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Originally posted by sfrenette
ha ha. I think you still have a sour taste of your defeat against us. I hope it's not having any impact in your in real life.

Not really. It was only by 7 Points and we are alot better now than we was then, So I like our chances.
WTF does overall lifetime record have to do with this season? We came from a much tougher league then this, is that factored in? how many teams upgraded players OR lost talent...also not factored in. What you've done in the past is not an indication of future results unless all things stay consistent. With out that, its just bad data. Dribble more or less.

I love love love that we keep falling in everyone's rankings in this post. We are listed behind at least one team we've already beaten! Of course that's from a GM for that team so go figure. I also love how its prefaced with "it all CPU" ....bad data in...bad data out. You can manipulate data to show whatever you need it to show. So keep massaging those numbers guys. The more time you do that, the less time you have to study film and game plan. While you guys are making yourselves look good on paper, I'm finding holes in your defense to exploit.

Want a challenge? send a friendly scrimmage to this team.

Then compare how you did against them to how we did and see how you feel.

It was a script and you have to go with what the script gives you .
so how can you say we skewed it to say what we want.
it has all ready been said that these scripts mean nothing. just something to get people talking but to think we are skewing the results give me a break. I didnt make the script im just using it.
It takes 1 min to run the script and trust me we spend much more time scouting than trying to skew and massage the numbers!

Originally posted by M_Dub
WTF does overall lifetime record have to do with this season? We came from a much tougher league then this, is that factored in? how many teams upgraded players OR lost talent...also not factored in. What you've done in the past is not an indication of future results unless all things stay consistent. With out that, its just bad data. Dribble more or less.

I love love love that we keep falling in everyone's rankings in this post. We are listed behind at least one team we've already beaten! Of course that's from a GM for that team so go figure. I also love how its prefaced with "it all CPU" ....bad data in...bad data out. You can manipulate data to show whatever you need it to show. So keep massaging those numbers guys. The more time you do that, the less time you have to study film and game plan. While you guys are making yourselves look good on paper, I'm finding holes in your defense to exploit.

Want a challenge? send a friendly scrimmage to this team.

Then compare how you did against them to how we did and see how you feel.

Dude you're a badass.
Don't take it personal. my main point is overall lifetime record is a bad stat to give any credit too. A script is only as good as the data provided. Considering almost half the teams in GLB are now in a new league against new teams overall life time record is even less of a factor.

I also didn't realize this initiated in June. I'm sure now that we've played some games that matter your rankings have changed.
Originally posted by sehorn31
Originally posted by sfrenette

ha ha. I think you still have a sour taste of your defeat against us. I hope it's not having any impact in your in real life.

Not really. It was only by 7 Points and we are alot better now than we was then, So I like our chances.

Relax Sehorn was just giving ya grief, but we did take 2 of the 3 that you said we would drop all 3. But still tough games out there, but felt like I just went through a murders row....
Originally posted by M_Dub
Don't take it personal. my main point is overall lifetime record is a bad stat to give any credit too. A script is only as good as the data provided. Considering almost half the teams in GLB are now in a new league against new teams overall life time record is even less of a factor.

I also didn't realize this initiated in June. I'm sure now that we've played some games that matter your rankings have changed.

The lifetime Record matters to me when I'm taking one of my Players to that Team. Good to now the Franshise has had continued success no matter the league.
I cant disagree with that but in this case it doesn't account for all the shuffle that just occured in GLB. Lots of teams were moved. That much shift and it devalues this scripts ability to predict how a team will do against a new group of teams.

I did not like the mass shifting to be honest, I had 3 seasons of building rivalries and winning builds them. It is nice to have fresh teams to play against and to strategize against and from what I have seen so far, most teams have great staffs and know their stuff.
I agree. I don't think their goal was to make it more user friendly but to make their life easier on managing the teams and leagues. I know its coming, but until there is a ladder system that allows a team to make it to an ultimate "top" league then its kind of like the mythical national title in football.
Originally posted by M_Dub
I agree. I don't think their goal was to make it more user friendly but to make their life easier on managing the teams and leagues. I know its coming, but until there is a ladder system that allows a team to make it to an ultimate "top" league then its kind of like the mythical national title in football.

+1 I would like to see how some of the Pro Teams did against the USA Pro Teams. They should make a Play-Off Bracket for the Winners or every Pro League for the World Title and make the Off Season a little longer and have 3 Days between Games. It's like, to be effective you have to get bed sores on your ass from being on the Computer so much and you never have time for other things you like doing. Like I write Songs and play music and I never get a chance to do that hardly anymore.
Edited by sehorn31 on Jul 10, 2009 13:38:20
we were basically promoted to AA when we were not even a playoff team in A last seaosn. ALthough, we did lose 70% of our team that season prior to the start (Season 9). We had a great team that was a top 3 or 4 team, and we lost most of our good agents and players.

At least we are back on tract in the end here and maybe we can squeak a playoff spot.

Yea, You guys Played a good Game there Dan.
Originally posted by tregrimmd
Originally posted by sehorn31

That was a GG you all had with Port Arthur but now your fixing to be playing some of Zeta's elite and things won't come so easy now.

Sounds like a load of shit to me.

LOL i'm late to the party but it seems sehorn at least gets it from another post i remember from him
Originally posted by cptafw163
we were basically promoted to AA when we were not even a playoff team in A last seaosn. ALthough, we did lose 70% of our team that season prior to the start (Season 9). We had a great team that was a top 3 or 4 team, and we lost most of our good agents and players.

At least we are back on tract in the end here and maybe we can squeak a playoff spot.


Dan did you come from south america? I think I recognize that hat. ;-)
They shut you down on the Ground that one didn't they Dub. He still did his usual Damage in the Receiving Game.

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