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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #7 > Season 8 Good game Thread
Good game Kingston. We can't seem to find our offensive this season. Looks like a long season for the Weyburn Wolverines.
GG... ATL Flash... I hope you guys can get thing turned around this season.
great game reapers. I thought you guys had us for sure - we kind of pulled a rabbit out of our collective hats over at SE for that one. if I was to redo the power rankings, your team would definitely be higher than the preseason projections that I did. You've earned my respect
Originally posted by ArmyVet80
Good game Kingston. We can't seem to find our offensive this season. Looks like a long season for the Weyburn Wolverines.

I hear ya we are sort of in the same boat. We were the top offense in the conference in BBB 14 last season, now after moving up (and major upgrades) we have scored just enough to win 2 games. This is a brutal League with no easy games apparently.

GG guys, you have a solid team I think you guys will get some in the win column soon.

Originally posted by raiderdav
Good game Defenders - it is now 1-1. We're looking forward to the grudge match in the next one.

gg, the turnovers killed us. Can't wait till next time
Originally posted by Precisionist
Originally posted by ArmyVet80

Good game Kingston. We can't seem to find our offensive this season. Looks like a long season for the Weyburn Wolverines.

I hear ya we are sort of in the same boat. We were the top offense in the conference in BBB 14 last season, now after moving up (and major upgrades) we have scored just enough to win 2 games. This is a brutal League with no easy games apparently.

GG guys, you have a solid team I think you guys will get some in the win column soon.

It's hard to stay competitive in this league. We lost our starting QB, WR, G, DE, SS, FS from last season. We replaced them with players comperable to their stats and nothing seems to work. We have 3 pretty good RB's but a patch work o-line. We have some pretty reasonable players but instead of upgrading we pretty much made horizontal off season moves rather than verticle as you will. Our owner is in his 4th season with the team and trying to get everything going but we can't seem to play consistantly.
Originally posted by Precisionist
I hear ya we are sort of in the same boat. We were the top offense in the conference in BBB 14 last season, now after moving up (and major upgrades) we have scored just enough to win 2 games. This is a brutal League with no easy games apparently.

GG guys, you have a solid team I think you guys will get some in the win column soon.

Yea you guys have a nice team... just be patient things will be fine the depth in this conference is crazy... makes you wish you were in one of those push over Canada A
Originally posted by ArmyVet80
Originally posted by Precisionist

Originally posted by ArmyVet80

Good game Kingston. We can't seem to find our offensive this season. Looks like a long season for the Weyburn Wolverines.

I hear ya we are sort of in the same boat. We were the top offense in the conference in BBB 14 last season, now after moving up (and major upgrades) we have scored just enough to win 2 games. This is a brutal League with no easy games apparently.

GG guys, you have a solid team I think you guys will get some in the win column soon.

It's hard to stay competitive in this league. We lost our starting QB, WR, G, DE, SS, FS from last season. We replaced them with players comperable to their stats and nothing seems to work. We have 3 pretty good RB's but a patch work o-line. We have some pretty reasonable players but instead of upgrading we pretty much made horizontal off season moves rather than verticle as you will. Our owner is in his 4th season with the team and trying to get everything going but we can't seem to play consistantly.

You know I am scared to death that the Demons will be in the same boat next year. Consecutive 15 - 1 seasons and a conference championship, it wasnt hard to recruit for this year. But I am worried about next year especially if we are a 1 and gone playoff team (or not even making the playoffs this year). How many of these level 40 guys am I going to be able to keep around if I dont win this season?

Originally posted by Precisionist
You know I am scared to death that the Demons will be in the same boat next year. Consecutive 15 - 1 seasons and a conference championship, it wasnt hard to recruit for this year. But I am worried about next year especially if we are a 1 and gone playoff team (or not even making the playoffs this year). How many of these level 40 guys am I going to be able to keep around if I dont win this season?

We had zero lvl 40 players on the roster last season and went 6-10 and didn't make the playoffs..., we had our best recruiting off-season since I rebuilt my team. Its all about the agents you find. If you lucky you'll have agents that are super loyal and guys just looking for a team and somewhere they are wanted...
Originally posted by tdot
Originally posted by Precisionist

You know I am scared to death that the Demons will be in the same boat next year. Consecutive 15 - 1 seasons and a conference championship, it wasnt hard to recruit for this year. But I am worried about next year especially if we are a 1 and gone playoff team (or not even making the playoffs this year). How many of these level 40 guys am I going to be able to keep around if I dont win this season?

We had zero lvl 40 players on the roster last season and went 6-10 and didn't make the playoffs..., we had our best recruiting off-season since I rebuilt my team. Its all about the agents you find. If you lucky you'll have agents that are super loyal and guys just looking for a team and somewhere they are wanted...

That's our problem. We find some guys that we think are loyal but yet turn out to be everything but loyal.
I know the feeling.

There was an agent that had a large number of high lvl players and i have been trying to recruit him since the middle of season 7. Well i finally got him to sign two of his guys, after opening the season 3-0 he demands to be cut. Stating he doesnt "feel the team" anymore and wants to retire the two guys.

I asked him to give me some time to recruit some replacements and in the meantime he takes off all his equip including CE and says it shouldnt be hard for us to recruit someone better now.

Well after 1000 pms from the guy bitching for his release, i cut him and he signed with another team by morning.

"Its ALL about the agents you bring in" I cut the guy cause i didnt want a cancer like that to ruin our season and spoil things for the other guys.
Originally posted by Zapp30
I know the feeling.

There was an agent that had a large number of high lvl players and i have been trying to recruit him since the middle of season 7. Well i finally got him to sign two of his guys, after opening the season 3-0 he demands to be cut. Stating he doesnt "feel the team" anymore and wants to retire the two guys.

I asked him to give me some time to recruit some replacements and in the meantime he takes off all his equip including CE and says it shouldnt be hard for us to recruit someone better now.

Well after 1000 pms from the guy bitching for his release, i cut him and he signed with another team by morning.

"Its ALL about the agents you bring in" I cut the guy cause i didnt want a cancer like that to ruin our season and spoil things for the other guys.

Wow! What a douche
What cracks me up are the agents who after a season say, "Can you release this guy, I want to retire him." Then as soon as he is released he signs with some 16 - 0 from a lower league who's cap just went up.

The feeling I get is there are a lot of folks who play this game just trying to get team trophies on their players, and bounce around until they catch "the right team in the right league" to win one, then repeat the process. GLB mercenaries I guess.

IMO there ought to be a penalty for moving a player to too many teams. Like a stat loss after your 5th team or something.
Last edited Mar 4, 2009 13:22:15
I've seen talk in the past of a player and owner rating system similar to eBay. Hard to patrol those types of things though - easy to abuse a system like that.

We have a different problem in that we've retained more than 90% of our players since Season 3. We all want to stay together and win as a group, but each season new teams come in and recruit new mercenaries that outlevel us. Each season we finish near the top but just out of the running, and are on our 5th season in A7. I guess thats why so many teams end up gutting and combining forces.

Originally posted by raiderdav
I've seen talk in the past of a player and owner rating system similar to eBay. Hard to patrol those types of things though - easy to abuse a system like that.

We have a different problem in that we've retained more than 90% of our players since Season 3. We all want to stay together and win as a group, but each season new teams come in and recruit new mercenaries that outlevel us. Each season we finish near the top but just out of the running, and are on our 5th season in A7. I guess thats why so many teams end up gutting and combining forces.

A league since season 3?

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