my only recourse is just do what Darkus suggested in another thread and ignore the stupidity. Seriously. I find it very difficult to ignore most of this when I see it, so for me, just not seeing it makes it much easier. I suggest that anyone that doesn't like me or my posts to do the same. One of the beauties of this gaming forum is that I can do that whereas in real life, it would be unbearable to be stuck in the same room with people acting this way. So, just ignore me and I'll ignore you and we can move on with our lives. If you enjoy trolling and acting like idiots, then continue to do so. It won't hurt you or affect you that I'm ignoring you.

Oh, and p-magic just demonstrated why he'll never be on my ignore script with that Chernobyl comment. quality shit right there bro. I'm not suggesting people don't have fun. I think it's pretty clear that we have different definitions of fun and for me, the best way not to freak out like jrry and come down to the level of some of these fools is to just ignore them. Anyways, I'll try to have some betting lines up/rules of the game up some time today.
Originally posted by GMathiasf
well this thread pretty much accomplished what I figured and that's got a whole bunch of people on my ignore list to respond and seemingly got only like 2 legitimate responses. Thanks to Playmakers and blln. I also found a few more imbeciles to add to my ignore list. I think I'm going to do the gambling game. It has the double fun factor of if I have someone on ignore than I'll have no idea what they're betting and honestly won't care.

Out of the utter nonsense that I was able to read in this thread, I will only respond to one. Sik wit it is spot on. I'm not saying that you children in these forums can't continue to act like it. Even though an honest reading of the forum rules would tell you that it's not acceptable, the moderation staff, especially the ones that frequent this forum, are almost as much of a problem as the worst of the worst. So, my only recourse is just do what Darkus suggested in another thread and ignore the stupidity. Seriously. I find it very difficult to ignore most of this when I see it, so for me, just not seeing it makes it much easier. I suggest that anyone that doesn't like me or my posts to do the same. One of the beauties of this gaming forum is that I can do that whereas in real life, it would be unbearable to be stuck in the same room with people acting this way. So, just ignore me and I'll ignore you and we can move on with our lives. If you enjoy trolling and acting like idiots, then continue to do so. It won't hurt you or affect you that I'm ignoring you.

Oh, and p-magic just demonstrated why he'll never be on my ignore script with that Chernobyl comment. quality shit right there bro. I'm not suggesting people don't have fun. I think it's pretty clear that we have different definitions of fun and for me, the best way not to freak out like jrry and come down to the level of some of these fools is to just ignore them. Anyways, I'll try to have some betting lines up/rules of the game up some time today.

tl;dr nobody from any league wants you here

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