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Yup....pathetic. And for you to be this giddy about it makes it that much sadder.
you guys had it coming

all the playoff teams should have agreed before hand not to use the exploit..but whatever. Hopefully next season is free of this kind of exploit.
To be honest, nothing changed in the last 3 games as far as gameplanning went. Even against the MMs we had the same game plan as we did today, it just didn't show up heavily.

I will also say, the game plan left quite a few people ticked off, even when we were afraid the MMs would pull the same crap. Most chimed in that we wanted to play the game straight up.

And that's not to pile on the owner. He took care of business and what was in the best interest of the team, so I can understand exactly what he was doing.

From the first time this shit started, it didn't need to. I don't care if it was a 'meaningless game'. What is to stop someone from doing the same exact thing when that is the only gameplan shown to be successful versus us this year?

That's why it was stupid the first time it happened just as much as it was this time. When one person attempts the bullshit gameplan, of course someone else will want to follow suit. dalpoas just protected his team.

Now was it the right thing to do? Even I don't know that. But that's why this stupid bullshit didn't need to start weeks ago when it was just a joke or whatever else. It leads to more of this bullshit happening.
Originally posted by Pud
you guys had it coming

all the playoff teams should have agreed before hand not to use the exploit..but whatever. Hopefully next season is free of this kind of exploit.

First, I doubt that rule would have been followed, seen a bunch of other leagues try it with no success. Second, next seaosn will not be rid of this exploit, there will just be a new set of plays that are unstoppable that Bort again missed.
Philly I will still look at you as the champs, you guys can let him have his trophy everyone knows its tainted. I don't think they would have beat you without the exploit. I guess they can use the motto if your not cheating your not trying.
Originally posted by dalpoas83
This is a prime example why you shouldnt be tied in with more than one team in a league. I dont know who is on what team and I dont care to look. All I know is Nsab is part of MM and they did it to us and a lot of the people froma that team called us whiners and so on. Now that being said, REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD! I should have that written on the big gold trophy I will be getting soon

I doubt NSab is worried about the gold little picture that will be missing from the top of his profile. And you don't know who is on what team?!? Gimme a break, you telling me nobody over there ever scouts? You're pathetic, and the fact that you are trying to justify yourself and be self-righteous about this situation is ignorant. Like I said, you won and congratulations, if you get off by doing shit like that then more power to you.
Originally posted by willie2604
To be honest, nothing changed in the last 3 games as far as gameplanning went. Even against the MMs we had the same game plan as we did today, it just didn't show up heavily.

Nice try...but that was not honest.

Originally posted by willie2604
I will also say, the game plan left quite a few people ticked off, even when we were afraid the MMs would pull the same crap. Most chimed in that we wanted to play the game straight up.

Really, you honestly thought MM would do the same thing in the playoffs? Completely different situation then what appeared to be a hopeless game for us in the Regular season....that once again, no matter the outcome of that regular season game would not have changed the standings at all.....think about it.....

Originally posted by willie2604
He took care of business and what was in the best interest of the team, so I can understand exactly what he was doing.

You think that sticking you with this stigma is really looking out for the best interest of the team Good luck with that.

Originally posted by willie2604
From the first time this shit started, it didn't need to. I don't care if it was a 'meaningless game'. What is to stop someone from doing the same exact thing when that is the only gameplan shown to be successful versus us this year?

That's why it was stupid the first time it happened just as much as it was this time. When one person attempts the bullshit gameplan, of course someone else will want to follow suit. dalpoas just protected his team.

Keep trying to justify long as it makes you feel better.

Originally posted by willie2604
Now was it the right thing to do? Even I don't know that. But that's why this stupid bullshit didn't need to start weeks ago when it was just a joke or whatever else. It leads to more of this bullshit happening.

Thanks for giving us a little of your omniscience.

What it comes down to, is that Philly never used that gameplan....not even anything close to it. And you whiners went all out on it. Pathetic.

And I am NOT part of Philly, and really only know 2-3 agents that are over there. I would be saying the same thing had you done this to ANY team in this league.

Originally posted by dalpoas83
This is a prime example why you shouldnt be tied in with more than one team in a league. I dont know who is on what team and I dont care to look. All I know is Nsab is part of MM and they did it to us and a lot of the people froma that team called us whiners and so on. Now that being said, REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD! I should have that written on the big gold trophy I will be getting soon

Pathetic! I own the Marauders and We are not the Masterminds. So what revenge do you speak of?
Last edited Apr 5, 2009 13:23:29
I am just sad that we will have to move up together, another year of Bullshit.
Originally posted by PACharger

Nice try...but that was not honest.

Do I need to take screen shots of our gameplanning thread from that game?

Better yet, I'll do it anyways since I do not feel like dealing with you.

Originally posted by PACharger

Really, you honestly thought MM would do the same thing in the playoffs? Completely different situation then what appeared to be a hopeless game for us in the Regular season....that once again, no matter the outcome of that regular season game would not have changed the standings at all.....think about it.....

Dood, it gives you even more incentive to do it in the playoffs, when it actually counts. So thank you for helping make my point.

Originally posted by PACharger

You think that sticking you with this stigma is really looking out for the best interest of the team Good luck with that.

Irony makes me giggle like a little girl.

Originally posted by PACharger

Keep trying to justify long as it makes you feel better.


Originally posted by PACharger

Thanks for giving us a little of your omniscience.

What it comes down to, is that Philly never used that gameplan....not even anything close to it. And you whiners went all out on it. Pathetic.

And I am NOT part of Philly, and really only know 2-3 agents that are over there. I would be saying the same thing had you done this to ANY team in this league.

But yet you came out so strongly in defense of it during your game.

But wait, wait .. it's okay in certain circumstances, just not in this circumstance, right? It's either right or it is not. There is no gray area in cheating.

Dood, I knew the gameplan was gonna draw backlash. And frankly, I don't blame alot of people for being PO'd. But you and your team being PO'd? That's just sad, but yet so incredibly funny.
They couldnt hang ... so they had to exploit to win
Originally posted by willie2604
Originally posted by PACharger

Nice try...but that was not honest.

Do I need to take screen shots of our gameplanning thread from that game?

Better yet, I'll do it anyways since I do not feel like dealing with you.

Originally posted by PACharger

Really, you honestly thought MM would do the same thing in the playoffs? Completely different situation then what appeared to be a hopeless game for us in the Regular season....that once again, no matter the outcome of that regular season game would not have changed the standings at all.....think about it.....

Dood, it gives you even more incentive to do it in the playoffs, when it actually counts. So thank you for helping make my point.

Originally posted by PACharger

You think that sticking you with this stigma is really looking out for the best interest of the team Good luck with that.

Irony makes me giggle like a little girl.

Originally posted by PACharger

Keep trying to justify long as it makes you feel better.


Originally posted by PACharger

Thanks for giving us a little of your omniscience.

What it comes down to, is that Philly never used that gameplan....not even anything close to it. And you whiners went all out on it. Pathetic.

And I am NOT part of Philly, and really only know 2-3 agents that are over there. I would be saying the same thing had you done this to ANY team in this league.

But yet you came out so strongly in defense of it during your game.

But wait, wait .. it's okay in certain circumstances, just not in this circumstance, right? It's either right or it is not. There is no gray area in cheating.

Dood, I knew the gameplan was gonna draw backlash. And frankly, I don't blame alot of people for being PO'd. But you and your team being PO'd? That's just sad, but yet so incredibly funny.

It was my Team, not his. I have 1 Lb on MM
Forget it, the trophy isn't worth shit. Don't try a spout your Bull up in AA, that's all.
Wait, what?!?!? Is someone trying to say that this whole Strong I Slam business began because of the Masterminds?!? Do you have a fucking brain??? Go look at USA Pro, that gameplan is the norm for MEM, supposedly the "best" team in GLB. Don't gimme this shit, you guys ran your mouths to begin the season, we decided to do our best to put an end to it in the regular season, we did that (whether it was cheap or not), and that was the reason. In all honesty, if you guys don't run your mouths and make threads about your greatness earlier this seaosn then MM never runs the damn exploit in the first place.

Believe me, we considered coming up with some type of "typical" gameplan for our regular season meeting and then surprising the shit out of you and running SI Slam 100% of the time should we have met in the playoffs, but that completely destroys ANY of GLB's integrity, not that there is much left anyway after this season.

Originally posted by Monoxide97
Looked like we was playing a cheezer on Madden.

Originally posted by LilDawgSoul
Hey Dal maybe we should pull the bitch move MM pulled on us the rest of the season? How fun would that be for our sick ass O-line and our superstars RBs?

Originally posted by Pud
Originally posted by dalpoas83

lol, careful what u ask for

id be pretty disappointed in the leggerz if they resorted to that actually.

Bottom line: You cried, tried to make everyone feel bad for poor, poor Oklahoma, and then realized you couldn't take the only team in this league that matched up with you levels-wise, so you copped out. We are all SO proud and admirable of you for your achievements.
Originally posted by byrongame21
Bottom line: You cried, tried to make everyone feel bad for poor, poor Oklahoma, and then realized you couldn't take the only team in this league that matched up with you levels-wise, so you copped out. We are all SO proud and admirable of you for your achievements.

This ^

Last edited Apr 5, 2009 15:26:31

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