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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Congrats to the bOrg and Morningwood
As many times as you guys change names....You need the support
Originally posted by SheVegas
As many times as you guys change names....You need the support

As many times? lol.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Congrats TMW. Never having lost a playoff game makes you guys the heavy favorite. Hopefully the Legs can at least make it a close game.

Yeah OK! Your no playoff losses have been in the Pros, while we went from AA to AAA to Pros. Imagine if you had your team in AA the first season, that would simply be gross! All I would like to see is a fun close game, and if we can do that I will be happy with that outcome no matter what happens. I obviously want us to win, because 3 in 3 years would be awesome while working our way all the way up here, however you guys are simply dominant!

Now what the Wood have become known for (ask TLGoT) is stopping those 19-0 seasons! So watch out! Just remember the site that made that awesome logo for you Hokie, and take some mercy on us! At least let us stay in it till the 4th!

You're too much HC . And I give you and your guys at your website major props. Awesome job and I'm very happy with it. Once Obi finishes the player avatars I'll be even happier

In all seriousness, making 3 straight Finals is no joke, and we're looking forward to playing you guys. Your 3 straight promotions and finals games is more impressive to me because you had to learn new teams every season, whereas we had the same teams for the most part. It's a lot easier scouting and watching roster moves for teams you've been in the same conference with. I can't imagine learning 15 new teams every season. Your history with TLGoT is well known, so we definitely won't be taking TMW lightly.

I am just happy that with me stepping down as the owner, that my team managed to still fight their way to this game! There were some tough teams along the way in order to get here, and as you said it was fun learning new teams yet again! You guys took it to us in the Pre-Season (which was like a damn wake up call for the talent we finally had to face), and I honestly expect this game to be the same. I hope that we can give you guys a good game and at least sweat it out a little before its over, but more so I hope we give APL a nice game to watch!
I'd say the owner change factor ranks right up there with being huge. To be able to continue on, and still do what TMW did is downright amazing.

As far as the myth that the Legs are dominant, we've been beaten plenty of times before. As a matter of fact, in S3, we lost 4 games. Kind of odd, because that's the start of the league and when we supposedly had this HUGE advantage over everyone else, yet it was our worst season? We also had to make one helluva 4th qtr comeback to win the trophy against Cape Town that season.

Since then, we recruited really hard in the off season of S3 and made some great improvements with FAs (outside of USAORG btw). With a lot of work on the new AI tactics (helped by the fact we played 16 scrimmages to test things), we almost ran the table in S4. The DC we had at that time is atrocious (me), and we lost a heartbreaker in week 16. Added a new DC for the playoffs and rolled to the title.

S4 off season saw even more FA recruiting (outside of USAORG again), and even more AI adjustments. As well as a new DC, who has done a fantastic job! And now here we are. One thing in your advantage, that loser DC the Legs had before (me), is now the OC, so that should be huge for you guys. Since I don't have any of my personal players on the team, I don't have to worry about stats (do I give them to my player, do I avoid giving them to my player, etc). All I do is flip a coin. Heads is 75% run, tails is 75% pass. Makes life a lot easier

As far as bitching about the Legs and our first season, it just seems weird to me. That was by far our worst season ever, yet it keeps being brought up as the reason we are winning now and in S4. The rational part of me says it's pretty obvious the team improvement was due to hard recruiting after S3 and S4, and a lot of time spent on learning the new AI. Does anyone else have 15-20 roster moves in an off season in an effort to improve the team? Or play 16 scrimmages in a season to test AI tactics? If someone wants to be pissed because we got better like that, have at it. Any other reason is ludicrous, imo. But that's the rational part of me, and that never works here, so....
Originally posted by Hokiemon
Originally posted by majech

Originally posted by Hokiemon

Congrats TMW. Never having lost a playoff game makes you guys the heavy favorite. Hopefully the Legs can at least make it a close game.

ROFLMAO...Seriously hokie, no one is buying your PC "coaches speak". How many playoff games have the Lego's lost?

This is true. Neither team has lost a playoff game yet. Guess that makes it a coin flip game. Hopefully LOL can come out on top again.

(how's that, any better?)

Much, lol
Originally posted by Hokiemon
I'd say the owner change factor ranks right up there with being huge. To be able to continue on, and still do what TMW did is downright amazing.

As far as the myth that the Legs are dominant, we've been beaten plenty of times before. As a matter of fact, in S3, we lost 4 games. Kind of odd, because that's the start of the league and when we supposedly had this HUGE advantage over everyone else, yet it was our worst season? We also had to make one helluva 4th qtr comeback to win the trophy against Cape Town that season.

Since then, we recruited really hard in the off season of S3 and made some great improvements with FAs (outside of USAORG btw). With a lot of work on the new AI tactics (helped by the fact we played 16 scrimmages to test things), we almost ran the table in S4. The DC we had at that time is atrocious (me), and we lost a heartbreaker in week 16. Added a new DC for the playoffs and rolled to the title.

S4 off season saw even more FA recruiting (outside of USAORG again), and even more AI adjustments. As well as a new DC, who has done a fantastic job! And now here we are. One thing in your advantage, that loser DC the Legs had before (me), is now the OC, so that should be huge for you guys. Since I don't have any of my personal players on the team, I don't have to worry about stats (do I give them to my player, do I avoid giving them to my player, etc). All I do is flip a coin. Heads is 75% run, tails is 75% pass. Makes life a lot easier

As far as bitching about the Legs and our first season, it just seems weird to me. That was by far our worst season ever, yet it keeps being brought up as the reason we are winning now and in S4. The rational part of me says it's pretty obvious the team improvement was due to hard recruiting after S3 and S4, and a lot of time spent on learning the new AI. Does anyone else have 15-20 roster moves in an off season in an effort to improve the team? Or play 16 scrimmages in a season to test AI tactics? If someone wants to be pissed because we got better like that, have at it. Any other reason is ludicrous, imo. But that's the rational part of me, and that never works here, so....

PS- winning the title in season 3 with the help from other Borg players coming over half way through the season didn't help???????? Call it recruiting, I call it farming...Nice try Hokie Dokie.
You also say you have been beaten plenty of times???? Never in the playoffs....Who cares if you were beat in scrimmages or regular season...You should run for politics the way you spin this shit, and avoid questions...It is almost comical.
PS-Byang I can not wait to hear your response on his shit.
Hey Byang, didn't you say you're from Hong Kong or something?
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Hey Byang, didn't you say you're from Hong Kong or something?

Oink number 1...sent to try to smooth things over.....It would be funny if I had a spy working for me who had access to the Borg's private forum....Wouldn't it?
4 players coming over midway thru the season (from a team that was getting sold) is not the reason the Legs have won so many games. Did it help, yes. I didn't say it didn't. Was it the reason for everything since then, no, it wasn't.

Kind of like ABD bringing this agent and his 4 players over in the middle of this season . Did it help ABD, to do the exact same thing that you're bitching about?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Hey Byang, didn't you say you're from Hong Kong or something?

Oink number 1...sent to try to smooth things over.....It would be funny if I had a spy working for me who had access to the Borg's private forum....Wouldn't it?

I don't even bother reading like any of your posts, so I'm just making conversation.
You brought your 4 players from another ORG team...Little different...but again nice spin.
Originally posted by Hokiemon
4 players coming over midway thru the season (from a team that was getting sold) is not the reason the Legs have won so many games. Did it help, yes. I didn't say it didn't. Was it the reason for everything since then, no, it wasn't.

Kind of like ABD bringing this agent and his 4 players over in the middle of this season . Did it help ABD, to do the exact same thing that you're bitching about?

Also how could I get those 4 players when you said I suck at recruiting?...want me to find that post?
You guys aren't gonna start bickering like school girls again, are you?

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