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Nominating Red Lights QB Max Stryker. My owner will vouch for me.
Look at the rushing stats between our two teams. You've got 190 more yards, but 105 more carries. Crash and Dex both have 200 and 214 carries respectively, while you've got 355 carries and your second HB has 212 carries. That's quite a difference.
i dont think there are any rb's in the league that dominate like crash and dex
ah alex, flattery will get you everywhere, except my pants you need to get me drunk first... wait that didnt sound gay did it?

and ya gotta give it to the o-line baby! not the gayness the credit...
Last edited Dec 3, 2008 10:00:13
Perhaps you are not understanding...Let me break this down for you in numbers to make it really simple (either you are stupid, stubborn, or honestly do not understand my point, I won't make assumptions at this point in time so don't jump to conclusions that I think you are option 1).

After 11 games, my back AVERAGES 32.2 carries a game. This means some games he carries it more, some less. On AVERAGE my first 20 carries average around 9-10 ypc. Therefore, if I had 220 carries (20*11) this season, I would have around 2090 yards and a 9.5 ypc average. NOW! The last 10-15 carries, consistently, EVERY GAME, he averages far worse numbers, 4.5 - 5.0 yards per carry, which brings his overall average down to 7.8 (which is still respectable). What you fail to understand, is that although your back has a better yards per carry average with fewer carries, you cannot simply take your 9.8 yards per carry average and multiply it by 355 and claim you are better. It doesn't work that way. Which is why I beg you to make offensive changes for just a couple games and have 35-40 carries a game and watch what happens to your average.

You're either not understanding, or you are just too proud of your back to realize he isn't the greatest thing to grace GLB. He's a good back, and so is the other one on your team, but to make the claims that you are making are outlandish and plain wrong.

Note: I have never said anything about the comparison of our backs, so don't take this as a "my back is better than your back" argument. The whole conversation just revolved around pro-bowl nominations.

Good day,
Last edited Dec 3, 2008 17:06:40
We should have alot of defensive nominees from Amsterdam, just the 10-1 guys(I meant the Magic Dragons, forgot that the Red Lights havent lost yet).

Our offensive statistics aren't anywhere in the elite, our D is killing it though.
Last edited Dec 3, 2008 17:15:52
Originally posted by cam69
Perhaps you are not understanding...Let me break this down for you in numbers to make it really simple (either you are stupid, stubborn, or honestly do not understand my point, I won't make assumptions at this point in time so don't jump to conclusions that I think you are option 1).

After 11 games, my back AVERAGES 32.2 carries a game. This means some games he carries it more, some less. On AVERAGE my first 20 carries average around 9-10 ypc. Therefore, if I had 220 carries (20*11) this season, I would have around 2090 yards and a 9.5 ypc average. NOW! The last 10-15 carries, consistently, EVERY GAME, he averages far worse numbers, 4.5 - 5.0 yards per carry, which brings his overall average down to 7.8 (which is still respectable). What you fail to understand, is that although your back has a better yards per carry average with fewer carries, you cannot simply take your 9.8 yards per carry average and multiply it by 355 and claim you are better. It doesn't work that way. Which is why I beg you to make offensive changes for just a couple games and have 35-40 carries a game and watch what happens to your average.

I'm not going to reply to any more of these posts because you either aren't understanding, or you are just too proud of your back to realize he isn't the greatest thing to grace GLB. He's a good back, and so is the other one on your team, but to make the claims that you are making are outlandish and plain wrong.

Good day,

Learn some GLB please.

At this point it's not about how many yards you're actually getting each play, of course it helps to actually get 9 yards a play, but it's how many times you break the play into a long gain. If my HB had 12 more opportunities each game to break a long play he'd have numbers comparable or surpassing yours.

You have a good team and a good player, but the only reason you're leading the league in yards is because you also lead the league in carries.
To djmtott:

I had a little time to waste, so I decided to do a little calculation for you, and I even used your RB to make it interesting for you!!

I took the last 6 games that your back played in and calculated his moving average as the game progressed. What this will tell us is whether your average was growing, shrinking, or relatively the same throughout the game. Don't worry that you had a couple bad games in there, that will have nothing to do with the rolling average. Like I said, it will just prove whether your back got stronger or weaker in comparison to the defense you were playing, as the game went on. As you would likely expect, your average decreased throughout the game in all 6 games. Here are some figures:

Legend: Starting average(SA) is the average YPC after the first 5 runs
Ending average(EA) is the average YPC after the last run
Ending moving average(EMA) is the last 5 carries detriment to your average...Basically, if those 5 runs never happened, your YPC would have been this much higher.

Game 6: SA: 15.6
EA: 14.08
EMA: -.06

Game 7: SA: 7.6
EA: 6.53
EMA: -.68

Game 8: SA: 5.9
EA: 10.63
EMA: -.58 <--Important to note that although your ending average was greater than you starting, that the last five rushes you were hurting your average. He had a break away 66 yard rush in the middle (9th carry) that brought the average up a bit.

Game 9: SA: 31.4
EA: 11.7
EMA: -2.7 <-- Abnormally large because of your large SA

Game 10: SA: 5.4
EA: 5.15
EMA: -.32

Game 11: SA: 4.6
EA: 4.58
EMA: -.36

As you can see, in EVERY game his average was being brought down in the last 5 rushes of the game. Most of these games your back had under 20 carriers. As you can imagine, (and I can only assume unless you start to carry the ball an additional 15-20 carries a game) as energy gets lower and lower, this effect would only be amplified because your back is playing at lower and lower skill levels. So, add 15-20 more carries onto the end of your RB's performance and I can guarantee you see worse YPC numbers.
In response to your previous reply which you got in while i was typing the mess above. Based upon your past 6 games that I looked into in great detail, your "break away runs" all came within the first 5-9 rushes (with the exception of game 6 in which your team played a horrid team and your back averaged 14 ypc...He broke one on the 15 rush). After that, your RB, for all intensive purposes, was average.
My HB is the #2 back, so he usually takes the field when the 2nd string defense takes the field.

But like I said, at this level of GLB the majority of your yards come from long breakaway runs. That changes your average by quite a bit.

Take your game vs Hamburg for example. 274 yards on 26 carries for a 10.5 average. If you take out the 3 carries over 20 yards you finish with 3 fewer carries and 109 fewer yards, at 165 yards on 23 carries, for a 7.1 average. Still respectable, but an average almost 3.5 yards lower.

Most players are wearing down at the end of the game, so even though you might get fewer yards on shorter plays, your chances at breaking a long run are still there.

All I'm saying is that if Dex or Crash had an extra 12 carries a game you'd see more yards and more TDs.
Originally posted by djmtott
Originally posted by cam69

I would have to nominate my RB. Say what you want about him, but he is a big part of the assassins success. Yes, we have a good team, a good line, blah blah. But he's the league leader in yards, ypg, and FUMBLES!!

He also has the most carries on the season. If my HB had the same amount of carries as yours he'd have 3,217.5 yards.

That's undeniable, and you are absolutely correct. With 12 more carries a game, you would be seeing (probably) virtually the same numbers as my back. I am only refuting your above quote which peeved me. You were downplaying the nomination for my RB while making an unsupported claim that your back would be crushing mine in yardage, based solely upon your current YPC, which I have refuted with proof above. In reality, neither back is superior, and probably pretty even if they were on a level playing ground...They are not however, so the pro-bowl nominations cannot be based upon comparison of stat numbers.
Hmmm didn't you say that you weren't going to reply to anymore of these posts 5 paragraphs ago??
OMG, the only reason I did the math for that was to show that you have more carries than anyone else, and have an average lower than 4 of the top 10 yardage gainers.

You qualified your self-nomination by saying he is the yardage leader, in which I was making the point that also being the carries leader makes that far less impressive.
Originally posted by Ballinbob
Hmmm didn't you say that you weren't going to reply to anymore of these posts 5 paragraphs ago??

That's why I never post something like that, because I'll just end up making a liar out of myself.
I think my PR/KR is a good candidate for the pro bowl team. He has the highest Yards per KR for players with more then 20 returns. He is one of seven players with a KR TD. He has over 1000 more PR yards then the 2nd place guy. And is tied for the lead for PR TDs. And is only level 14.

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