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Originally posted by jprietman
I know why Aggieland beat Houston, but I don't want to say anything because we're facing Houston next round.

You better hope you're right. This is going to be one hell of a game. And im not goign to nervous about it, lol.
I just hope that with relegation and advancement, the leagues balance out. With all due respect, Zeta clearly has some teams at the bottom that need more time to build.

Meanwhile in Alpha, if we get a couple more really good teams that move up and AWC can't find a way to win these close ones, we may be looking at relegation in a season or two. It's a tough, tough league and it's only going to get harder.
Heck the roughnecks may need to as well. Ive been looking hard to find high level players to take the place of some of my players, cause there is no damn way i can keep boosting my guys. lol. I could....but i dont wanna.
Originally posted by coreyls18
Heck the roughnecks may need to as well. Ive been looking hard to find high level players to take the place of some of my players, cause there is no damn way i can keep boosting my guys. lol. I could....but i dont wanna.

That's got to cost a fortune, how much do you think you've spent on this game so far?
Just $130, i bought the 20k package. Im down to 130FP, so if i want to boost next season I have to spend another $ i havent decided what im goign to do yet... : /
Last edited May 29, 2008 14:39:47
i would make the same decision you are. $100 a month is pretty rich for my liking. Hell my wife gets on me about the 10 a month i'm doing They just don't understand do they!
Originally posted by Shorteous
i would make the same decision you are. $100 a month is pretty rich for my liking. Hell my wife gets on me about the 10 a month i'm doing They just don't understand do they!

She just wants her cut. Buy her a purse. I don't buy anything for myself until my girl is up to her knees in new goodies.
She's very good at getting what she wants! We spoil our kids more then anything though. but she is spoiled too.
These is only one team I would consider competitive outside the playoffs, Paris Musketeers. All the other teams are ruined by poor chemestry, so no one should expect them to be able to win a game or two. In that way, Alpha is more competitive due to the chemestry of most teams. However, if we were to disregard chemestry, I would believe Zeta is the better division.

I just hope this is all cyclical, or chemestry fixes itself eventually, so we are able to to see 16 great matches every week.
Originally posted by larkis
All the other teams are ruined by poor chemestry, so no one should expect them to be able to win a game or two.

However, if we were to disregard chemestry, I would believe Zeta is the better division.

So the fact that the team we're scrimmaging next is starting a bunch or Level 8, 9, and 10 CPU players has nothing to do with it?

Yeah. I'm not a purely level guy (I believe superior builds trump levels), but come on. How the heck did they win 2 games (beat the #12 team)?

I can only hope we can come close to putting up 100+ like Stuttgart did.

Originally posted by larkis
These is only one team I would consider competitive outside the playoffs, Paris Musketeers.

Meanwhile, there are 3 very competitive teams that landed outside the playoffs this year.

And I was really impressed with the stats the Zeta guys were putting up until I saw how bad the bottom 8 teams are over there. Then it all made sense. Us beating Houston (I'm sure a perfectly good explanation for why they lost could be generated, but you had to know that bragging rights were somewhat attached, so if "testing" was occuring, it's their own fault). The 10-6 head-to-head record.

Zeta just flat isn't as good as Alpha. Yeah, you got the Cup (for now), but we've got everything else. Anything can happen in a single game played by two relatively close teams, but the top to bottom head-to-head record is really the tell here, IMO.
Yeah, it will most likely be many years before zeta can come out on top in the year end head to head matchups. Maybe they can fill out their conference with quality AAA and get rid of the garbage.
Last edited May 29, 2008 21:57:55
I think both conferences are pretty tough in their own right. But I do believe that only the top 8 teams in Zeta match up well to the top 11 teams in Alpha. Bari is shell of it's former self, but I think they'll running full stride next season. Paris(Zeta) is making some strides, but I don't think they would beat 9,10 or 11 in Alpha.

I was suprised that the Nighthawks, Sharks and AWC didn't make the playoffs. But, in Alpha that's what you get, somebody can't make it. In Zeta, it was getting pretty obvious after week 6 or 7 who was gonna be in the playoffs.

Although, it could be a whole other story in season 3. All it takes is one good offseason. Our Reykjavik Aggies were one loss from getting dropped out of the WEPL last season, now we're competing for the championship. Zeta's 9 thru 13 this season could all be playoff contenders in season 3. Maybe even one of the Madrid teams.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Looking into the AAA teams, and its fair to say that both conferences will get a lot more competitive next seaso!

Also laying it out now,

Interleague will depend on the matchups, so they are not always an accurate reflection but...

Scrimmage games look interesting, not this season, as I know everyone is trying something new.

I think NEXT Season the scrimmage games will be pretty competitive though, we should have had 2 full seasons to work stuff out, so messing around with tactics is less of an advantage?

Maybe one or two teams in each league will be rebuilding, or trying to change philosophy after another bad year, but in general I think it will be a competitive fixture for those who exit the play offs at least.
Both conferences are tough. I want to say Alpha is a tad more competitive, but all of my experience is with Alpha, so I have no real place commenting on Zeta. There is no doubt that season 3 will be more competitive throughout the league. Once each conference drops its weaker teams, and gains strong teams, we're going to have two equal conferences (assuming they are indeed not equal right now).

And besides...who really cares which conference is stronger/better/more competitive? They only play a total of 17 games v. each other.

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