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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > It's Game Day Bitches
Originally posted by JackLambert
Originally posted by LithoMan

America is the only country in North America. If we werent here, you all would be called British subjects. Or Mexican's. Or Japanese. We beat all y9ou bitches back every chance we get. RAW power baby. God only knows what Europe would look like if we weren't here. Learn your history, and then you will see it is alawys America that has too save your sorry asses. Appeasers got us what in the 1930's and 40's? Oh ya, Nazi's.... great.... Thats our favor too you for helping us out in the Revolution days. Dont ask too be saved again.... I would let ya'll rot next time.

Actually the US are what it is right now because of France. Yup, you heard it, France. Because, you were a British colony but you decided to do your little revolutionary war and you won, with the help of France. They decided to go in war with the British so pretty much all the British army were all occupied by this war instead of going to US.

So yeah, learn your history, without the help of France you would be a British colony.

And by the way, with the Worl War II, you didn't win it, the Russian did. If Hitler did not attack the Russian, he probably have won this war because he was destroying everything and he was starting to attack North America at the end of the war. But the russian won it for everyone, US did not.

Ok, ok. Felipe Calderon is the president of Mexico. And no, I didnt have to look it up. I live in Tucson, Az and he is quite popular around here. (I dont have any idea who the Prime Minister of Canada is though, probably some French guy).

Also, the Soviets did not 'win' WW2 for us. If it were not for the US shipping 30,000 Ford trucks, 3,000 aircraft, 2.5 million guns, and untold #s of ammunition to the Soviets, they would have been catapulting their children at the germans.

I have never seen so much inaccurate history in one thread.
Originally posted by Primate

I have never seen so much inaccurate history in one thread.


Oh shit, your right, it was 2.5 BILLION children.

I just pulled those numbers out of my ass.....
Originally posted by Primate

I have never seen so much inaccurate history in one thread.

Pretty much, yeah.
Whats inacurate, if your are so right, enlighten us.

As for the National debt, we owe that too ourselves. We have borrowed that money from them. But it is our own stupidity that we have done that. We dont have favorable market rates to borrow against another countries central bank like Clinton did with Japan. So, we have pushed our debt onto other countries.

Your stupid savior that is going to "rectify" America's image, is going to push another Trillion onto that bubble. And it wont be the last time they go dumpster diving. They will be back more a year or two down the road. It's all cyclical, because if the fucktards would make a huge fund like the Social Security porgram solvent, and never borrowed against it in the first place, that thing would be generating so much interest, even at these low rates, we could afford national healthcare and many other things now. But, they are like dipshits across the country, borrow now, pay later. And pay dearly they do.

You better be glad I got no interest in politics. Because all you "image" fucks around the world, would be flat out broke. I would Nationalize property tax and make all you foreign fucks pay your fair share, that state-to-state competition has eliminated for you fucks to sell out our manufacturing capacity and upper middle class wage earnings in this country.

Now fuckstick, Blahbama, is going to feed right into the outside world influence trying to silence the lion again, and make us irrelevant, becuase all the worlds fucks that want to make us appeasers instead of dominators, cant shut the fuck up. And all the stupid idiots in this country are going to fall right in line because of what some stupid fuck in France thinks, or Canada, or wherever they live. Fuck em, in the words of Bill Cosby "Shut the fuck up and have a Coke!"
Ok, Ive done some actual research:

On the basis of those documents, the Soviet Union received 18,763 aircraft, 11,567 tanks and self-propelled guns, 7,340 armored vehicles and armored troop-carriers, more than 435,000 trucks and jeeps, 9,641 guns, 2,626 radar, 43,298 radio stations, 548 fighting ships and boats, and 62 cargo ships. The remaining 75 percent of cargoes imported into the USSR consisted of industrial equipment, raw material, and foodstuffs. A significant portion (up to seven percent) of supplies was lost during transportation.

It was a LOT.
Originally posted by JackLambert
Originally posted by JoSCh


Thank you, I really love your philosophy, I think you're an example for all of us. I'd love to be like you, or be one of your friend. You're one of those that makes this world as beautiful as it is right now.

It's true that English is a major language right now but in a couple of years you won't really get far if you think that America will rules the world. If you want to make money you'll have to turn to China or India or any other emerging country. The US are only a really small part of the world but for some reason, some people like you thinks that the world is the US and that's not the case. But well, that's another story.

Now, again, I appreciate that you gave us your helpful opinion, your really a good person and I hope that sometimes, we'll be friend.

And by the way, I'm also from America, actually, I'm from North America, because again, some people like you thinks that US is the only country in America.

After reading this, my statement is even more poignant. So lighten up and GTFO FRENCHIE!!!

This is the first time I have entered this topic and I skipped to the last page

what the fuck is going on
Originally posted by Duo
This is the first time I have entered this topic and I skipped to the last page

what the fuck is going on

First thread I have ever seen in here that I thought needed locked.
Thats the spirit, bury the head!
Hmmm. Must have gone off on a slight tangent.
Paul Broadway
this is the first interesting thread I've ever read over here... dont kill it!

The only thing I can add is this.

I feel that this inherent need to dominate and conquer is an ugly human flaw, and its pretty ignorant to still be thinking like that in this day and age. Since we have so many history buffs around here why doesnt someone tell me when the last time that kind of thinking ever worked out for the "dominators"???

I guess you could make the case for china right now, but i have a feeling they are going to implode like the rest...
Last edited Jan 17, 2009 23:17:22
Originally posted by Paul Broadway
this is the first interesting thread I've ever read over here... dont kill it!

The only thing I can add is this.

I feel that this inherent need to dominate and conquer is an ugly human flaw, and its pretty ignorant to still be thinking like that in this day and age. Since we have so many history buffs around here why doesnt someone tell me when the last time that kind of thinking ever worked out for the "dominators"???

I guess you could make the case for china right now, but i have a feeling they are going to implode like the rest...

Why would they implode?

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