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Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5
Originally posted by Meryk

Originally posted by Hassle

Once I get Professor Meryk to define "adhomindly" for me, well, I'll know everything, and be unstoppable!

I think it's a poor attempt at automatically. We may need to hire a code breaker, though. I can't be certain without more research into the language of illiterates.

Wow meryk you are just adding fuel to the fire by saying "i can't be certain without more research into the language of illiterates" i don't blame soccerkid091 for whatever he is going to say next. As far a i am concerned meryk you are the instigator of this whole argument .

Can I help it if I hate stupid people? I'm not going to name names for the sake of soccerchild's parents, but I've only seen validation for my argument to make people go through a lengthy application process to acquire a license to produce offspring. Furthermore, that process should, without a shadow of a doubt, include a vocabulary test involving words longer than two syllables. Especially based upon what we have seen here. They shouldn't adhomindly have that right.

The slogan for this process, "Making the world smarter, one abortion at a time."

Soccer joined the discussion last season in a forum that he had no business in, and was never even mentioned until he showed up, I assume, at your request.

* I apologize if the abortion comment offended anyone. I'm actually pro-life.
so you still have not proved your point what so ever.

the only thing you said is that you hate stupid people, think that people should be forced to get a license to have a kid stated an already obvious point that i was not mentioned in last seasons forum but asked to join because someone was annoying people being the spellcheck.

also in an attempt to be funny you just used ad hominem in a place were any person with any common sense would know it did not belong

to end your rant you said I apologize if the abortion comment offended anyone. I'm actually pro-life. this would make you a complete hipocrit

But the best part of your statement was it was another ad hominem statement not proving your point at all and still showing that you are incapable of formulating a valid argument or showing any evidence that you can prove a point
Silly really. Seriously silly, Really sir.

Fact he called you a stalker.

Are you in this league?
If so name the player, because I have not checked. If you do not, then well, I guess he is right about that one. Then again if you have a player, team, GM then my bad.

I do have mental problems though, thank for bringing them out in public. Since you have, I will admit it. I like internet boards and Beer. The reasons why is because KIDS do not think I am funny. I think so, but that is another mental problem.

Yeah the beer and the fact you answered an anonymous post (meaning without your name) is the reason why I am here. I am trying to figure how many internet battles you want to have. Reason being, excuse me if I am being repetitive, an anonymous post. Who really gives a flying fuck? He can said blah blah blah fuck donkeys and guess what, he did not mention your handle. Wow, you must have major guilt issues how he and Meryk must have bent you over the rail in the forums and did you dirty, but then again that was yall secret until now.

Now to you,r over sensitive nature. I never said anything bad about you (until the previous post). Especially about the parent thing. I just said (do not quote me, but you can find it in the thread), No he did not say that. Again the post did not have a name, it does not, KID.

I could care less about the reason why you are here, but now you are, welcome. Before you call somebody out on reading comprehension, you should start your sentence with a capital. I am not a person to talk because I have bad grammar. But another note, hipocrit is actually hypocrite. Again I have bad spelling as well. Firefox save me, and maybe a dictionary or a possible book without pictures.

Oh again, I guess you have read a book because you like ad hominem (sorry I had to cut and paste that), but me so dumb.

Luck'e the Lush

I do appreciate the paragraphs now, it is 2am and my vision is blurry.

I don't have to prove anything because you're doing it for me. Everyone but you can see this.

In the original thread, I made a joke that was taken serious by McFadden. Here is the source:

Originally posted by Meryk
Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5

All dixie players just refrain yourself from posting on these forums anymore there a waste of time and your energy. No matter what you say for the next couple days Everyone elses answer is going to be the same. "you have not beaten a quality team therefore you cannot get exited for winning a game you should have won." There obviously not mature enough to agnowladge that we had a good win. There all stubborn scumbags (some even bitter for getting eliminated) that will reply with the same exact comment. Lets just post on our own forums and keep quiet.

Though I am impressed that you used proper spacing between an open and closed parenthesis, the rest of that post makes me weep a little inside. Please post immediately that you are drunk, thus explaining away the numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

Here is the post from McFadden that follows:

Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5
hehehe your probably one of those douschbag english teachers that everyone thinks"wow this guy is a fag hes prob never got laid before". And FYI i could care less what i have spelled right and wrong. DO YOU UNDERSTAND I AM POSTING ON A FORUM FOR GOALLINEBLITZ not writing an english paper. Ohhh and a primary example someone who has gotten eliminated and is bitter so they are trying to piss other people off. Meryk have fun in the BBB for another year hope you enjoy every second of it.

I respond with another joke:

Originally posted by Meryk

No, I'm not an English teacher. I'm just someone that thinks that how a person represents themselves, especially on a forum, directly reflects upon who and what they are. To be perfectly honest, I went to college on a baseball scholarship, and am currently a web-developer that makes browser-based games. I will soon be attempting a career in coaching (football and/or baseball).

Now to have some more fun at your expense:
Douche bag is two words, and you couldn't even spell it right. Ya know, I'll just rewrite that for you.

You're probably one of those douche bag English teachers that everyone thinks, "Wow, this guy is a fag. He's probably never gotten laid before."

I'll pause and explain the errors here in an attempt to hopefully educate you a little. You know, it's never bad to learn something. Anyhow, you should have started it with the contraction of you are, which is you're. Your implies possession; "Your dog shit on my rug." In this example, dog is possessed by you, making it yours. "You are dog shit on my rug." See? That doesn't work. Also, when you are quoting something at the end of a sentence, your comma comes before the opening quotation, and the end punctuation, in this case a period, comes before the closing quotation. You can also use the dog statement as an example for how to end a quote.

And, FYI, I could care less what I have spelled right or wrong.

You want to put a comma after 'and'. It adds emphasis to 'FYI', which I don't mind you using in this case. It has almost become proper usage in today's society, and is, without a doubt, acceptable on nearly all online communities. I have replaced 'right and wrong' with 'right or wrong'. The word 'and' just seems out of place, and 'or', at least in my mind, fits better.

Do you understand that I am posting on a forum for Goal Line Blitz; not writing an English paper?

First, all capitals for emphasis is a bit sophomoric. Using bold, underline, or italics would have done the same thing without making you look like a douche. See how I did that? I think it works much better. Second, since you did not use the word 'and', I inserted a semi-colon, which, in this case, acts as a super comma. It adds a much stronger emphasis to pause, and makes what is said next that much more of a pointed statement. You see, this eliminates having to always use 'and' to connect two points.

Oh, and a primary example of someone who has been eliminated and is bitter.


Okay, so I don't know if I can fix the rest of that run-on without having to add in words that might convey an entirely different point. However, I will do my best.


To make up for it, they are trying to piss other people off. Meryk, have fun in BBB for another year. I hope you enjoy every second of it.

Now, let's put it all together and see how we did.

You're probably one of those douche bag English teachers that everyone thinks, "Wow, this guy is a fag. He's probably never gotten laid before." And, FYI, I could care less what I have spelled right or wrong. Do you understand that I am posting on a forum for Goal Line Blitz; not writing an English paper? Oh, and a primary example of someone who has been eliminated and is bitter. To make up for it, they are trying to piss other people off. Meryk, have fun in BBB for another year. I hope you enjoy every second of it.

Now that we have that taken care of, I will respond to the accusation of being bitter. And, to be completely honest, I am not at all bitter about our loss to Copenhagen. They are a damn good team, and have shown to be the better team by beating us twice this season. Not only that, but their staff and players have been every bit as respectful and classy as I have come to expect from them. I don't mind losing to someone like that. They handle themselves as well as anyone on this forum; maybe better. We lost. I was over it fifteen seconds after watching the replay.

And overall, I'm just not a bitter guy. Do I think you have confidence and self-esteem problems? Yes. I think you should really seek out counseling, and I say that with complete sincerity.

Hell, Hassle got in on the fun by finding a mistake of mine. Did I get mad and start calling him a fag or douche bag?

A little later, your first post was this:

Originally posted by soccerkid091
meryk, u, enjoy, warm, penises, in, and, around, your, mouth, make, sure, to, pause, after, every, coma, and u like giant black penis inside your gaping ass hole that might be the size of alaska and it might be the size of your mother's vagina

You want to call us out for ad hominem? Just look at the very first thing you said to me. It had nothing to do with the conversation.

Now, like I said last season, "Run along and play while the grown-ups talk."

The original thread for anyone that is incredibly bored and wants to see why soccer has a blistered ass.
luckeroll i still must comment on your on reading comprehension i have said multiple times that i am not associated with this league besides that my friend told me about this forum. Also i never said that you said anything bad about me.

you said your mental problem was that people do not find you funny that is just a retarded statement

to continue with your brilliant statements reading comprehension is different than someone's grammar in a forum online.

still you have not been able to prove anything and just continue with your ad hominem attacks. still these continuous statements do not prove anything and they only show that you are incapable of proving your arguments or even making a valid statement

But another note, hipocrit is actually hypocrite. Again I have bad spelling as well. Firefox save me, and maybe a dictionary or a possible book without pictures.

To me it was a funny ass story. And to call somebody a hipocrit (sorry folks it took me a while to type it that way), you just validated his story.. Ummm think about it, ponder about it, before you become captain save my handle dude (or dudette) Kid.

you said both these statements and you spelled hypocrite incorrectly making you ironically a hypocrite

also you constantly correct my spelling which multiple times i have said i do not care about my spelling

also Meryk you are right i did say some stupid things in that in last forum and i did have many ad hominem statements but still your comments about me in this forum about me were unwarrented, unnecesary and plain dumb we both know i never said anything about my parents being married so i'm illiterate but still you have not proven any point here or come close to making a statement proving anything besides that you use grammar way to much in a formal online forum
And what exactly have you proven? You were never discussed by name, yet you come on here claiming slander. Where is the justification for that? And yes, they were warranted by me. I didn't bring you up, but the conversation went that direction. I just happened to be hitchhiking that direction, so I caught a ride. Your venomous and slanderous attacks on me in the other forum, especially the one where you said I sent you a private message with racist remarks, more than validate me in this discussion.

Does the fact that I take pride in how I present myself, even on a forum, offend you? Am I in the wrong because I like to make use of what I learned in school? I was under the impression that we learn that stuff to put it to use in social and working situations.

* edit: typo
Last edited May 4, 2009 17:52:53
Originally posted by soccerkid091
luckeroll i still must comment on your on reading comprehension i have said multiple times that i am not associated with this league besides that my friend told me about this forum. Also i never said that you said anything bad about me.

you said your mental problem was that people do not find you funny that is just a retarded statement

to continue with your brilliant statements reading comprehension is different than someone's grammar in a forum online.

still you have not been able to prove anything and just continue with your ad hominem attacks. still these continuous statements do not prove anything and they only show that you are incapable of proving your arguments or even making a valid statement

But another note, hipocrit is actually hypocrite. Again I have bad spelling as well. Firefox save me, and maybe a dictionary or a possible book without pictures.

To me it was a funny ass story. And to call somebody a hipocrit (sorry folks it took me a while to type it that way), you just validated his story.. Ummm think about it, ponder about it, before you become captain save my handle dude (or dudette) Kid.

you said both these statements and you spelled hypocrite incorrectly making you ironically a hypocrite

also you constantly correct my spelling which multiple times i have said i do not care about my spelling

Ok cool you do not care about spelling but reading comprehension. Yeah I know I have a problem with reading comprehension, the doctor told me it was SDD. Silly Deficit Disorder, I cannot help it to comment on just plain silliness.

You stated you are not in this league.
You stated your friend told you about this forum.

And yet you are still here, even after it was plain clear, you was not called out (hence no name).

Well Luck'e thinks either you are an internet tough guy or have the SD disorder. Either, or it still does not add up why you are here. The only thing that do add up is that they, got your panties in a bunch. Since I post and we still continue about silliness then now I am on the stalker list....shit!.

I really appreciate you calling my statements brilliant, but there is not comprehension needed for simple ass statements. Your arch enemy, posted a link. Will I read, Hell No. Why? You already shown you are a weenie by being here and it is too much fun. I can give a rats ass if they said you wear a pink tu tu. It is not now. especially since we are talking seasons in GLB.

What about three things, just three things I want to mention? Huh, can you follow. Do you have the reading comprehension to do such?

A. Stop using ad hominem! It make you look like an ass and if you just learned the word from Dr. Phil. You got a grasp of the word, just choose another one that starts with A, maybe even B.

B. If you are going to attack (just a suggestion), anybodies "reading comprehension", you should first be correct in all of your post. I am not a person to bash somebody on internet English, but the reading comprehension comment just pokes a shit load of holes in anything you say after reading your shit (I really do appreciate the attempts in spacing).

C. Ok maybe I am wrong about jumping into this one, just maybe. But I hate whiny ass brats, and that is how you come off as. A whiny ass brat. I am not going thru the whole, but in all you are wrong now. You are here defending your internet honor. Actually it was D McFAdd honor (and he had the right to say what he said), what are you to him? Is it you? are you his big brother? Dad? or Lover? Come'on now focus, I am not the enemy, it is
D Downer
I agree with everything that has been said here by all writers.
Originally posted by D Downer
I agree with everything that has been said here by all writers.

Then you obviously haven't had as much to drink as I have.
okay first off i already said that i have made ad hominem statements so now you are just being redundant to make you feel like you are winning also i am not denying that i said anything slanderous

people choose to speak colloquially in online forums it is not for you to go around and correct people who feel it fine to not use proper grammar in formal settings

I have proven that Hassle is not as great of a person as you and your friends make him out to be and that Luckeroll may have some form of mild retardation. Luckeroll has not made any valid point or proven anything besides the fact that he cannot provide proof for any point. Hassle made fun of me for no real reason showing that he is not that great of guy and i also proved hassle is a hypocrite because he sited me for starting drama in your last forum but then felt the need to start drama in a new forum

And going in the direction with something is the same as being a part of it all your saying is that you were not the first to make fun of me but you still did make fun of me. we both know that is a dumb statement and i only hope that was a sad attempt at being funny
Originally posted by soccerkid091
Hassle made fun of me for no real reason showing that he is not that great of guy

Bro, he just picked up where God left off.
Originally posted by soccerkid09

nd that Luckeroll may have some form of mild retardation. Luckeroll has not made any valid point or proven anything besides the fact that he cannot provide proof for any point. Hassle made fun of me for no real reason showing that he is not that great of guy and i also proved hassle is a hypocrite because he sited me for starting drama in your last forum but then felt the need to start drama in a new forum

Yeah me so retarded, but that is better than sounding like a bitch like you do above.

He made fun of me. Waaaaaaaaahh booo hooo.

Bitch go home before the light turn off.

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