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Originally posted by dviss1
On another note, How do we know who's going to be at home for the GLB Bowl?
Is it neutral?

Goes by the same tie breakers as official standings go by:
Head to Head
Points for
Points against
For most people I was in contact with, the only question going into the game was how badly PS was going to get spanked. It was a decent spanking, with the Rain dropping 170% of PS's point total on them. It was clear that PS was vastly outplayed the entire game and at least for me the outcome was never in any doubt. It's pretty safe to say that PS was lucky they weren't pounded by an even larger score. The Rain having 4 turnovers was unusual and basically very lucky for PS. On the other hand, there was no doubt from anyone who watched game film this season that the Rain was going to have some breakaway TD bombs or that the PS secondary was completely outclassed by the Rain receivers.

Throughout the game PS:

1) averaged barely over 3 yards per play, compared to the Rain's nearly 8 yards per play
2) was sacked about 1 out of every 10 attempts
3) did not have a single rusher average 4 yards per carry or better (best was 3.7 by their HB#2)
4) did not have a single receiver with more than 50 yards receiving (best was 48.5)
5) their QB had a season low passer rating of 54.4 - gag!
6) their HB1 was thrown for a loss about once every 4.5 rushes
7) gave up 400 yards passing and allowed a 68% completion ratio averaging 9.7 yards per attempt
8) allowed 2 receivers to catch for more than 125 yards, both with over 17 yards per catch average
Last edited Oct 28, 2008 17:10:21
Spanked? wow, you beat us yes but that was hardly a spanking. That game was neck and neck until the fourth quarter. I don't see why everyone discounts the TO's, they happened because you played a championship contending team. Just like how our stats were reduced. When you play a team that is at your level your team will produce much more realistic stats. Let's analyze your breakdown:

1) You were playing a run first team. I would hope that your yards per play would be at least 7 since you are a pass first team. 3 yds per play isn't horrible for a running team, although I'd prefer it to be a minimum of 4.5.

2) Look at the first game, we got to your QB the same aount of times as you got to ours this game.

3) Like I said in 1, I would have prefered 4.5 but it was no secret that we run alot and run to the outside which you guys adjusted for. We played a good defense and they stopped us short.

4) Like I said before, WE ARE A RUNNING TEAM. we had like a 80 run 20 pass split. I would hope for your teams sake that you would limit our passing yards.

5) Once again look at the first game, yes your QB wasn't as bad but he did only get a 72.6 which isn't that good.

6) Who cares? he ended the day with 83 yds rushing. Not great but a good day's work. We put 133.5 yds rushing on your defense which is a good day running the ball by commitee. On the contrary the highest output by your RB's was 31 yds and you equaled our RB's 3.7 yd avg.

7) Yes it was a horrible day for our pass D. Shall we look to our first meeting once again? Your QB passed for 220 yds (decent) but a 48.7 completion? How did you put it? oh yes - gag! ohh and also a 5.4 yd passing avg per play not stellar for a passing team. I'd say the pass D held up well that day.

8) same as #7

Now I am not trying to stir the pot here, I am just trying to show that it goes both ways. Before you try and call a blowout and point out some flaws you should really double check your data to ensure you don't make yourself look bad by overlooking your own faults.
Originally posted by herc11
Spanked? wow, you beat us yes but that was hardly a spanking. That game was neck and neck until the fourth quarter. I don't see why everyone discounts the TO's, they happened because you played a championship contending team. Just like how our stats were reduced. When you play a team that is at your level your team will produce much more realistic stats. Let's analyze your breakdown:

1) You were playing a run first team. I would hope that your yards per play would be at least 7 since you are a pass first team. 3 yds per play isn't horrible for a running team, although I'd prefer it to be a minimum of 4.5.

2) Look at the first game, we got to your QB the same aount of times as you got to ours this game.

3) Like I said in 1, I would have prefered 4.5 but it was no secret that we run alot and run to the outside which you guys adjusted for. We played a good defense and they stopped us short.

4) Like I said before, WE ARE A RUNNING TEAM. we had like a 80 run 20 pass split. I would hope for your teams sake that you would limit our passing yards.

5) Once again look at the first game, yes your QB wasn't as bad but he did only get a 72.6 which isn't that good.

6) Who cares? he ended the day with 83 yds rushing. Not great but a good day's work. We put 133.5 yds rushing on your defense which is a good day running the ball by commitee. On the contrary the highest output by your RB's was 31 yds and you equaled our RB's 3.7 yd avg.

7) Yes it was a horrible day for our pass D. Shall we look to our first meeting once again? Your QB passed for 220 yds (decent) but a 48.7 completion? How did you put it? oh yes - gag! ohh and also a 5.4 yd passing avg per play not stellar for a passing team. I'd say the pass D held up well that day.

8) same as #7

Now I am not trying to stir the pot here, I am just trying to show that it goes both ways. Before you try and call a blowout and point out some flaws you should really double check your data to ensure you don't make yourself look bad by overlooking your own faults.

You really shouldn't bring up the regular season game. It didn't really matter. But it seems like it matter a lot to you guys. We played horrible in that game and only lost by 1 point. We played bad in this game and the game was a much bigger win....
It's sad how herc needs to cling to his illusions. I gave you our game plan for this game mid-season. I told the whole league exactly how we were going to beat you. You ran the ball because your passing game was horribly ineffective. But your running game was pretty weak too. You averaged less than 3 yards per rush. In the NFL, an undrafted back can get 3 yards per rush. 265 yards to 460 yards. 20 points to 34 points. You guys were dominated all game.
Man you guys just don't get it. You didn't play bad in either game, you played a team that matched your competitive level! Yeah you played bad compared to the lower level teams that get blown out, but that's because they are the lower leveled teams! The stats happen the way they did because you played a team that has the personnel to match up with yours, plain and simple.

You guys say, if it wasn't for the turnovers it would of been a huge blowout...

In reply we'd say that if we didn't allow two long TD's we would probably would have won. But I refuse to say that because we DID allow it and we did lose. You can say in every game that if such and such didn't happen then the results would be different. Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda...
Originally posted by Gambit
It's sad how herc needs to cling to his illusions. I gave you our game plan for this game mid-season. I told the whole league exactly how we were going to beat you. You ran the ball because your passing game was horribly ineffective. But your running game was pretty weak too. You averaged less than 3 yards per rush. In the NFL, an undrafted back can get 3 yards per rush. 265 yards to 460 yards. 20 points to 34 points. You guys were dominated all game.

You call a tie game at 11 minutes into the 4th quarter domination?!?!? lol... whatever floats your boat dude.
Here's my scouting report on your team prior to our game, straight from our forum. It should give you an idea of how much respect we gave your team and how much effort we put into game planning. Hold onto your illusions though:

"Their offense is not impressive and we should stop it easily. Even last game, they only scored 21 points against us, and we've made improvements since then.

If you recall, after we played these jokers, we made a number of improvements on offense, including stretching the field more. Their defense will not do well against our current offense."
You don't just "allow" touchdowns. We gave up the ball. They are two different things. Had we held onto the ball (which is different that not letting a guy get a long touchdown..or 2)it would've been much more of a blowout. The yardage proves it. 460yds to 260, we just gave up the ball a few times. Probably should've been somewhere closer to 55-20.
Man can't we all just get along?
Originally posted by jsu4578m
You don't just "allow" touchdowns. We gave up the ball. They are two different things. Had we held onto the ball (which is different that not letting a guy get a long touchdown..or 2)it would've been much more of a blowout. The yardage proves it. 460yds to 260, we just gave up the ball a few times. Probably should've been somewhere closer to 55-20.

Dude, you gave up the ball 4 times! It was not a 1 turnover mistake... 4 TIMES! I believe that would qualify for a trend. We only allowed 2 mistakes! which provided you 100 yds of offense. Without those 2 TD's we gave up we only allowed 2 TD's and 2 FG's. Just like we can't discount the fact we gave up those TD's, YOU CAN'T DISCOUNT THE TURNOVERS! THEY FUCKING HAPPENED! Our Defense played very well except for 2 plays. Thank god you guys are moving on, I hope the AAA will provide you with more teams close to your level so you can be brought back down to earth.

In reply to Gambit, I can give a shit about your scouting report. You want to know what I said about your offense in my scouting report? Hah! Absotluelty nothing! I knew that your team is a one sided offense and all we had to do was stop your passign game to beat you. Unfortunately we didn't stop two passes and we lost, oh well it's just a game. Also, if you viewed yourselves as making improvements that is pretty sad because it only resulted in two touchdowns.

Get over yourselves, you're not as good as you like to think.
It also resulted in a Zeta championship and a trip to AAA. In the game that you guys won by 1 point, we turned the ball over only 1 time, and outgained you by a mere 8 yards. I'd say its a huge improvement to have won by 2TDs, outgained you by 200yds, and still have 4 TOs.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 09:56:44
Please stop feeding the trolls.
ummmm....i'm fairly over this conversation since nothing I say is going to keep me in the playoffs. We (being both Rain and Poly) actually had some respectful dialog rolling there for a bit...obviously that's out the window -
Don't worry, you'll both be in AAA next year.

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