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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Hatchman's pre-season rankings for the west
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
still = lolwest

Funny thing here grifter we heard all season about the assholes but when a number of teams sent challenges they never got accepted. just wondering if you all were scared or are you gonna come back and try to save face with another little quirky attampt to act like you guys are good enough to be here.
We are good enough to be here. Unfortunatly for you guys we will just be passing through.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
We are good enough to be here. Unfortunatly for you guys we will just be passing through.

too bad we cant put an L on your record, i guess that'll be up to THE U... lol

15-1? 14-2 if you play us...
Goat Father
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
We are good enough to be here. Unfortunatly for you guys we will just be passing through.

seriously after all the shit you guys talked about how good you were why not accept the challenges that I and others sent and backed it up. It is easy to spout off about how good your are but another to have the backbone to back up those words.
All in the hands of the owner, I can't speak for him. I do know that we had some issues last season that could of deterred his decision. I think the only full time spot we held down was a DC spot, the OC had some issues in RL that prevented him from being able to gameplan or even set the AI. And if we scrimmy a team, then it is to win. Having only one side of the ball trying to win isn't what we are really looking forward to.

And even doing that, we will always talk shit, we are that confident.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
All in the hands of the owner, I can't speak for him. I do know that we had some issues last season that could of deterred his decision. I think the only full time spot we held down was a DC spot, the OC had some issues in RL that prevented him from being able to gameplan or even set the AI. And if we scrimmy a team, then it is to win. Having only one side of the ball trying to win isn't what we are really looking forward to.

And even doing that, we will always talk shit, we are that confident.

Besides talking shit is fun
Goat Father
talking shit without being able to back it up isn't talking shit. It is just running your mouth. If you can say something then back it up then that is the sign of a true shit talker but you boys will learn that soon enough
Originally posted by hatchman
talking shit without being able to back it up isn't talking shit. It is just running your mouth.

We'll see, this season is the one that counts. You'll see us back it up or pack it up. Don't fret hatchet, we're everything we said we are and you'll be thanking the stars you aren't in our conference.

Now, if you don't mind. Go be nice somewhere else. I hear Wendigo is looking for a spokesman for all his goodly deeds he has done of late.
Originally posted by hatchman
talking shit without being able to back it up isn't talking shit. It is just running your mouth. If you can say something then back it up then that is the sign of a true shit talker but you boys will learn that soon enough

We'll prove it in the season peon. For now, bow down to the Lord of the Nunavut and his fellow Surfs, Lords, Gods, and Rulers, as our shit in fact DOES NOT STINK. Not only are we that good, but we are going to run the score up on all you girls this season. Bring the pain, LXA IS READY WITH THE DEATH RAY.
Goat Father
well LXA this time when I send the scrimmage accept it and don't be a bunch of pussy's
Originally posted by hatchman
well LXA this time when I send the scrimmage accept it and don't be a bunch of pussy's

Idle threats mean nothing to us. Challenges mean nothing to us. Your team is worthless, therefore ALL challenges sent by the Yukon Teddy Bears will be turned down. The Lord of the Nunavut decrees it, therefore it shall be. Now get back to work Peon, I need my silk trousers woven with golden fleece done by this evening. It seems that some of my fellow LXAs are preparing an election, and I need to be in full style.
Goat Father
again spoken like a scared little girl.
Originally posted by hatchman
again spoken like a scared little girl.

Yet another threat fallen on deaf ears. Care to elaborate?
Goat Father
not a threat I just think if you are gonna talk the talk you should be able to walk the walk. but again this means nothing to you as your fantasy world must not have anything remotely close to a competetive streak as if it did you guys would accept any challenges and do your best to back them up. And if you guys did back it up then we might take some of the crap you say as true shit talking instead of just diarrhea of the mouth.

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