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Originally posted by Kotoll
Lost total respect for bladewalker that last game. I mean how pathetic do you have to be to have a 15-1 team and feel the only way to win is to use the strong I glitch over and over. Yes its posted all over the boards and something the community is aware but but come on!

bladewalker pathetic a-hole who can't compete so he tries to cheat everyone on my team......but still loses. LOL. Welcome to the Bunnies hall of shame. You are by far the worst GM we have met.

Least I know this won't be a problem next game. UK Assassins pulled off an amazing win w/o exploiting. Gratz to you guys.

Too true. You really get a measure of a lot of people this year thanks to the glitch.
Originally posted by bigboy1972
Originally posted by Kotoll

Lost total respect for bladewalker that last game. I mean how pathetic do you have to be to have a 15-1 team and feel the only way to win is to use the strong I glitch over and over. Yes its posted all over the boards and something the community is aware but but come on!

bladewalker pathetic a-hole who can't compete so he tries to cheat everyone on my team......but still loses. LOL. Welcome to the Bunnies hall of shame. You are by far the worst GM we have met.

Least I know this won't be a problem next game. UK Assassins pulled off an amazing win w/o exploiting. Gratz to you guys.

So you are gonna cry about this game??? YOU sound pathatic, really you do. One more thing, how can anyone have respect for a team when they have TWELVE players over the suggested lvl cap??

No crying. Just learning who lacks guts and class and who doesn't. We planned our team based upon moving up. Got our asses kicked in the 1st round last season and was stuck again in BBB.
Originally posted by FSUThrill
If I hold the FPB under 50pts legit----it would be a moral victory, even though that's not what I'm about! Question though--did Monte Carlo just team boost last year to beat bunnies or did they run the same exploited play? I remember the shock of seeing the score, but didn't watch the game or see if FPB had turnovers?

It was a legit win. We didn't run any bullshit plays.

We did boost early though and catch them off guard.
You know the best part is watching the teams who used this bullshit tatic come on the boards and try to defend it.

It was dirty and cheap and anyone with any morals worth a shit wouldn't have done it. Just own up that when faced with a moral question you took the scum bag way.
Originally posted by jace0221
Originally posted by bigboy1972

Originally posted by Kotoll

Lost total respect for bladewalker that last game. I mean how pathetic do you have to be to have a 15-1 team and feel the only way to win is to use the strong I glitch over and over. Yes its posted all over the boards and something the community is aware but but come on!

bladewalker pathetic a-hole who can't compete so he tries to cheat everyone on my team......but still loses. LOL. Welcome to the Bunnies hall of shame. You are by far the worst GM we have met.

Least I know this won't be a problem next game. UK Assassins pulled off an amazing win w/o exploiting. Gratz to you guys.

So you are gonna cry about this game??? YOU sound pathatic, really you do. One more thing, how can anyone have respect for a team when they have TWELVE players over the suggested lvl cap??

No crying. Just learning who lacks guts and class and who doesn't. We planned our team based upon moving up. Got our asses kicked in the 1st round last season and was stuck again in BBB.

It Just pissed me off to read this guys remarks about someone. I mean if you want to talk shit about our team or the game plan no problem but to attack someone personally is kinda classless, don't you think? That is my real issue, this is only a game bro...
It was a dick move. And your wondering why someones character is being attacked?

Its a game but where is the fun when someone decides to run an exploit over and over 70+ times? If I lose I want to lose because someone did a better job than I did. Not because they read about a glitch that can be abused.
You know absolutely nothing of Bladewalker's character. If you think you can discover some hidden secret about somebody because they have the inclination to view functional parts of the game as a tactic rather than an exploit, you truly need to rethink how you judge things. How a person behaves in a simulated football game is not the same as character by any stretch, nor is it very revealing of it.

That said, I would not have used the tactic, and I didn't know about it going in to the game. However, as much as you would like to tout everyone's ability to "recruit" the argument can be made just as easily that it is "classless" to remain in a lower level league as level 35+ players to dominate all competition. I'm not making that argument, but it's hardly prudent for a team who is clearly stacked against everyone else to complain about a win. As London's RB, I didn't expect to win the game, frankly I was surprised we kept it as close as we did. We don't have two backs, we don't have a power back, and frankly most of are builds are not geared to 'exploit' some of the things you can exploit offensively in GLB. I think it is utterly disrespectful to attempt to question someones integrity over something like this, and if you, as the victor, can't get past that then I am sorry.

No one is suggesting you should be happy about the gameplan, but I think it would be appropriate to not slander another person based off a single game.
Last edited Apr 3, 2009 13:59:22
Redass Ranch
Originally posted by Kotoll
It was a dick move. And your wondering why someones character is being attacked?

Its a game but where is the fun when someone decides to run an exploit over and over 70+ times? If I lose I want to lose because someone did a better job than I did. Not because they read about a glitch that can be abused.

You are the POT calling the KETTLE black...

Western Europe BBB #8Lv 19-33 Suggested... anything over Level 35 is making a mockery of this league... hope you enjoy your trophy... and you are the ultimate game planner against equal competition and the closes game is by 42 points... please step off the pedestal and STFU.

My god! Are you all morons of the same breed? We went 16-0 our 2nd year here and loss 1st round to a very good MCRG team. Due to that we didn't get promoted as much as we deserved it. I kept most of the team in tact and recruited what I could for a cap 34 league. If you didn't recruit or couldn't get people to sign with you thats your problem not mine. Its not an exploit or an abuse of game mechanics. Its a team that got screwed over that should have been promoted. So before you defend your boy maybe you should consider that what he did was on purpose and a known exploit/bug in the game.

And if bladewalker wants to be an a hole owner in GLB then thats what he is. My comments are him personally in the game, nothing more. God I hope you guys are in my division next season I will muff punch the whole lot.
Last edited Apr 3, 2009 15:46:18
I just reviewed the entire issue and clearly bladewalker will gladly using cheap tactics. Is it legal, yes. Is it fair, not really. Should someone think less of you because you were willing to attempt an exploit, definetly. To sit back and say it is legal is pointless. We get it you didn't break any rules, but everyone should agree that you have low standards as a GM and you are willing to use anything to win. Clearly the game is not about fun to you or else you would not have attempted such a dirty exploit.
the way i see it, everything is 'legal' unless you make a gentleman's agreement ahead of time. if the two of you agreed to not use the play, he turned around and used it, then i'd say he's an asshole. as it stands, he was just doing the only thing he knew he could do to win the game under the circumstances.

i've only used the run a few times during the year, and we were ousted in the first round in an upset. with my other team we've used that play occassionally along with other 'pound the ball' tactics, because we have a power back. the power back was created prior to this being an 'exploit'.

i find it comedic that this is so much of an issue.

i caught a bunch of shit because my team forced an uncanny amount of fumbles. players were calling that an 'exploit'. this bitching is absurd and out of hand.
Originally posted by Kotoll
My god! Are you all morons of the same breed? We went 16-0 our 2nd year here and loss 1st round to a very good MCRG team. Due to that we didn't get promoted as much as we deserved it. I kept most of the team in tact and recruited what I could for a cap 34 league. If you didn't recruit or couldn't get people to sign with you thats your problem not mine. Its not an exploit or an abuse of game mechanics. Its a team that got screwed over that should have been promoted. So before you defend your boy maybe you should consider that what he did was on purpose and a known exploit/bug in the game.

And if bladewalker wants to be an a hole owner in GLB then thats what he is. My comments are him personally in the game, nothing more. God I hope you guys are in my division next season I will muff punch the whole lot.

The only part I will comment on this is the seond paragraph...I happen to like Bladewalker and Seagulls would of used like I said the screen all game because we would of liked to have fun and try something that may or may not of worked WR/HB screens can at times be golden when used at the same time. We would of known going into the game even doing this we would of lost but we would of had fun. For you to say my comments are for him personally, thats what gets to me.

If they were meant to be personally to him, maybe a PM would of been better and would of kept all this drama and anger out of the forums. This post has done nothing. It hasnt been constructive, it hasnt brought more light to a subject. its only been used to cause people to lash out at each other...

Delete request for this thread!
1. It is idiotic for people to say we stacked a team over the suggested limits of this league. Most of the team was here last season, and we recruited thinking we were going to be promoted. We didn't ask to stay behind, and we weren't about to cut everyone because we didn't get promoted.
2. Kotoll is just trying to keep the dookie/club america flavor in the league. We should thank him.
Both my guys.....Gray and Tuck, were level 32 at the start of the season. This league is a 19-33 suggested league. Kotoll recruited me when both my guys became available after the team they were on disbanded.

Can't blame the Bunnies' GM's for being good recruiters. Some people bitched about Gray returning kicks against lower level guys.....that's just your fault, if you were better recruiters there wouldn't be such a big gap in competition in this league.
Last edited Apr 3, 2009 21:41:44
By Octopus--i caught a bunch of shit because my team forced an uncanny amount of fumbles. players were calling that an 'exploit'. this bitching is absurd and out of hand.

Are you serious?? Global had close to 30 FF's and your other BBB team had over 35. UK had 59 FF's in the regular season and nobody has given me any grief about it!! How in the world could FF's and INT's be an exploit or bug in game?

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