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Dude, Detroit's dowtown is littered with vacant skyscrapers that have boarded up windows. At least that was the case when I came through a few years ago. Nice ballpark, but not very nice surroundings. Now drive a few hours north of the border to Toronto and you can see what a city is supposed to look like.
Originally posted by cinncy tedlegs
Dude, Detroit's dowtown is littered with vacant skyscrapers that have boarded up windows. At least that was the case when I came through a few years ago. Nice ballpark, but not very nice surroundings. Now drive a few hours north of the border to Toronto and you can see what a city is supposed to look like.

A few years? Whens the last time you were here, like 15 years ago? LOL

Yes, there a few vacant buildings here and there, but every big city has them.

Now, you can talk non-sense about Detroit all you want, and all it proves is that you're a fucking idiot.

If you dumbasses were smart... And knew ANYTHING about Michigan, you would go to the surrounding cities of Detroit, and that's where the problem exists like it did back in the day. Those cities haven't been helped much, because they are starting with MoTown and working from the inside out.
Easy dude. I'm just stating what I saw (4-5 years ago). I hit Detroit for a baseball game then went to Toronto for a game. The differences in the cities (per my limited stay) were as apparent as night and day. I dont know city stats, and frankly dont care, but is was easy to see which city was healthy and which was not.
PS- I've never seen multiple vacant skyscrapers with boarded up windows ANYWHERE except in D.
Good to hear they are rehabing though. Every American city needs support at one time or another (especially now).
Last edited Jan 22, 2009 20:57:10
No offense lions fan your big three was not the reason the country has gone down but they have gone down becuase of the country and if i can tell right the country has really started going down hill since the oil has declined take a look at the stats it proves it self, the big three need resources not the other way around, and i have been to detroit and actually recently and mostly people are trying to get out because its going no where, in sports or anything else.
Originally posted by Texasroughneck12
No offense lions fan your big three was not the reason the country has gone down but they have gone down becuase of the country and if i can tell right the country has really started going down hill since the oil has declined take a look at the stats it proves it self, the big three need resources not the other way around, and i have been to detroit and actually recently and mostly people are trying to get out because its going no where, in sports or anything else.

...the country has been going 'down' because people like to buy shit they can't afford

oil went down because Obama said he would remove the tax cuts for the big oil companies so they said shit we better lower prices so we're not making that much profit so we can keep the tax cuts

the auto industry went down because they've been cranking out lack luster products compared to the foreign competition

I myself will never own a foreign car, i'm american all the way and it saddens me to think that in 30 years there is a good chance there won't be any american cars in production

Detroit Fan.....Jeez, im getting dumber just reading your shit. I have never seen an empty Sky Scraper; or large building for that Matter. Here in San Diego, If a large building has a vacancy, it's taken within the month, even with the economy as it is. And yes, just as someone posted, people are fucking running from that city.

All you do is post personal attacks with no substance to back up your opinions. Stop calling names, show some substance and i'll entertain this conversation.

All you seem to able to do is call people stupid, when everything points to you being the ignorant one. It's like talking to a 14 yr old kid.

You're the first person i have ever met that is seriously trying to blame the economy on the big 3. What Wyndex wrote has a lot more to do with current economic failure than the Big 3.

America is hurting because huge financing companies are mis-managed, throwing loans around to anyone who asks. People have to file for bankruptcy or just don't pay it back. Which affects credit, and then affects a persons ability to buy more. Thus, hurting the Big 3, in which they have to lay off more people, which recycles the downward spiral. ANd that's just a fraction of why the economy is failing. WE, the taxpayers have to save the Big 3. The Big 3 isn't saving us. You got shit so ass backwards its ridiculous.

And you really think the Big 3 wouldn't relocate out of Detroit if they could? With the poverty rate as it is in Detroit? They only care about making money; they, like any buisness, want to be where the economy is flourishing, not dieing as it is in Detroit. Problem is, most other cities wouldn't accept such a burden that is the Big 3 manufacturing for numerous reasons.

For a moment, i thought you might know something that i don't. But after reading your latest comments, it's evident that you have no fucking clue what your talking about. Hence, all the name calling.

And no one is slamming the state of Michigan, so don't start with that shit. We're talking about the city of Detroit.

Like i said, say something with substance and i'll entertain this conversation. You have nothing thus far. But don't get me wrong, i don't wish ill will on your city. I hope you guys are getting ur act together, America can only benefit from it.

But for the sake of this conversation......
Originally posted by Dirkdolan
Detroit Fan.....Jeez, im getting dumber just reading your shit. I have never seen an empty Sky Scraper; or large building for that Matter. Here in San Diego, If a large building has a vacancy, it's taken within the month, even with the economy as it is. And yes, just as someone posted, people are fucking running from that city.

All you do is post personal attacks with no substance to back up your opinions. Stop calling names, show some substance and i'll entertain this conversation.

All you seem to able to do is call people stupid, when everything points to you being the ignorant one. It's like talking to a 14 yr old kid.

You're the first person i have ever met that is seriously trying to blame the economy on the big 3. What Wyndex wrote has a lot more to do with current economic failure than the Big 3.

America is hurting because huge financing companies are mis-managed, throwing loans around to anyone who asks. People have to file for bankruptcy or just don't pay it back. Which affects credit, and then affects a persons ability to buy more. Thus, hurting the Big 3, in which they have to lay off more people, which recycles the downward spiral. ANd that's just a fraction of why the economy is failing. WE, the taxpayers have to save the Big 3. The Big 3 isn't saving us. You got shit so ass backwards its ridiculous.

And you really think the Big 3 wouldn't relocate out of Detroit if they could? With the poverty rate as it is in Detroit? They only care about making money; they, like any buisness, want to be where the economy is flourishing, not dieing as it is in Detroit. Problem is, most other cities wouldn't accept such a burden that is the Big 3 manufacturing for numerous reasons.

For a moment, i thought you might know something that i don't. But after reading your latest comments, it's evident that you have no fucking clue what your talking about. Hence, all the name calling.

And no one is slamming the state of Michigan, so don't start with that shit. We're talking about the city of Detroit.

Like i said, say something with substance and i'll entertain this conversation. You have nothing thus far. But don't get me wrong, i don't wish ill will on your city. I hope you guys are getting ur act together, America can only benefit from it.

But for the sake of this conversation......

1. When people talk shit about a city they know absolutely NOTHING about, it pisses me off. You and your cesspool comments pissed me off beyond belief. So for the name calling, you deserve everything that I have said about you in this conversation.

2. You should read my comments more carefully sweet cheeks. I never said that I "blame the economy on the Big 3." Merely stated that if we go down, everybody else goes down. Michigan is not the only place to buy cars, and if just ONE of the Big 3 goes under, you can say hello to the next depression. All of those jobs, lost. Jobs lost equals cars not being made or sold. A LOT of the USA's money gets circulated through the Auto Industry, and when that money is not being circulated, everybody is in a huge problem. This is also evident because you have the majority of White House Officials trying their damnedest to keep the Big 3 afloat long enough so we can get back to where we once were.

3. The Big 3 have had 30 years to relocate to a different state, have they? Nope. They stayed here, through the thick and thin. So apparently they don't care as much about money as you think they do bud. And then you say other cities wouldn't "accept the burden the Big 3" carries with them? Are you freaking kidding me?!?! The big 3 has SINGLE HANDEDLY kept a state afloat, I will guarantee you that if ANY state had a choice to get them, my dear god they would do everything in their power to.

4. You're right, an out-of-state and out-of-city person OBVIOUSLY knows more about Detroit than me. Gee, I wish I could Wikipedia and listen to the BS News instead of just going there and living there! ......

The entire state of Michigan sucks. The whole damn place smells like hot dog water. Why would Detroit be any better? It has one of the higher crime rates and is ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in America to live in.
no-one appreciates this "sweet cheeks" tone

grow up.....and try not to be so sensitive...

peace x

NY 4 life
Last edited Jan 23, 2009 11:54:40
Name calling does nothing but make you look like a fool. You can call me or us whatever you want, it doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look very unintelligent which helps the rest of the forum believe your full of it. Yet you continue to name call.

By stating that if "The big 3 go down, we'll all go down" your stating that that economy revolves around the big 3. I thought i just explained to you why that isn't true? Did you miss that part? Obviously, they hold an influence, but if ONE of them goes down, someone else will step in there place. Its America.

As many people as there are in the white house asking for an automotive bailout, there are just as many wanting to deny a bailout. The auto bailout is a mere fraction compared to the size of the Sallie Mae etc. bailout, so throw that shit out the window, because it's countering your argument

Another depression? Dude we are in a depression, where have you been? Look around, people and businesses are going down everyday.

They can't move because it would cost millions and because NO ONE would want them. Any state? Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many people blame the big 3 for poverty in detroit? Do you? Jesus kid! The enviromentalists would never have it. Maybe you should check Michigan's state economy and compare it other states and then tell me how we would all love to have the Big 3. They would never, ever be accepted in San Diego. Ever. That's just dumb right there.

You really need to educate yourself on all of this.

But of course, the AP, the people fleeing form the city, the people that i work with that hated it there, wiki, the web the statistics and everyone else must be lieing right?

Im sorry for challenging your uber IQ
Okoye sorry for Hijacking your thread. No can stop you blah blah blah, carry on
Originally posted by MF3K
The entire state of Michigan sucks. The whole damn place smells like hot dog water. Why would Detroit be any better? It has one of the higher crime rates and is ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in America to live in.

Hey, I love those cornfields all about that so called "state" of Ohio.
Originally posted by Dirkdolan
Name calling does nothing but make you look like a fool. You can call me or us whatever you want, it doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look very unintelligent which helps the rest of the forum believe your full of it. Yet you continue to name call.

By stating that if "The big 3 go down, we'll all go down" your stating that that economy revolves around the big 3. I thought i just explained to you why that isn't true? Did you miss that part? Obviously, they hold an influence, but if ONE of them goes down, someone else will step in there place. Its America.

As many people as there are in the white house asking for an automotive bailout, there are just as many wanting to deny a bailout. The auto bailout is a mere fraction compared to the size of the Sallie Mae etc. bailout, so throw that shit out the window, because it's countering your argument

Another depression? Dude we are in a depression, where have you been? Look around, people and businesses are going down everyday.

They can't move because it would cost millions and because NO ONE would want them. Any state? Are you fucking kidding me? You know how many people blame the big 3 for poverty in detroit? Do you? Jesus kid! The enviromentalists would never have it. Maybe you should check Michigan's state economy and compare it other states and then tell me how we would all love to have the Big 3. They would never, ever be accepted in San Diego. Ever. That's just dumb right there.

You really need to educate yourself on all of this.

But of course, the AP, the people fleeing form the city, the people that i work with that hated it there, wiki, the web the statistics and everyone else must be lieing right?

Im sorry for challenging your uber IQ

For starters, I couldn't give 2 shits what people think about me on some video game forum. lol.

For you to even THINK that we are in the midst of a depression is laughable. Are we on the brink? Yes. But are we already in it? Hell no.

Okay, so one mans opinion says San Diego wouldn't want the Auto Industry, thats lovely. But the entire South would take them in a heartbeat, as would most of the Mid-West. Creates jobs, and circulates money.

You can believe whatever the hell you'd like to believe. But the fact remains that unless you actually COME here, then whateve you say is load of crap because you hear the nonsense that is spewed about.
If the Big 3 dont change their ways and make competitive cars, this whole converastion will be moot. They've made the same crap (not counting pick-ups) for the last 25 years. Granted they are in a chokehold by the unions, but noone cares about that when they are dishing out 20-30k on an auto. They're just going to buy the best (and the best is hands down foreign made).
Shape up or ship out. Thats Capitalism baby. Its great when you are on the winning side of it. Not so much when you are getting your ass handed to you like the good ole boys at the GM/Ford/Chry are.
As goes the auto industry so goes Detroit. Be careful what you hitch your wagon to...

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