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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Predictions Week 15, West
yes dad lol
Vancouver Vikings vs Rancho Penasquitos Thunderbolts: Rancho's D was a bit tougher than I expected after Arroz demolished them. This makes next week's game even more interesting.
Prediction: Vikings by 28.
Result: Vikings by 14

Cincinnati Cardinals vs Alberta Irukandji:
Prediction: Cinci by 42.
Result: Cards by 79

Manitoba Maulers vs Saskatchewan Thrashers:
Prediction: Maulers by 150.
Result: 189

North Bay Drift vs Victoria Fish: Looks like NBD was even more upset about their loss than I thought.
Prediction: NBD by 28.
Result: NBD by 35

Edmonton Thunderchiefs vs Arroz Con Pollo: Like I said going into this game, it would be decided based on who could stop the other's run. The Thunderknowns kept the Chickens to 2.9 yards a rush and it showed. Outside of one big run by the FB Arroz didn't get much of anywhere on the ground.
Prediction: Arroz by 4.
Result: Thundercheifs by 9!!

Canada Dragons vs Demos: It really seems like Fhockey has given up on this season for this team.
Prediction: Dragons by 21.
Result: Dragons by 20

Moose Jaw Roughriders vs Manitoba Lions: I had more faith in Moose Jaw than they had in themselves. They are pretty much a lock to move up and take the Fish's playoff spot this week.
Prediction: Moose Jaw by 17.
Result: Moose Jaw by 32!!

Fort McMurray Mounted Police vs Laval Crusaders:
Prediction: Smelly victory.
Result: FMMP by 164

7-1 again. Gonna be real careful about who I choose next week as there are some games with big implications.
Originally posted by teamriots
I find it almost laughable that both Bleeds and Bender have resorted to passive aggressive tactics to appear "big" on this stupid thread. Nobody in Moose Jaw takes anything seriously, so just go put it in your pipe and smoke on it suckers. hahaha if we took anything seriously maybe we would win more of our regular season games. But I guess Bleeds has been searching for answers ever since his College boys took a dive in the Big Game last year. Oops. Shit. I guess that was pretty srs huh? srsly? wow. Play ball Bleeds and Bender, I'll play ping pong with your silly mind games.

Dimmy has never said a peep to anyone about anything until he unleashed on sanderval, who VERY WELL deserves any and all flak. The fact you girls act like silly little bitches over it is beyond me. Grow up and let your balls drop.

I'm legitimately confused by this post.

You say all the right words like you don't take things too seriously, but then posts like these prove quite the opposite. Face it, you're never on the boards being amiable, so when you pipe in with shitty attempts at insults (aw man, you threw out the champ game insults all over again, didn't see that one coming) it only reinforces that you can't take things in stride. In fact, I've never made a comment to you directly that hasn't been in response to you trying to start something. You add nothing to the community except a crappy attitude.

It's somewhat humorous when guys like you try to stir the pot, but don't really have an in-game leg to stand on. Maybe that's why you keep bringing up your pixel trophy? I surely don't bring up the fact that you're 1-1 against us, because that was last season and no one cares. Maybe you should try and focus on playing the game. You act like these pathetic teams who challenge others and brag about it when they win but only lose games because they "chose to" (via not preparing/straight getting beat with no other excuse). Yea, yea, Moose Jaw doesn't care, unless teamriots decides it's time to care, but only about what he decides is pertinent. You're sound like an idiot.

There's no "silly little bitch" act from me, and there hasn't ever been. Even when you beat us, I gave you guys praise. It's not, and still isn't a big deal. The only time I've made any attempt at rationalization is through my posts when I talked about our stadium and the fact that we were able to finish it completely because of our home playoff games. And you know what? I'd stick to that, we're better off now because of it, and the Champ game had no detraction from that. We're able to better outfit our team now (you know, the present) because of it, and it will continue to be a huge advantage for us. It sucked for a while that we didn't win, but that was in the past and we've got bigger fish to fry now. You should try it, again playing the game instead of trying to be an internet badass is a lot more fun. That's why you're here spending money, right? A paid forum for shit talking on a game you don't care about seems like a terrible way to spend your time and hard earned cash.

On a different note, I certainly wasn't one of the guys giving Dimmy shit, and agree that the SandVag crew deserves whatever crap they get.

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