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Forum > TE Club > Rate My TE > What do you think of my level 49 TE?
Coach RW
Originally posted by Packers27
Its not full up. Its, YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT.


Yep clinicaly insane.
Originally posted by Packers27
Read your link below again. Do you know how gay you seem? You are totally obsessed with this game. Thats patheitc. Now, since you wanna butt in my conversation by being a smartass, open your build and let's what kind of build you have. I'm certain that I can find flaws in your guys. As a matter of fact, don't do that stfu because you're a nerd with nothing going for you.

The only thing I agree with in your "BIO" is that NES Pro Wrestling is a great game. Maybe we can talk about that instead.

When I get a chance, I'm gonna create a player and call him Star Man.

Heh, thanks for the laugh Packers, you're pretty funny.
Good read. Thanks for the laughs Packers. BTW RW is right man.
Originally posted by Packers27

BTW, my TE's open if you're interested in beating on him. Many of my other builds are open; you're free to tell me how bad any of them are.
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Aug 18, 2009 22:07:58
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Aug 18, 2009 22:06:09
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
Originally posted by Packers27


BTW, my TE's open if you're interested in beating on him. Many of my other builds are open; you're free to tell me how bad any of them are.

Hayabusa is a waste of a build. You have two additional abilities that are garbage. You didn't even do any work to his receiving abilities. You have hardly any jumping, not enoigh carrying or confidence.

Retire him!

All of you clowns are the oil in this machine. Yall are a blessing to people that doesn't take a game seriously. Yall make me laugh and I started to believe that some of these builds are built that way on purpose just to give others something to look at and enjoy.

Paypal is making a fucking killing on this game as mostly everyone is fooled by a system that makes you think your guys are winning. You are put on a team of your choice. You can build your players the way you want. Other clowns give you advice of what the right way is to max your player to his potential the fastest. You buy into that as well, costing you more money usually. This part of the game is what makes me giggle a bit. Jumping and confidence are the two most under-rated attributes in GLB. So when you build a WR, you like to build speed, agility, and vision. Then hands. Are hands not important for a WR? Then jumping and confidence are the last two things you build. If you clowns are smart then you'd realize that ballhawk increases you speed,agility and vision, so you'd want your jumping to 40 quickly to get this bonus. Work on vision after hands and catching.


This is my weekly Packers27 lesson. Free free to ask questions. They will be answered next week sometime.

I'm out!
Edited by Packers27 on Aug 20, 2009 17:31:57
Edited by Packers27 on Aug 20, 2009 17:31:32
Originally posted by Packers27

Hayabusa is a waste of a build. You have two additional abilities that are garbage. You didn't even do any work to his receiving abilities. You have hardly any jumping, not enoigh carrying or confidence.

Retire him!

Haven't found anything better. Carrying is now capped as I was waiting to train up to 90%. I had originally planned the build to do con then jumping, but based on the number of KL I was forced to change the build mid-stream, and train up carrying so I could cap it. Confidence is next, then jumping. Then after that the rest of his SP will likely go into SAs. I may triple cap str before that; haven't decided.
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
Originally posted by Packers27

Hayabusa is a waste of a build. You have two additional abilities that are garbage. You didn't even do any work to his receiving abilities. You have hardly any jumping, not enoigh carrying or confidence.

Retire him!

Haven't found anything better. Carrying is now capped as I was waiting to train up to 90%. I had originally planned the build to do con then jumping, but based on the number of KL I was forced to change the build mid-stream, and train up carrying so I could cap it. Confidence is next, then jumping. Then after that the rest of his SP will likely go into SAs. I may triple cap str before that; haven't decided.

personally i think you made a mistake not capping jumping before carrying and certainly not before confidence.
Too many KL last season to not cap carrying this season, and season 9 KL were ridiculous.
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Aug 21, 2009 14:29:32

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