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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > From a fellow APL team owner
Originally posted by Hokiemon
I have none in SEA or Oceania. It happens. It's just you make it sound like APL is the ONLY place in GLB that teams are being sold, and that's false and completely ridiculous, imo. It happens everywhere, to a greater extent than here even.

True. It happens.

I'm just focusing on APL since this is where we are. We are not in SA, and surely not in WE either.
We are stating our opinions for the sake of APL. (or you can say for my team in APL).

I didn't "make it sound"... Don't spin it against me like you did with SheVegas or anyone else.

On a side note... I totally forgot Oceania. Sorry, Oceania. I don't have players there either.
It's great to hear that Hokiemon is well-connected.
Originally posted by BYANG

I didn't "make it sound"... Don't spin it against me like you did with SheVegas or anyone else.

You mean like you tried to spin my words around about Tsavo and Zombies before? Because I never said anything about them, yet you tried to say I did. You're right Byang, I'm the one doing the "spinning" here.

Originally posted by Hokiemon
Byang, do you even know anything about any other leagues besides APL? Half of EE PRO was CPU. Half of USA PRO has gone CPU. You think because 2 or 3 teams in APL are CPU it's because of one team? Fine, that's your opinion. I'd say get out more, and take a look around. It's a GLB wide problem, not an APL problem. As much as you think we are responsible for death, famine, war, and high gas prices, we are not the cause for owners selling teams in APL, or all over GLB. And until someone comes out and says, "We quit because of LOL", I maintain that it's a fairy tale you believe in.

Yes, it is a problem in the game, not just APL. The challenge is that it is EXTREMELY difficult for "lower" teams to catch the elite teams. The guy off the Aces moving players to the Legos and Jakarta moving players to the Legos is a perfect case in point. I'm not criticizing them for moving to the Lego's, but the system should work to prevent this sort of thing. There is ABSOLUTELY NO deterence to the elite teams from becoming more elite. That is not realistic of real sports. Do yo see real teams replace great players with slightly better players? No, but in GLB that happens ALL the time.
Originally posted by Lefty Wall
I hate to say this but the LOL just got that much stronger as I have move a few of my players from the Galaxy Aces to the LOL.

Here is hoping LOL repeats again next season.

I thought you were done with the ORG, Hockie? It appears uou just brought in some ORG players.
This is true Majech. And TLGoT got players from DDT of USA PRO when they folded. Even shevegas got high level players when that team folded (so, yeah, even the "lower" teams do it). I'm sure others do as well. It happens, not just to LOL though. All these players from these folding teams have to go somewhere. Do the Championship teams have a better shot, of course. Call it the "Yankee effect", it happens in real sports too. Players in real life, and on internet games, want to win championships.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by Lefty Wall

I hate to say this but the LOL just got that much stronger as I have move a few of my players from the Galaxy Aces to the LOL.

Here is hoping LOL repeats again next season.

I thought you were done with the ORG, Hockie? It appears uou just brought in some ORG players.

I am done with USAORG, as are the Mercenaries and Vacationers. Lefty's players came from the Galaxy Aces, where he was before ever joining USAORG. There's a LOT of players in GLB that have been in USAORG before. Just because we left doesn't mean anyone ever associated with USAORG is not allowed to play on the team. Plus Lefty is a freaking GURU in this game.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by Lefty Wall

I hate to say this but the LOL just got that much stronger as I have move a few of my players from the Galaxy Aces to the LOL.

Here is hoping LOL repeats again next season.

I thought you were done with the ORG, Hockie? It appears uou just brought in some ORG players.

Do people really not know that LOL != USAORG?
What a farce the Org and LOL have become, but I stand by my statement 2 seasons ago...until the Borg loses a playoff game the APL WILL ALWAYS BE A JOKE OF A LEAGUE.
So what you guys are saying is, "the LOL are too good, so they should leave"? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. So it's their fault for fielding a dominate team in the PRO's? I could understand if they were in 1 A, but this is the PRO's. Man up, and build your team better. If you suck, get better people, if your close to competing, get the one or 2 people you need. If it makes you want to quit because because YOU can't get the job done. Then please quit complaining first. "I'm gonna take my ball and go home "

It is up to the owners to get the players for their own team. you can't do that? don't own a team. But to get on someones case, who is able to do that better than anyone here. That is just plain stupid. Is this is not the special olympics, not everyone gets a medal. I know no one likes hard work to go down the drain, but it happens, keep plugging away and you'll catch up. If you can't do that maybe you should go away.
What league was the last one created???? I believe Africa....So you saying its the Pro's blah blah...Makes no sense....How about the only team ever to win it every single season leave?
Originally posted by littleone
So what you guys are saying is, "the LOL are too good, so they should leave"? That is the most ridiculous thing ever. So it's their fault for fielding a dominate team in the PRO's? I could understand if they were in 1 A, but this is the PRO's. Man up, and build your team better. If you suck, get better people, if your close to competing, get the one or 2 people you need. If it makes you want to quit because because YOU can't get the job done. Then please quit complaining first. "I'm gonna take my ball and go home "

It is up to the owners to get the players for their own team. you can't do that? don't own a team. But to get on someones case, who is able to do that better than anyone here. That is just plain stupid. Is this is not the special olympics, not everyone gets a medal. I know no one likes hard work to go down the drain, but it happens, keep plugging away and you'll catch up. If you can't do that maybe you should go away.

It's up to the owner to get the players???? Well when you belong to the Borg you have 5 owners to help you get your players....Learn what you are talking about.
It's up to the owner to get the connection to do that, or get the people on the team that have a few friends. I think it's you who has no idea what they are talking about. Quit crying and man up. Is that your pitch when recruiting? "We can't win, sign with us". Stop writing on the forum too, people see that and think you've given up. Who would play for a pessimistic owner, how many depressed people could you find with good builds?

Stop blaming other for your short comings, if your not winning it's is ultimately your fault. Take some responsibility for your 7-9 record
Originally posted by littleone
It's up to the owner to get the connection to do that, or get the people on the team that have a few friends. I think it's you who has no idea what they are talking about. Quit crying and man up. Is that your pitch when recruiting? "We can't win, sign with us". Stop writing on the forum too, people see that and think you've given up. Who would play for a pessimistic owner, how many depressed people could you find with good builds?

Stop blaming other for your short comings, if your not winning it's is ultimately your fault. Take some responsibility for your 7-9 record

Or be like you and join a team that has won the league every season...Why don't you man up littleboy???
Originally posted by littleone
It's up to the owner to get the connection to do that, or get the people on the team that have a few friends. I think it's you who has no idea what they are talking about. Quit crying and man up. Is that your pitch when recruiting? "We can't win, sign with us". Stop writing on the forum too, people see that and think you've given up. Who would play for a pessimistic owner, how many depressed people could you find with good builds?

Stop blaming other for your short comings, if your not winning it's is ultimately your fault. Take some responsibility for your 7-9 record

My 7-9 record sucks eh? I see your a gm, what was their record?

Another Borg member bitch slapped by logic.
Last edited Oct 31, 2008 11:44:32
How sad. We are back to stage zero with USAORG/LOL members.

All the other teams should shut up, "recruit more", "gameplan better".

I, for one, have recruited harder than what you might think while you're saying this.

No one can say anything "bad" or negative about USAORG/LOL. Why? Because they're the reigning Championship for 3 straight seasons! No team other than USAORG/LOL has won it!
Our opinions shouldn't be respected, because we didn't win nothing! That's why!
I don't think Hokiemon actually said this, but members from USAORG/LOL keep saying this kind of stuff. Don't you think?

I didn't "whine", didn't attack anybody(that include Hokiemon), and I'm just stating my opinions.
Yet you guys always make me feel I can't speak my mind in APL.

I guess constant winning and domination do make people arrogant.

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