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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > So much for Chesapeake
bort already stated upon messaging him about the team being gutted he will infuse the team with a new starting money if he deems the team was so gutted. I would have your new owner message bort about it and see what he can do.
Originally posted by Linker2596
Originally posted by vt_dolfan

Looks like those teams got spanked...and Hard....Lol...

Hope some of those honest Ches players dont get smacked. As well...we want to make sure that the new owner is welcome to the league as well.


Well we did lose a bunch of our team's money, I'm gonna lose TONS of money because I signed a new contract so I get 5k to start with. So much for no punishment, and yeah we got spanked pretty hard. We lost about half our players, our owner two GM's and now everyone wants to go except stupid me who signed a contract before all this happened because I thought my owner wasn't a cheater. I guess you guys got me on this one.

i'm really sorry for wut happened to your team man. WE all knew he would do it again but i hope that if you do stay then you get an honest GM and team owner. You guys seriously didn't do anything wrong.
Originally posted by WEglAudacity

wow. pot meet kettle. i hoped you dropped them a line since you are just as much of cheaters as they are.
well it looks like they got a new owner as well as a new Team name. I hope that the next owner be fair to them. Wut a royal screw job they got.
Originally posted by AznIntegra521
well it looks like they got a new owner as well as a new Team name. I hope that the next owner be fair to them. Wut a royal screw job they got.

Ya well they all get screwed over because who was ever left on the Roadrunners in now getting traded away by there new owner for cash. He wants to build the team starting from scratch. So bye bye ex roadrunners players maybe one day you will cross paths with the ice storm again
well thats good at least they'll get a fresh start. THey got the royal screw job bad man.
Well the new owner has a bunch of work to do and depending on how it goes, we may have just gained a team to beat up on.
The new owner seems as outraged as us(so that makes him cool already), they gave all their players big bonuses before leaving, thereby bankrupting the team pretty much.

I wanna stay in A8, have a fresh start, I can handle losing some games to get a team built.
Originally posted by Deanimator
The new owner seems as outraged as us(so that makes him cool already), they gave all their players big bonuses before leaving, thereby bankrupting the team pretty much.

I wanna stay in A8, have a fresh start, I can handle losing some games to get a team built.

Dean i'm glad your staying. You seem to be a very kewl guy so i look forward to playing against you. Yeah Bort pretty much found out they did that so i think wut he did was reset the money or something? But yeah that guy really screwed you guys over.
Bort reset your team funds, and im sure your new owner got a good deal of money for the players he traded away for cash. Lets hope he can sign some quality players to the team to make them competitive, because im here for some good competition and not just for the wins.

Welcome to the league dean, I can now officially say it will be a pleasure to have you! You sticking around to help rebuild says a lot about who you are. Much respect!
Originally posted by gagahahi
Originally posted by WEglAudacity

wow. pot meet kettle. i hoped you dropped them a line since you are just as much of cheaters as they are.

You still lurking around and pouting l'il man? You really need a hobby. Or a psych eval. Now run along an play with your Legos.
Originally posted by gagahahi
Originally posted by WEglAudacity

wow. pot meet kettle. i hoped you dropped them a line since you are just as much of cheaters as they are.

Originally posted by Bort
Heads up to players:

I don't want to see any more "anti-owner" threads from unhappy players that include hate-speech, name calling, and the like.

If you feel you must "go public" with something you're unhappy about, do it in a respectful way by presenting FACTS and facts only.

- DO NOT post private team strategies from team forums or PMs without the consent of the other person.
- DO NOT resort to name calling, slander, libel, or cursing.

Anyone who posts a thread along these lines will have their posting privileges revoked for a few days..

Thank you.

Interesting that you still throw claims that we violated rules (which were proved to be false by mods) while you yourself openly break them.

That makes you pot and kettle
Last edited Jun 8, 2008 14:57:38
I just can't believe that they would lie about something like that. Thats pretty low. How do you lie about 2 people being killed in a car accident? pathetic
Originally posted by packers0491
I just can't believe that they would lie about something like that. Thats pretty low. How do you lie about 2 people being killed in a car accident? pathetic

Today's youth(generally speaking) seem to lack something we used to call "Ethics". I become more and more certain of it each day that passes.
I guess, I have a few friends that lack "ethics", but none would go that far. Especially with what has happened in my school, 3 kids died in a car crash(last year) and 2 more(would be freshman next year) got hit by a car and died while skateboarding.
Seriously some people, if you don't want to own a team anymore just say so.

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