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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #6 > Challenge to Sly
Well Sly never responded so i`m pulling the offer. I`m not gonna waste my time if he`s not going to answer. More beneficial to play around with my offense.
Originally posted by jp9183
Well Sly never responded so i`m pulling the offer. I`m not gonna waste my time if he`s not going to answer. More beneficial to play around with my offense.

ok, you're playing around and we have no gameplan set. still seems like a good matchup, with no excuses needed for the loser. right jp? may the best team win.
Dozer Dogmeat
Originally posted by salizy13
dozer= no ball pussy loser

Wow man.

Well, I guess your a pussy too. Not like I would really know.

You type really tough though.
I do have to say, some of the stuff in this thread is a bit over the top. Cool it, we don't want the mods hanging out here and handing out bans every time some smack talk starts.
We will try some new stuff out, so the outcome won't be a big deal...But I'm sure both teams want to win this one.
Well it was a good game, but i`m learning more of the OC stuff for myself this year. I certainly learned what works and what doesn`t seem to work on offense.
Originally posted by jp9183
Well it was a good game, but i`m learning more of the OC stuff for myself this year. I certainly learned what works and what doesn`t seem to work on offense.

i think my gameplan was better, tbh. good game. im leaving corpus and probably A6, so good luck to everyone in the future.
Just reading this thread. As it happens, I have a full schedule always so when the offseason hits that's a blessed time for me to catch up on things I fell behind on during the season and playoff preparation. If you recall, I was inactive two offseasons ago as well, but of course we had just won a championship so no one accused me of hiding. After we win the championship this season I'll take some time off from these forums again, but don't fear - I'll come back to check on the Bears and the other pussies that decided to attack when they saw I was temporarily inactive. By the way, it's hard to believe but my esteem for you cowards has somehow hit an all-time low. No matter, as we won your "challenge" without even trying.
Last edited Feb 25, 2009 13:46:41
doc ock
Originally posted by Sly
Just reading this thread. As it happens, I have a full schedule always so when the offseason hits that's a blessed time for me to catch up on things I fell behind on during the season and playoff preparation. If you recall, I was inactive two offseasons ago as well, but of course we had just won a championship so no one accused me of hiding. After we win the championship this season I'll take some time off from these forums again, but don't fear - I'll come back to check on the Bears and the other pussies that decided to attack when they saw I was temporarily inactive. By the way, it's hard to believe but my esteem for you cowards has somehow hit an all-time low. No matter, as we won your "challenge" without even trying.

LOL welcome back! Things should be a little more lively in here now
Originally posted by Sly
Just reading this thread. As it happens, I have a full schedule always so when the offseason hits that's a blessed time for me to catch up on things I fell behind on during the season and playoff preparation. If you recall, I was inactive two offseasons ago as well, but of course we had just won a championship so no one accused me of hiding. After we win the championship this season I'll take some time off from these forums again, but don't fear - I'll come back to check on the Bears and the other pussies that decided to attack when they saw I was temporarily inactive. By the way, it's hard to believe but my esteem for you cowards has somehow hit an all-time low. No matter, as we won your "challenge" without even trying.

no in reality you stopped posting because your team couldnt come through on their promise theyd win it all
Originally posted by Sly
Just reading this thread. As it happens, I have a full schedule always so when the offseason hits that's a blessed time for me to catch up on things I fell behind on during the season and playoff preparation. If you recall, I was inactive two offseasons ago as well, but of course we had just won a championship so no one accused me of hiding. After we win the championship this season I'll take some time off from these forums again, but don't fear - I'll come back to check on the Bears and the other pussies that decided to attack when they saw I was temporarily inactive. By the way, it's hard to believe but my esteem for you cowards has somehow hit an all-time low. No matter, as we won your "challenge" without even trying.

I'm sure you can lose more respect for us in is still early.
Originally posted by salizy13

no in reality you stopped posting because your team couldnt come through on their promise theyd win it all

Actually what I said was we'll win against the Hitmen ALL the time.

But no reason we shouldn't end up winning the A6 Championship - we're a superior team with nothing but patsies here (actually the Scorpions who we play today are a good team and to be fair there are a couple more but we have a good shot to win the A6 Championship).
Last edited Feb 26, 2009 07:02:13

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