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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Do the Detroit Destroyers have the best rushing attack?
Originally posted by bluebomber
us people at the bottom are smart enough to keep our collective mouths shut until we do something.

Ditto. Although we did impress ourselves over in Buffalo by putting up 44 on NHH!
Originally posted by dman7sjci
Originally posted by bluebomber

us people at the bottom are smart enough to keep our collective mouths shut until we do something.

Ditto. Although we did impress ourselves over in Buffalo by putting up 44 on NHH!

Your team is coming along great. Hard to root against the Buffalo Beasts anyway.
Originally posted by Booster4324
Originally posted by dman7sjci

Originally posted by bluebomber

us people at the bottom are smart enough to keep our collective mouths shut until we do something.

Ditto. Although we did impress ourselves over in Buffalo by putting up 44 on NHH!

Your team is coming along great. Hard to root against the Buffalo Beasts anyway.

It took us two years to do it, but we finally have a committed core of players to build around. We're in it for the long haul, and we expect to keep improving one year at a time.

And yes, every time I see you guys, I think of Buffalo as're probably the team I root the hardest for, just for that reason.
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 11:39:38
Michael Vick
Originally posted by dman7sjci
Originally posted by Booster4324

Originally posted by dman7sjci

Originally posted by bluebomber

us people at the bottom are smart enough to keep our collective mouths shut until we do something.

Ditto. Although we did impress ourselves over in Buffalo by putting up 44 on NHH!

Your team is coming along great. Hard to root against the Buffalo Beasts anyway.

It took us two years to do it, but we finally have a committed core of players to build around. We're in it for the long haul, and we expect to keep improving one year at a time.

And yes, every time I see you guys, I think of Buffalo as're probably the team I root the hardest for, just for that reason.

Don't worry you guys will make it up there soon. Detroit had the same problem. When I joined midway through season 2 we weren't all that good. But we slowly improved and added a couple of wins each season and right now we are looking to end this season with our best record.

Originally posted by dman7sjci
Originally posted by Booster4324

Originally posted by dman7sjci

Originally posted by bluebomber

us people at the bottom are smart enough to keep our collective mouths shut until we do something.

Ditto. Although we did impress ourselves over in Buffalo by putting up 44 on NHH!

Your team is coming along great. Hard to root against the Buffalo Beasts anyway.

It took us two years to do it, but we finally have a committed core of players to build around. We're in it for the long haul, and we expect to keep improving one year at a time.

And yes, every time I see you guys, I think of Buffalo as're probably the team I root the hardest for, just for that reason.

There are 5 Buffalo fans on our team. My team was one of the last to form from a Bill's message board so we got a lot less players from the forums than the others. So the rest is a mangy lot, including a few Dallas fans.

Oh and I was a huge X-Man fan back in the day. The Beast has always been one of my favorite characters due to his intelligence.
so if you like us so much, how about sending over a few stud players lol.
Originally posted by BroncosBeTheBest
Come back when you play in the BEASTern conference

Let's get this Straight....The BEASTern Conference is better than the West when the Top 10 teams in the West are over .500, where as the east only has the Top 9, with three 2-11 teams????
It's not our fault you have a more cushioned floor in your conference than we do in ours...
Michael Vick
Originally posted by LA_Sharks
Originally posted by BroncosBeTheBest

Come back when you play in the BEASTern conference

Let's get this Straight....The BEASTern Conference is better than the West when the Top 10 teams in the West are over .500, where as the east only has the Top 9, with three 2-11 teams????

Only the playoff teams matter and it's like this

BEASTern Conference > LESTern Conference

Don't worry Putnam is like Moose Jaw so that means they might win the ship but it'll still be

BEASTern Conference > LESTern Conference

"lolwest"???? Since when did this become the CPL forum? We don't talk like that here! Next thing you know, I'm gonna read about the "loldots" and the "lolCCC" like I used to all the time.
LOL, rofalmo, QFT!
Originally posted by Nike-Joe
LOL, rofalmo, QFT!

Boy for having such an amazing rushing attack they sure didn't decide to use it much.
Michael Vick
Originally posted by Morphius
Boy for having such an amazing rushing attack they sure didn't decide to use it much.

Had to get a clue at how good or bad our passing attack was. I think we figured it out

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