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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > Osaka Buckeyes 56 Newcastle 12
You know, I could understand if 5Star talked shit in this game if this game was something that could actually be played instead of simulated. At least there would be an amount of skill involved in the win. Instead, he is talking out of his ass about a win in a game that all he has to do is click a couple of shiny buttons and let the website take care of everything else. You think he might be compensating for something else, no?
Originally posted by Tekmonkie
You know, I could understand if 5Star talked shit in this game if this game was something that could actually be played instead of simulated. At least there would be an amount of skill involved in the win. Instead, he is talking out of his ass about a win in a game that all he has to do is click a couple of shiny buttons and let the website take care of everything else. You think he might be compensating for something else, no?

you make it sound like this game is stupid and not at all fun, why do you play this game? it's a little more than clicking the mouse a few times here and there also,
Yes, because recruiting is as easy as clicking a few shiny buttons... And it's not time consuming at all!
Originally posted by Tekmonkie
You know, I could understand if 5Star talked shit in this game if this game was something that could actually be played instead of simulated. At least there would be an amount of skill involved in the win. Instead, he is talking out of his ass about a win in a game that all he has to do is click a couple of shiny buttons and let the website take care of everything else. You think he might be compensating for something else, no?

I have to disagree. If this game is so easy and requires no skill, then why aren't more teams performing like Osaka? I won't argue that 5STAR's posts can be a little "in-your-face". However, getting promoted to this league and performing the way Osaka has is a direct reflection of the knowledge and work applied by 5STAR and ford 45. Call him what you want, but saying that what he's done takes no skill kind of makes you look petty. My 2 cents.
Originally posted by bobdakota
That wildcat works well. Over and over again. Very dumb players not to notice the HB is playing QB and not adjust. The defensive coordinators need brains.

Originally posted by ford_45
Originally posted by Tekmonkie

You know, I could understand if 5Star talked shit in this game if this game was something that could actually be played instead of simulated. At least there would be an amount of skill involved in the win. Instead, he is talking out of his ass about a win in a game that all he has to do is click a couple of shiny buttons and let the website take care of everything else. You think he might be compensating for something else, no?

you make it sound like this game is stupid and not at all fun, why do you play this game? it's a little more than clicking the mouse a few times here and there also,

hell yes its hard!

he will probably gut his team by the end of the season after this dismantling
Last edited Nov 26, 2008 22:50:29
Originally posted by Fealty
Congrats 5Star. You came over to a gentleman's league and made it devolve to puerile shit-talk. The thing is you will win the conferenced not respected, but begrudingly. In other words, respecting the quality of your time will be overshadowed by contempt for your attitude. Delrod's thing season in and season out is to playfully rile people up--you, sitting in your mom's basement--try do to that by degrading. Anyone else wanna rank Osaka #1 for asshatism? Conference cup shaped in the size of a huge dildo? Anyone object?

Is this coming from a gentleman? I do not recall slinging such intense insults lol

Kinda sucks when all the teams get promoted and you think your are the best team and boom some an 'A' level team rises up and steals your thunder.

Don't worry Fealty I gotta go do the dishes or mom will take my computer away...that is the only way newcastle gets remotely close to a trophy
Originally posted by Tekmonkie
You know, I could understand if 5Star talked shit in this game if this game was something that could actually be played instead of simulated. At least there would be an amount of skill involved in the win. Instead, he is talking out of his ass about a win in a game that all he has to do is click a couple of shiny buttons and let the website take care of everything else. You think he might be compensating for something else, no?

why do you name all of your players 'Isghey'? Compensating for something?
Originally posted by 5STAR
Originally posted by Fealty

Congrats 5Star. You came over to a gentleman's league and made it devolve to puerile shit-talk. The thing is you will win the conferenced not respected, but begrudingly. In other words, respecting the quality of your time will be overshadowed by contempt for your attitude. Delrod's thing season in and season out is to playfully rile people up--you, sitting in your mom's basement--try do to that by degrading. Anyone else wanna rank Osaka #1 for asshatism? Conference cup shaped in the size of a huge dildo? Anyone object?

Is this coming from a gentleman? I do not recall slinging such intense insults lol

Kinda sucks when all the teams get promoted and you think your are the best team and boom some an 'A' level team rises up and steals your thunder.

Don't worry Fealty I gotta go do the dishes or mom will take my computer away...that is the only way newcastle gets remotely close to a trophy

BOOOMMM!!! A level team spanked that ass!
Hey Osaka Dont let the wrecking crew get ahold of you!

Thats a joke you can laugh.

Its 0329 and Michigan Still Sucks.
Again, although 5Star can be abrasive, he has put the time into recruiting a good squad. Even though he has an average 3 level difference on 3/4 of the teams in the league, his squad has more to it than just that - otherwise he'd be having trouble with the 1/4 that are on the same level.

As I said before, it will be interesting to see how ya manage against some of the purpose built teams you'll be facing in the very near future - barring a complete meltdown and loss of 8 straight (hey - it may

Suggestion - try a friendly with these guys 5star, be interested in seeing a result here. They'll probably be in pro next season, its a coordinated group of agents btw, so they're kind purpose built at 50-75% of their positions.

Some of the grapes are very sour in this thread....
GG the seasons not over
Like i said earlier

"Good Game"

Its obvious that we all view this game differently. Some of you see it as a real football game that you really feel like your playing (Osoka). Some of us see it as a bunch of dots being determined by a computer program (Me). Everyone is entitled to play it how they want. I'm sure we all spend a lot of time doing it (I know I do) and we all want to win or we wouldn't bother playing.

The forums allow people to be douche bags even though they really aren't that way in real life (at least I hope 5star isn't)

Either way, we all have fun playing it. Good luck
Originally posted by flanman
Like i said earlier

"Good Game"

Its obvious that we all view this game differently. Some of you see it as a real football game that you really feel like your playing (Osoka). Some of us see it as a bunch of dots being determined by a computer program (Me). Everyone is entitled to play it how they want. I'm sure we all spend a lot of time doing it (I know I do) and we all want to win or we wouldn't bother playing.

The forums allow people to be douche bags even though they really aren't that way in real life (at least I hope 5star isn't)

Either way, we all have fun playing it. Good luck

pretty standard response.

It is 0929 and Michigan still sucks

Last edited Nov 27, 2008 07:30:07

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