Swillers are willing to try anything
Originally posted by Polished Rock
Ok... back on subject.
What about this OPL vs. EEPL Challenge. There were a number of teams that expressed interest in the preseason. Just reaffirm here, or back out.
Here's the original list:
1. So Cal BDC
2. Tonga Thunderbirds
3. Sydney Pelicans
4. Osaka Buckeyes
5. Banzai Pipeline 'Nites
6. Tasmania Tigers
7. Aussie Cardinals
8. Sydney Sea Wasps
10. Wellington Assassins
11. Cascade Cajun Crushers
12. Tasmania Devils
13. Brisbane Sun Devils
14. Molokai Lavastorm
We have 8 solid re-commits at this last posting:
1. Brisbane Sun Devils
2. Tasmania Devils
3. Osaka Buckeyes
4. Olden Swillers
5. Tonga Thunderbirds
6. So Cal BDC
7. Sydney Sea Wasps
8. Sydney Pelicans
Crushers and 'Nites? Are you in? Taz Tigers?
WILDOGS, and Cardinals? Wellington and Molokai? Come on back in.
is Guamania confident enough to spread into other regions?
Brantford, you don't look too busy. We could sure use some Voodoo too.
PPC and SHK, come on and play. Fiji and Fiji? Canberra, Portland and the Bomb Squad, you guys can fit one or two in can't you?
Kingston and Christchurch? Here's a chance to polish something up or figure something out?
Come on guys. Let the OPL represent