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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Season 7 Playoffs - Round 1
Well balanced Red, with a tilt to power is hitting a sweet spot in the merry go round of Sim, though Red has always done well, suppose the Sim always favors balance in a way,it's the extremes that are on the swing of extremes.
Originally posted by pancakewood
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei

Hats off to you Tigers. Turnovers made the difference again.

These have been two of the most exciting games for me to watch all season. What, a 7 point difference in two games, wirh key plays coming in on D and special teams to make the difference. Oh, and BALCO's halftime juice, of course.

HAHA!!! yes its fun! I didn't even expect to be here at the start of the season things were looking pretty bad. Although I very much wanted to win it was all frosting and fun. Good luck to you guys nice work on the field hope to catch up with you all soon if you move on to bigger and better things!


Yeah, I was pretty excited when we got that final score knowing that you'd have to nail a TD to win it since a FG wouldn't do. I knew you guys were going to run it down our throats, which I had mixed feelings about because it chews up the clock fast, but you guys gain yardage in major chunks. Then you guys opted to change tactics inside the 10 and we got the clutch play of the game, an INT at the goal line in front of your WR. Real life games normally don't have that much drama.

Great game Tigers and I wish you all the best next season, where ever you end up. Great game.
Originally posted by Norsemanvike
Originally posted by pancakewood

Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei

Hats off to you Tigers. Turnovers made the difference again.

These have been two of the most exciting games for me to watch all season. What, a 7 point difference in two games, wirh key plays coming in on D and special teams to make the difference. Oh, and BALCO's halftime juice, of course.

HAHA!!! yes its fun! I didn't even expect to be here at the start of the season things were looking pretty bad. Although I very much wanted to win it was all frosting and fun. Good luck to you guys nice work on the field hope to catch up with you all soon if you move on to bigger and better things!


Yeah, I was pretty excited when we got that final score knowing that you'd have to nail a TD to win it since a FG wouldn't do. I knew you guys were going to run it down our throats, which I had mixed feelings about because it chews up the clock fast, but you guys gain yardage in major chunks. Then you guys opted to change tactics inside the 10 and we got the clutch play of the game, an INT at the goal line in front of your WR. Real life games normally don't have that much drama.

Great game Tigers and I wish you all the best next season, where ever you end up. Great game.

Ack that wasn't done on purpose lol! I'm still learnin and I agree imagine if that was a real game how exciting would that have been??? right!??? See you at the bar! I'm buyin!

Originally posted by pancakewood

Ack that wasn't done on purpose lol! I'm still learnin and I agree imagine if that was a real game how exciting would that have been??? right!??? See you at the bar! I'm buyin!


I hope you have deep pockets when we get there since we've got plenty of alcoholics on our team. I think the only time they're sober is when they sign a contract, practice, play a game, or torment the team cat. Poor thing had a too too on the other day and had peanut butter stuck on its fur - which it's still trying to get off.
Originally posted by Norsemanvike

or torment the team cat. Poor thing had a too too on the other day and had peanut butter stuck on its fur - which it's still trying to get off.

I know, pissed me off too. I have two assistant moderators, both of my Maine Coons (the girls) and they were none to happy either.

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