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Ok cool, I intend to stay out of the fray as I believe this is a very tough league and respect all who play in it.
Originally posted by masterrdogg
Ok cool, I intend to stay out of the fray as I believe this is a very tough league and respect all who play in it.

I as well as my team does with the exception of one douche who just could not get it done, as he said wanted to play the little piggies when it counted, well it did count, he came up short, and now he is doing anything he can to defer what he talked all year.
did mighty have like access to this dudes ai? i miss something here... cause the accusation is as stupid as the idea of it of it ""stealing gameplans" lmao.. .

First off Mighty Moles, has been an agent on my team (blitz) since its inception, he has always been there for me to count on to do one thing SAY "set" on my or jlrocks gameplan... with the occasional fun blast about the moose...

Me and jl have co/gmd several teams... trust me we dont go out and bag guys for just dont happen....

face it bro u got ur arse kicked.. by a better run team.. i aint saying the team is better either BETTER RUN... and i know one more thing if you got character guys on ur team and they see their owner/gm making this stupid of a accusation on the league wont have them nemore...

I honestly have never heard of such.... and am sorry now that i have....u must be 9

sehorn make sure u point out this thread in ur team forum thread.. one thing u missed was the owner of the Sackville blitz also DC's the Razorbacks... i resent the accusation.

after rereading ur rant... it dont hold water... u should be recruiting in lieu of ranting about a cheat when the agent in question is nothing more than a agent.. not a gm, dc, oc, recruiter..
Originally posted by burkelb40
jlrock OC's for my team and let me tell you, he's the best GLB mind that I know. He wipes the floor with team's defenses all the time and I can say that from being on multiple teams that he's OC'd. His QBs are constantly the passing yard and TD leaders each season and his backs are generally involved in the MVP races. The guy has shown nothing but integrity and has actually lost an OC spot from a team I was on bc of his integrity. Great guy here that would never cheat for a win. Where's the fun in that anyway?

As one of jlrock's QBs, I can attest to the fact that he is a genius. My so-so build QB as led the league in passing yards and TDs the least two years. He is always up to date on the game planning and has always been an honest person from when I've known him!

Go jlrock!

In fact, his only flaw is that I have no idea what his username means lol
Originally posted by sehorn31
Just wanted to Post this again in case no one saw the other Thread.

Guys I'm sorry to Inform everyone that I think we have been hit by a Spy!! Freddie Winslow (Blocking TE) has his higher Lvl. Guys on a Team called the Sackville Blitz. After giving him plenty of EQ Money he informs me he won't be staying as he has Entered the Draft. I have Signed us up for the Draft and he isn't there. Also the Owner of the Razor Back Nation is his OC at Sackville. I find it funny that the 1st RD. Play-Off Loss was to the Razor Backs and the whole Game it looked like they was in our Huddle. It might be because they had some help with there Game Plan. Winslow will be Released ASAP and if you see him at on the Sackville Blitz Team don't be surprised. This guy could very well be the reason none of you had a chance to at least get a Conference Title if not a League Champoinship. We will be more selective of who we bring in and beef up Security This coming up Season.

What a sore loser. the guy should be happy to have been beaten by the best OC/DC combo i've ever dealt with in this game.

I could write an essay on what getmore and jlrock have done for my team. playoff wins in 3 of the last 4 seasons, twice after being promoted to a higher tier. And that is barely scratching the surface. They are both proper sound guys, and any team they are on always has a chance to go deep into the playoffs. There is no way they would need to pull a stunt like this.

If I was the owner of geelong, i'd be looking for a new HC right now.
God Damn Always Late to THe Party.

I also too want to Nominate Jlrock as our 45th President of the United States and getmoreho as vice president with Best Avatar.

I'm Actually Praying that Guam and The Razorbacks get past there Conference Games to meet up in the Title Game. (not dissing stockholm or storm lake).

Sehorn Vs. JIrock in a rematch title game the possibilites are endless with the bad blood and endless cross promotions. the Ratings will go Thru the Roof.LOL

I Can see it now . Gee-Long beats Razorbacks during regular season. but they get there Revenge in the Playoffs. but Gee-long Calls out the R-nation for Patriot Type Cheating. Jirock calls horseshit. but they meet again in The Title Game. With Sehorn Leading Guam to face the Nation.

you can't right this crap up. i wonder if Michael Bay is available to make the Movie. Explosions and a Thousand Wild Pigs Running Around . 500 million at the Box Office.

All Kidding aside JI and Ho seems like 2 standup guys and are active in these forums so Goodluck the rest of this Short Way in the Playoffs.

Originally posted by hollywoodjet
God Damn Always Late to THe Party.

I also too want to Nominate Jlrock as our 45th President of the United States and getmoreho as vice president with Best Avatar.

I'm Actually Praying that Guam and The Razorbacks get past there Conference Games to meet up in the Title Game. (not dissing stockholm or storm lake).

Sehorn Vs. JIrock in a rematch title game the possibilites are endless with the bad blood and endless cross promotions. the Ratings will go Thru the Roof.LOL

I Can see it now . Gee-Long beats Razorbacks during regular season. but they get there Revenge in the Playoffs. but Gee-long Calls out the R-nation for Patriot Type Cheating. Jirock calls horseshit. but they meet again in The Title Game. With Sehorn Leading Guam to face the Nation.

you can't right this crap up. i wonder if Michael Bay is available to make the Movie. Explosions and a Thousand Wild Pigs Running Around . 500 million at the Box Office.

All Kidding aside JI and Ho seems like 2 standup guys and are active in these forums so Goodluck the rest of this Short Way in the Playoffs.

glad to see someone brought some comedy to this . I still say that I think Storm beats us, we might get lucky but I think guam has to many levels and its not for Sehorn, he's a prick, he started this shit, but where is he now?
Originally posted by jlrock
Originally posted by hollywoodjet

God Damn Always Late to THe Party.

I also too want to Nominate Jlrock as our 45th President of the United States and getmoreho as vice president with Best Avatar.

I'm Actually Praying that Guam and The Razorbacks get past there Conference Games to meet up in the Title Game. (not dissing stockholm or storm lake).

Sehorn Vs. JIrock in a rematch title game the possibilites are endless with the bad blood and endless cross promotions. the Ratings will go Thru the Roof.LOL

I Can see it now . Gee-Long beats Razorbacks during regular season. but they get there Revenge in the Playoffs. but Gee-long Calls out the R-nation for Patriot Type Cheating. Jirock calls horseshit. but they meet again in The Title Game. With Sehorn Leading Guam to face the Nation.

you can't right this crap up. i wonder if Michael Bay is available to make the Movie. Explosions and a Thousand Wild Pigs Running Around . 500 million at the Box Office.

All Kidding aside JI and Ho seems like 2 standup guys and are active in these forums so Goodluck the rest of this Short Way in the Playoffs.

glad to see someone brought some comedy to this . I still say that I think Storm beats us, we might get lucky but I think guam has to many levels and its not for Sehorn, he's a prick, he started this shit, but where is he now?

Sehorn is my boy.


MASTERRDOGG and me did a great job of recruiting maybe the best in history . 40 freakin new guys in one season.
Talent almost always trumps a great AI .
Edited by hollywoodjet on Jul 26, 2009 07:26:07
Glad to see that you guys got everyone to come in here and say how true you all are but the bottom line is that was bullshit. I find it hard to believe when I didn't Post a thread in the Reg. Season we Win 44-23 and then in the Play-Off Game I say what I did with ST's D and O and you guys hold us to 6 Points with a Roster littered with 55-60+ Level Guys. Come on now, I was born at night but not last night. I'll let you guys talk all the shit you want but at the end of the day I do know what I'm doing and it will take much more than you bunch to keep me off the Field!! I'll look forward to facing everyone of you in the future.
Why am I starting to feel like that sehorn is grasping at roctronic-tactics for the excuse... well, from what I know about jlrock, he is completely aiming at the false direction with his big bunch of bullshit that he sends flying with way too much fun.
Originally posted by burkelb40
jlrock OC's for my team and let me tell you, he's the best GLB mind that I know. He wipes the floor with team's defenses all the time and I can say that from being on multiple teams that he's OC'd. His QBs are constantly the passing yard and TD leaders each season and his backs are generally involved in the MVP races. The guy has shown nothing but integrity and has actually lost an OC spot from a team I was on bc of his integrity. Great guy here that would never cheat for a win. Where's the fun in that anyway?

Hes been my OC for 2 years now and I will back this statement to the hilt. You lost, get over it!!
All of you are going to back him up. If the same scenario happened to everyone of you guys, You all would say things was shady too. I'm still getting a ring anyway so to sit here and say, you lost, you suck, get over it, just shows how stupid all of you are. And Winslow never begged for money and to take a crack at my Owner is bullshit. Rob is a great Owner and has handed out money like he should have.
If I was wanting an excuse I would tell you all how I got locked out on accident and wasn't able to adjust the DC and the Energy Tactics like I wanted before the Game. Which is the truth. If you want to put something in writing, Put this in writing. "GEELONG WILL NEVER LOSE TO THE RAZOR NATION AGAIN!!!"
Thats a fucking lie in itself. Again for a owner to let you spout this bullshit is stupid to start with. If any agent or gm on any team that run did this I would cut them and their status. YOUR A DOUCHE BAG, when are you going to learn, levels are not the cure all. Remember I had some of your agents on Rome and East St Louis, he was a cancer to both teams so some of your fifties are no better than some of the 40's remember that. Whats so sad is maybe 4 of these posters play for me, but they all know me from my work in recruiting, doing admin and doing AI. I have a track record and now that some of the G long players have pm'd me about you, you have one also

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