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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > Press Release - Alberta Irukandji
I think our biggest problem came from the fact that our defense got so many turnovers and wins from DE sacks and stuff. But the mold was changed for DEs. Boob had 88 speed 65 agi and 65 stre. Now for DEs speed should only be about 60 but if str or agi is 88 they will be dominate. And all the DEs on the team were built in the same mold as Boobs. That lack of pressure really left our CBs out on an island.

Most of the people on the team are retiring their players to make new ones on our team and rebuild them in the way Bort sees how the position should be built.
I still like the idea of having leagues where you keep the same 12 teams. If a team goes CPU then the option to acqurie that team goes to the league. If its a good, tight knit, group of people then I can guarantee it will always get picked up. You balance teams by skill degradation. The free agent market would exist somewhat as it does now.

The most enjoyment ive gotten in A5 was the last two seasons, AA3 just isnt the same.

You have got to listen to your paying customers or your product will die, period.
Last edited Jan 23, 2009 14:43:49
Originally posted by Oscarr

You have got to listen to your paying customers or your product will die, period.

I wish someone DD or Bort knew in real life would tell them that, because it is obvious they do not care what online customers think...
Originally posted by Zadith
Originally posted by Oscarr

You have got to listen to your paying customers or your product will die, period.

I wish someone DD or Bort knew in real life would tell them that, because it is obvious they do not care what online customers think...

Someone will argue with what another person says, period. I don't think it is 'not caring' but rather not 'knowing which customer to listen to'.
Veey good point, but the area he needs to listen to the whiners is customer service and the flawed build and promotion/demotion system. Not the nerfing and buffing of builds. Yes take everyone's complaints into account but do not do a massive overhaul on certain positions and ruin hundreds if not thousands of builds without any warning or way to fix them.

Hell even games like WoW allow you to respec your characters for a certain amount of in-game or out of game cash if something is changed. Usually if it is a big update(Like world of warcraft had recently) they refund all points to the position/class that is most affected and allow them to rebuild to fit the new system.

I know people hate when you compare this to WoW but considering how well it has done there is obviously something to the system they use to keep customers around...and part of it is adding new things to the game without destroying everything that was there before.
Of course WoW has how many people working on the game. GLB has two and one just got hired. Honestly anyone who doesnt understand that the majority of GLB users want to play a realisticish football sim needs to check the recent poll. 50 sacks a year for an ok built DE is not what the game should have ever been. I agree that the game was not well thought out but as long as it keep moving in the right direction I'm fine with it.

I have no sympathy for people who built their players based on one or two attributes who later find that those one or two attributes have been downgraded to be more realistic. The reason it's still called a Beta is because Bort wants to reserve the right to make drastic changes to make the game better. When he decides that the game wont need such massive changes anymore he'll probably drop the beta tag.
I don't mind the Idea of promotion and demotion. The idea that the best teams compete against each other and the worst teams go down to the bottom . Where they can rebuild . The only problem is we all want to win and as much as we all complain about the cupcakes they help some teams make the playoffs. If everybody is equal some good teams are going to end up with bad records. Borts changes have made it even tougher to win. I think back to season 5 and how everyone had such different offenses and defenses and how game planing was fun ! You could count on the Vikings to run the ball up the middle about 50 times and the Tunderbolts to throw the ball all over. Moose jaw was throwing the ball deep every other play. And my team was running outside. Defenses were just as different. Now every team has to fit the mold or lose. Very good players have to get dumped because they no longer fit Borts mold. I thought about doing the same thing Alberta is doing but thought maybe I'd just hang in A#5 instead. It's not such a bad place to hang out in if your not going anywhere anytime soon.
Originally posted by yendorii
Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I'm defying the logic here by sticking with my shitty team through the worst of it.

Anyway, I think a lot of good points are being made here. It does seem like ideas are being pushed aside and suggestions ignored here. I'm really upset about the DE and elusive HB nerfs that have happened. If you want to talk about realistic, show me an NFL running back who is stronger than an offensive linemen in the upper body. Then show me an NFL offensive lineman who is faster than an NFL running back. It happens daily on GLB.
Originally posted by razor9
Originally posted by yendorii

Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I'm defying the logic here by sticking with my shitty team through the worst of it.

Anyway, I think a lot of good points are being made here. It does seem like ideas are being pushed aside and suggestions ignored here. I'm really upset about the DE and elusive HB nerfs that have happened. If you want to talk about realistic, show me an NFL running back who is stronger than an offensive linemen in the upper body. Then show me an NFL offensive lineman who is faster than an NFL running back. It happens daily on GLB.

How true. If I wanted to play an NFL game I'd get out my John Madden game. I want GLB the way it was. Individual builds make unique players. Forcing them into an NFL box doesn't work. If all the players have to fit the NFL mold then the game should be issuing premolded players and not players you can build the way you want.
Originally posted by razor9
Originally posted by yendorii

Why is it that if people can't win they must quit. I just dont get it.

I'm defying the logic here by sticking with my shitty team through the worst of it.

Bah, I've been on a team for 7 seasons now, and never gotten to the playoffs yet. I'll play until Season 10, and then I'll retire my players and start new ones, and have my secondary lower-level player I have now as my main, and my team will probably all still be together with newer player builds, chugging along. I see no reason to stop playing just because my team never seems to win, this game is way too much fun... and I can say that even after being on the front lines of DongGate and getting screwed over by it, and with rarely ever winning anything.

I don't disagree that GLB has its problems, but my god people, they're small problems. As was stated above, part of the problem is that Bort's getting 3 or 4 different opinions from 3 or 4 different directions. And as I've mentioned, he's made it way too simple and easy to buy a team, which results in many bad teams and many that are just abandoned. So some of Bort's problems are because the game is just so damn popular...

And yes, GLB dotball is crazy silly sometimes. Watching replays is confusing at times, and gameplanning is maddening unless you're just a really good team of superior builds. It needs continued improvement, but I thik Bort will get it there or close to there eventually.

This is a really, really, REALLY good MMO though. I know people who were playing other MMO's and have long since quit them, but still religiously check GLB every day and do the things they need to do. For all its warts, there's something in this game that few other games can claim, and it absolutely sinks it hooks into you and you're hopeless to pull away.

And to be honest... before GLB my team was just a bunch of people who'd spent years posting on a message board and being in EHM leagues together competing with one another. This game then brought us together as a team of agents and players working towards the same thing, and as corny as it sounds that's been a pretty cool thing. Competing against and cooperating with are totally different things.

Go play CyberDunk or CyberPuck and see how ugly and bad a sports MMO can be though. GLB is light years ahead of them, even with all its faults.
I would just like to say this and damn you all who think I am an asshole for it.

Primis you are the reason that I feel that I was correct with my original thought in this thread. Winning isn't everything and this game is doing the best it can. You can all justify Alberta quitting all you wish but they have quit to be competitive no matter how you look at it. They can't win so they stop trying. It's a cop out.

PC police, go!

Edit: For clarification, I meant that Primis is a fine example as to why quitting isn't justifiable imo. I realized that may not have been conveyed in this post
Last edited Jan 24, 2009 01:06:41
Originally posted by yendorii
I would just like to say this and damn you all who think I am an asshole for it.

Primis you are the reason that I feel that I was correct with my original thought in this thread. Winning isn't everything and this game is doing the best it can. You can all justify Alberta quitting all you wish but they have quit to be competitive no matter how you look at it. They can't win so they stop trying. It's a cop out.

PC police, go!

What an ass!
Why should it be hard to buy a team ? These aren't bottom of the ladder teams going under. There pro and AAA and AA and A teams. Teams that have had to work to get there or have been there for a while. Sometimes an owner just gets tired of losing or dealing with primadonna 's . Bort has done all we can ask to make the leagues more competitive and they are. In the past no team coming up from the BBBs would have been this competitive but here we are with most of the leading teams fresh from the b leagues.

We all voted to make the stat more realistic and now they are, but I wonder if the vote were held again would anyone still vote that way. My teams rushing yardage has been more than cut in half. My td total are only about half of last seasons. I know some of that is better competition but a lot of it is restricting players so there stats fit the nfl mold. That's my only frustration with the game right now !
Agreed, I voted for "funner" stats. But when I saw the total people voting for realism I said to myself that there would be TONS of people crying "NERF" or complaining in general. Realism and this MMO is a bad bad idea. Oh and for the record Yendorii, I think you are being closeminded, take a step back and see that there are many angles to look at the situaion. There are many approriate responses, seeing this is a game and the idea is to have fun, why not make the choice that will give you the most pleasure? I certainly don't pay money to own a team for anyone elses benefit but my own. I do it because I enjoy it, if I stop enjoying it, for damn sure I'd make a change of some sort.

Originally posted by oldbaldone
Why should it be hard to buy a team ? These aren't bottom of the ladder teams going under. There pro and AAA and AA and A teams.

You seem to be confusing one's league with the quality of one's teams and dedication.

For one thing, you have 12 year-olds buying Pro and AAA teams and then getting frustrated when they don't instantly win and the world doesn't bow down to them. Last season, my one team was 1 of like 3 or 4 remaining original CPL teams form Season 1. All the others had folded or been demoted. Why? Because buying a team is too "disposable"... it doesn't cost enough Flex/Money, so it's a throw-away venture for people who aren't dedicated enough.

If Bort wants people to buy teams, they should then have to start out in D-League and work their way up. That alone would discourage a lot of the people from buying teams because then they can't instantly have a Pro or AAA team that they haven't earned.

Want an example of it all coming too easily? When DongGate happened and Bort forcefully disbanded them, they were then left up for bid. So a new owner got to inherit a completely-built stadium and a TON of cash to start with. That team became the Miami Energy, and is now the Miami Avengers in AAA. Why should someone get to buy a team and not only inherit their (ill-gotten as it turns out) championship trophies, but also their cash and their full stadium? What did THEY do to earn them or thier spot?

So yes, it's too cheap and too easy. He need to make it cost more Flex to buy a team at the start (renewals can be the way they are now), and then needs to limit it so that when you buy a team, you start out on the bottom rung of leagues. Then the kiddies can have their teams and not pollute the higher-rung leagues, and those that really WANT to earn their way up and are dedicated will be in the huger rungs.

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