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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > People in A7 east that wish they had the some of the writers from the A7 west
Originally posted by LSU
Top heavy.
The West is all around the better conference.
Not to mention Sportsfan21 used $1,000 to his team. His players are all his.
So, yeah, kinda can't expect him to not win the league when he starts off with all lvl 4 players at every position.

I'm not getting a conference supremacy battle with someone from LSU, that'll never end. Just don't get upset when the league trophy is somewhere on the East coast. I'm sure you guys can write a bunch of articles about it though.
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
Originally posted by LSU

Top heavy.
The West is all around the better conference.
Not to mention Sportsfan21 used $1,000 to his team. His players are all his.
So, yeah, kinda can't expect him to not win the league when he starts off with all lvl 4 players at every position.

Just don't get upset when the league trophy is somewhere on the East coast. **I'm sure you guys can write a bunch of articles about it though.***

Okay, that was pretty funny. ...smartass.
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
Originally posted by LSU

Top heavy.
The West is all around the better conference.
Not to mention Sportsfan21 used $1,000 to his team. His players are all his.
So, yeah, kinda can't expect him to not win the league when he starts off with all lvl 4 players at every position.

I'm not getting a conference supremacy battle with someone from LSU, that'll never end. Just don't get upset when the league trophy is somewhere on the East coast. I'm sure you guys can write a bunch of articles about it though.

Can I write an article about writing an article about it? And then make a discussion thread about the article? Do I have your permission?
Originally posted by THESpideyWVU
Originally posted by LSU

Top heavy.
The West is all around the better conference.
Not to mention Sportsfan21 used $1,000 to his team. His players are all his.
So, yeah, kinda can't expect him to not win the league when he starts off with all lvl 4 players at every position.

I'm not getting a conference supremacy battle with someone from LSU, that'll never end. Just don't get upset when the league trophy is somewhere on the East coast. I'm sure you guys can write a bunch of articles about it though.

Why, because the SEC is the best conference in college football?
By the way, I am not a typical SEC fanboy.




I hope that Pitt loss still burns you. Haha
Last edited May 7, 2008 17:00:51
See you later, Ryan Perrilloux!
Yeah, thank God too.
He should have been gone last year.

Yes, while Perrilloux sucks to lose (Because of his athletic ability and potential) from what I had heard BEFORE he had been suspended from spring ball was that even if he came back he would have had problems starting over Jarret Lee and Andrew Hatch, because they both looked amazing in spring. That I can contest to as I am family with 2 of the trainers at LSU, and a strengthing coach is one of my dad's best friends.

Step down from talent? Possibly. Detrimental to LSU's season in any way, shape or form? No.

With the team LSU is returning, especially on Offense (4/5 OL, Amazing WRs, Best RB stable in the SEC) and defense (DL will be stronger [Believe it or not], 2/3 LB, and Chad Jones, Chester Taylor, and whoever filled [Name slips my name] in for Craig Steltz at the NC game).

LSU has a damn good shot of winning the SEC again. Hell, Kirk Herbstriet (Who is one of LSU's biggest haters, especially throughout last season) said that with the talent that LSU has returning that they could compete for the National Championship again if the pieces fall together. And that even though the QB position won't be as amazing as it was supposed to be, the talent around that QB may make him look good.

So in other words = Losing Perrilloux might hurt, but at the same time might help us as we now know that our leader is going to be here for long term, and not just for a few games here and there.

LSU will still win the West, maybe the SEC, and God knows what after that, depends on how the DBs step up.

Hatch = Smart, Agile, Fast (As fast as Perrilloux), Accurate. But needs to improve arm strength

Lee = Smart, Accurate, Strong arm, Reads DB coverage like Manning. But needs to get more comfortable in the pocket, as most Freshman need to learn.

Don't count LSU out.

God, that's like the 100th time I have had to say that.

Not to mention. All of our SEC championships (And National Championships) of the decade have come from first year starters at QB, and no one expected the QB to do very well (Matt Flynn, Rohan Davey, and Matt Mauck)... Foreshadowing?
I love the fact that the Bears selected Steltz. LSU has put out a lot of talent the last few years. Oh yeah almost forgot do you remember that bowl game a few years back with IOWA. lol
Oh, you mean when you guys got lucky as hell on the last play of the game? I was at that game, ugliest game I have ever seen. However Iowa did deserve it more than LSU (Even though their were TWO holding penalties at the hail mary), because LSU played HORRIBLE. I never want to see a game like that, even for high school football.

But that's okay. You guys may have beaten us once... But how many championships do you have in the past 10 years?

0. LSU = 2 in the last 4.

I'll take it. lol.
the east has more depth than just the top 3 teams...there are teams, like mine, where their only loses have come from the powerhouses.

Geaux Weretigers!
No one is going to expect Bill Stewart and his raggedy gang of coaches to do anything either, but we easily have one of the best coaching STAFFS in the country.

Plus the winningest player in college football today, Pat White, and Noel Devine is kinda good too.
Great...another beginning EastCoast vs. WestCoast beef. Next thing you know LSU and Spidey will be doing drive byes in Vegas on each other during the conference championship. If goes that route, I got your back Spidey!
Originally posted by Janda
Great...another beginning EastCoast vs. WestCoast beef. Next thing you know LSU and Spidey will be doing drive byes in Vegas on each other during the conference championship. If goes that route, I got your back Spidey!


...yeah you're on your own.
Link arent taken a bullet for your Western brethren?
Whats funny is that the East will easily take the league, but cudos on your activity in the forums.

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