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Forum > Champion League > Official Discussion: How can we make this forum not so god damn terrible?
Originally posted by Ubasstards
Thread Mocked by Lockerator

Originally posted by Ubasstards

lol, nevermind this thread. Hoblosion is trolling

Originally posted by Ubasstards
Originally posted by Ubasstards

lol, nevermind this thread. Hoblosion is trolling

not an ad min
Originally posted by MattyP
Hey guys, I understand the spirit of competitiveness and all that, I honestly do. I understand that during legitimate NFL games linebackers might may a quick comment or two to the offensive linemen or the quarterback about how he might have bad hygiene or his mother being a southern baptist, so I'm all for a quick jab or two to make this game more exciting! it really adds a fun and joyous element to the match, allowing the winning team of this "smack" talk to have "bragging rights", and who doesn't like being right!?

Anyways, there are a couple of key phrases being used in this forum that really hurt me to read, and I was wondering if maybe we could cut down on a few of them?

The first I have a problem with is " Rape ". As in " Man Detroit Millens get ready we're going to rape you in the mouth and skull fuck you til your cry for mercy "

Honestly, that's just disturbing. Rape is not funny, nor something to be taken lightly. Rape is what happens (sometimes allegedly, I understand that sometimes girls change their mind the next morning and want to just screw over the guy but honestly I'm not here to debate those kinds of facts ) when men go too far and it can ultimately scar a woman for life. Do we really want to wish such an ill thing on each other? I really truly would hope not.

The next is " Murder ". If we really truly went around murdering people, there'd be noone for us to play! We'd be left with 1 team that would be going to jail for a very very long time! ( Haha, Of course I'm just being a joker here.. but you get my point ) I've learned throughout my years to be sensitive to all of Jesus' children. Imagine how you'd feel if your father was murdered in a brutal bathhouse slaughter by a man who was confused about his sexuality after freaked out after some small experimentation. Would you really want to be reminded it out when logging on to play your favorite text based Browser game, I honestly don't think so. Lets try and be more sensitive to others.

I really do like this forum fellas, I just think we can keep it clean. What is we have young children reading this?

I see your epic poost and raise you a:

You sir, are a fucking lair. Once again I have to put up with your shitstorm about how mods get treated differently to users and you use krunchy getting banned for something he did in this thread that I also did. Had that been true I would have taken it upon myself to sort it out. HOWEVER, it was a LIE. He got banned for calling a mod an asshole in a completely different thread.

This is the BIGGEST problem with your movement, and Mal is just as to blame. You are all making up bullshit about things that are going on that aren't even happening in an attempt to discredit mods. I wouldn't mind but I don't go out of my way to do things to upset people and I have to put up with having shit flung at me when I am not even involved. The biggest problem is that other people read it and then months later they warp it in their minds.

Go back to that shitty little forum and tell them all that you lied to try to discredit the good name of Darkus Black, and get out of FFA and never come back again. I am through with having any kind of patience with you anymore. When it turns into lies about me then that shit gets serious.

Yeah, I get it. Support ticket sent, demod Darkus, blah blah blah blah. You all fucking failed to realise that I was one of the few mods that ever tried to see it from your point of view. As a result of your LIES you don't even have that anymore. Anyone associated with Mal's forum that comes around the forums with the express purpose of lying and trolling mods will get my recommendation for a permanent forum ban.

Darkus out.
Originally posted by MontyK
Yep then it can be like a super exclusive, VIP forum and we can look down at all the people who are not in.

I like it.

If that fails, I propose more Bump When You Dump threads.

Speaking of which, i made one of those this morning, and can't seem to find it. Weird, maybe i'm imagining things, and was only dreaming about making it. In any case, i'll throw another one up now.
Originally posted by Darth Asheme
Originally posted by MattyP

Hey guys, I understand the spirit of competitiveness and all that, I honestly do. I understand that during legitimate NFL games linebackers might may a quick comment or two to the offensive linemen or the quarterback about how he might have bad hygiene or his mother being a southern baptist, so I'm all for a quick jab or two to make this game more exciting! it really adds a fun and joyous element to the match, allowing the winning team of this "smack" talk to have "bragging rights", and who doesn't like being right!?

Anyways, there are a couple of key phrases being used in this forum that really hurt me to read, and I was wondering if maybe we could cut down on a few of them?

The first I have a problem with is " Rape ". As in " Man Detroit Millens get ready we're going to rape you in the mouth and skull fuck you til your cry for mercy "

Honestly, that's just disturbing. Rape is not funny, nor something to be taken lightly. Rape is what happens (sometimes allegedly, I understand that sometimes girls change their mind the next morning and want to just screw over the guy but honestly I'm not here to debate those kinds of facts ) when men go too far and it can ultimately scar a woman for life. Do we really want to wish such an ill thing on each other? I really truly would hope not.

The next is " Murder ". If we really truly went around murdering people, there'd be noone for us to play! We'd be left with 1 team that would be going to jail for a very very long time! ( Haha, Of course I'm just being a joker here.. but you get my point ) I've learned throughout my years to be sensitive to all of Jesus' children. Imagine how you'd feel if your father was murdered in a brutal bathhouse slaughter by a man who was confused about his sexuality after freaked out after some small experimentation. Would you really want to be reminded it out when logging on to play your favorite text based Browser game, I honestly don't think so. Lets try and be more sensitive to others.

I really do like this forum fellas, I just think we can keep it clean. What is we have young children reading this?

First of all GO **** YOURSELF PUNK!! I am 43 yrs old and have been married for 20 yrs. You ****ing punk internet *******s are the most disrespectful people I have ever seen and I gaurantee not one of you would have the balls to approach me or anyone else in real life. yeh treat people like **** and they like and will come back for more, really , thats a great way to live your life. i bet your mom really likes it when your dad cums all over her face and treats her like the cum guzzling whore she is. But I treat people with respect and would expect the same from you. Who gives a **** how much you get laid. When you finally grow hair on your balls and grow up, you will see what is important. I could give two squirts of piss about MSb, but she made a mistake and you jerkoffs think its your chance to make her feel like an ass. Have fun. PM me if there are any further problems. jerk off

Honestly I think you committed a slight faux pas by skipping "To the first point..."
Originally posted by blankspace
Just let it do it's thing Gart. It's going to be crazy for the next few weeks but that's because this is completely new and different forums (CPL, SLAP & USAPL) have different personalities. Sooner or later things will level out.

It's not the 'crazy' I'm trying to solve. It's the 'jesuschrist,thisforumisconsiderablyworsethanmyfirstyearphysicsclassforum'.
Originally posted by MattyP
Honestly I think you committed a slight faux pas by skipping "To the first point..."

There's a box.

I'm outside of it.
Originally posted by JohnnyDollar
Originally posted by MattyP

Hey guys, I understand the spirit of competitiveness and all that, I honestly do. I understand that during legitimate NFL games linebackers might may a quick comment or two to the offensive linemen or the quarterback about how he might have bad hygiene or his mother being a southern baptist, so I'm all for a quick jab or two to make this game more exciting! it really adds a fun and joyous element to the match, allowing the winning team of this "smack" talk to have "bragging rights", and who doesn't like being right!?

Anyways, there are a couple of key phrases being used in this forum that really hurt me to read, and I was wondering if maybe we could cut down on a few of them?

The first I have a problem with is " Rape ". As in " Man Detroit Millens get ready we're going to rape you in the mouth and skull fuck you til your cry for mercy "

Honestly, that's just disturbing. Rape is not funny, nor something to be taken lightly. Rape is what happens (sometimes allegedly, I understand that sometimes girls change their mind the next morning and want to just screw over the guy but honestly I'm not here to debate those kinds of facts ) when men go too far and it can ultimately scar a woman for life. Do we really want to wish such an ill thing on each other? I really truly would hope not.

The next is " Murder ". If we really truly went around murdering people, there'd be noone for us to play! We'd be left with 1 team that would be going to jail for a very very long time! ( Haha, Of course I'm just being a joker here.. but you get my point ) I've learned throughout my years to be sensitive to all of Jesus' children. Imagine how you'd feel if your father was murdered in a brutal bathhouse slaughter by a man who was confused about his sexuality after freaked out after some small experimentation. Would you really want to be reminded it out when logging on to play your favorite text based Browser game, I honestly don't think so. Lets try and be more sensitive to others.

I really do like this forum fellas, I just think we can keep it clean. What is we have young children reading this?

I see your epic poost and raise you a:

You sir, are a fucking lair. Once again I have to put up with your shitstorm about how mods get treated differently to users and you use krunchy getting banned for something he did in this thread that I also did. Had that been true I would have taken it upon myself to sort it out. HOWEVER, it was a LIE. He got banned for calling a mod an asshole in a completely different thread.

This is the BIGGEST problem with your movement, and Mal is just as to blame. You are all making up bullshit about things that are going on that aren't even happening in an attempt to discredit mods. I wouldn't mind but I don't go out of my way to do things to upset people and I have to put up with having shit flung at me when I am not even involved. The biggest problem is that other people read it and then months later they warp it in their minds.

Go back to that shitty little forum and tell them all that you lied to try to discredit the good name of Darkus Black, and get out of FFA and never come back again. I am through with having any kind of patience with you anymore. When it turns into lies about me then that shit gets serious.

Yeah, I get it. Support ticket sent, demod Darkus, blah blah blah blah. You all fucking failed to realise that I was one of the few mods that ever tried to see it from your point of view. As a result of your LIES you don't even have that anymore. Anyone associated with Mal's forum that comes around the forums with the express purpose of lying and trolling mods will get my recommendation for a permanent forum ban.

Darkus out.

Edited by ImTheScientist on Jul 31, 2009 13:41:09
Originally posted by Gart888
Originally posted by blankspace

Just let it do it's thing Gart. It's going to be crazy for the next few weeks but that's because this is completely new and different forums (CPL, SLAP & USAPL) have different personalities. Sooner or later things will level out.

It's not the 'crazy' I'm trying to solve. It's the 'jesuschrist,thisforumisconsiderablyworsethanmyfirstyearphysicsclassforum'.

thinly veiled "i has an education" brag imo
Originally posted by Gart888
Originally posted by blankspace

Just let it do it's thing Gart. It's going to be crazy for the next few weeks but that's because this is completely new and different forums (CPL, SLAP & USAPL) have different personalities. Sooner or later things will level out.

It's not the 'crazy' I'm trying to solve. It's the 'jesuschrist,thisforumisconsiderablyworsethanmyfirstyearphysicsclassforum'.

Please do

First couple got shit-canned
Originally posted by JohnnyDollar
Originally posted by MattyP

Hey guys, I understand the spirit of competitiveness and all that, I honestly do. I understand that during legitimate NFL games linebackers might may a quick comment or two to the offensive linemen or the quarterback about how he might have bad hygiene or his mother being a southern baptist, so I'm all for a quick jab or two to make this game more exciting! it really adds a fun and joyous element to the match, allowing the winning team of this "smack" talk to have "bragging rights", and who doesn't like being right!?

Anyways, there are a couple of key phrases being used in this forum that really hurt me to read, and I was wondering if maybe we could cut down on a few of them?

The first I have a problem with is " Rape ". As in " Man Detroit Millens get ready we're going to rape you in the mouth and skull fuck you til your cry for mercy "

Honestly, that's just disturbing. Rape is not funny, nor something to be taken lightly. Rape is what happens (sometimes allegedly, I understand that sometimes girls change their mind the next morning and want to just screw over the guy but honestly I'm not here to debate those kinds of facts ) when men go too far and it can ultimately scar a woman for life. Do we really want to wish such an ill thing on each other? I really truly would hope not.

The next is " Murder ". If we really truly went around murdering people, there'd be noone for us to play! We'd be left with 1 team that would be going to jail for a very very long time! ( Haha, Of course I'm just being a joker here.. but you get my point ) I've learned throughout my years to be sensitive to all of Jesus' children. Imagine how you'd feel if your father was murdered in a brutal bathhouse slaughter by a man who was confused about his sexuality after freaked out after some small experimentation. Would you really want to be reminded it out when logging on to play your favorite text based Browser game, I honestly don't think so. Lets try and be more sensitive to others.

I really do like this forum fellas, I just think we can keep it clean. What is we have young children reading this?

I see your epic poost and raise you a:

You sir, are a fucking lair. Once again I have to put up with your shitstorm about how mods get treated differently to users and you use krunchy getting banned for something he did in this thread that I also did. Had that been true I would have taken it upon myself to sort it out. HOWEVER, it was a LIE. He got banned for calling a mod an asshole in a completely different thread.

This is the BIGGEST problem with your movement, and Mal is just as to blame. You are all making up bullshit about things that are going on that aren't even happening in an attempt to discredit mods. I wouldn't mind but I don't go out of my way to do things to upset people and I have to put up with having shit flung at me when I am not even involved. The biggest problem is that other people read it and then months later they warp it in their minds.

Go back to that shitty little forum and tell them all that you lied to try to discredit the good name of Darkus Black, and get out of FFA and never come back again. I am through with having any kind of patience with you anymore. When it turns into lies about me then that shit gets serious.

Yeah, I get it. Support ticket sent, demod Darkus, blah blah blah blah. You all fucking failed to realise that I was one of the few mods that ever tried to see it from your point of view. As a result of your LIES you don't even have that anymore. Anyone associated with Mal's forum that comes around the forums with the express purpose of lying and trolling mods will get my recommendation for a permanent forum ban.

Darkus out.

way to stop forum being shit = stop everyone posting in it forever
needs more DrunkenOne

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