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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > East vs West Results
Originally posted by DragoonNite
The East is top heavy, your top three are way above the rest

And we all know it's about the bottom, I mean really. And right now the East has some damn pancakes.
Originally posted by DragoonNite
last I checked the LUEshis beat the Hurricane Warriors when they were here. As for staff we really haven't lost or gained much over the seasons we're about the same. Concerning the Farvas, I think they're a bunch of cool guys and I respect the hell out of their team. In season two when we were BOTH starting teams we killed them, and last season when we scrimmaged they're barely beat us despite us putting up better yards and being quite a bit more consistent. It was a great game and I would love for us to scrimmage again, it's fun to keep rivalries going. You can all disagree as much as you want, but for the most part West is a stronger conference because our top 11 teams are all capable of winning against anyone else. The East is top heavy, your top three are way above the rest, great teams with massive power, then four through six are also good teams, after that it really drops off.

We respect u guys just as much Dragoon, but u know I have to add fuel to the fire lol.

You had more yards cause you were down 21-3 in the first quarter so you had to go pass heavy on us and threw like 80% of the game.
Originally posted by DragoonNite
last I checked the LUEshis beat the Hurricane Warriors when they were here. As for staff we really haven't lost or gained much over the seasons we're about the same. Concerning the Farvas, I think they're a bunch of cool guys and I respect the hell out of their team. In season two when we were BOTH starting teams we killed them, and last season when we scrimmaged they're barely beat us despite us putting up better yards and being quite a bit more consistent. It was a great game and I would love for us to scrimmage again, it's fun to keep rivalries going. You can all disagree as much as you want, but for the most part West is a stronger conference because our top 11 teams are all capable of winning against anyone else. The East is top heavy, your top three are way above the rest, great teams with massive power, then four through six are also good teams, after that it really drops off.

Like King said, I got no beef with dragoon!

But I'll take my 28 points against your 460 yards any day .
We throw that much anyways, it doesn't change the fact that I had a 69% completion rate though ;-)

Hell though, we should make this a lifelong thing, how about a scrimmage every season from now on?
Last edited Oct 23, 2008 00:00:52
Originally posted by DragoonNite
We throw that much anyways, it doesn't change the fact that I had a 69% completion rate thoguh ;-)

Tru Dat much props dragoon, Two good teams goin head to head. Good luck to you boys.
Originally posted by DragoonNite

Hell though, we should make this a lifelong thing, how about a scrimmage every season from now on?

Im down
Originally posted by DragoonNite
last I checked the LUEshis beat the Hurricane Warriors when they were here.

Hurricane Warriors weren't even fully boosted at the time..

That's why they took the Pewnts to school in the playoffs.
What's that have to do with anything? The entire point of the Hurricane Warriors is that their builds make them far superior to teams of a higher level.
^^^ Exactly. That didn't really stop them from whipping teams like the Wildcats, Bolts, or Hammond during the regular season, so its not like they were an easy win or anything.
Completely agree w/ you about Hurricane Warriors--I have no doubt they'd take my Penguins to school if we played. But my point was that just because a BBB team ends up in the top tier of a league doesn't necessarily mean that the league is bad--it could be that the BBB team is just that good, as the Hurricane Warriors were/are.

My thing is that, although I don't have the benefit of detailed knowledge of the history of this league, I disagree that it's self evident that the West is vastly superior to the East. I think they're probably pretty comparable--at least this season. Based on the interconference games, Wildcats are clearly an elite team, but East's #3 didn't just beat West's #2, they dominated them. West #2 didn't score until the 4th quarter when the score was 51-0. It could be argued that the West has 1 elite team and the East has 3. OTOH, West has 2-10 all as legitimate playoff contenders while East has a bit of a dropoff maybe one team sooner--although even that could be argued since it also seems that the West has more cupcakes at the bottom of the league which would elevate the other team's W-L records. Finally, East has Niagara, a team that had a tradition of excellence until being sold before this season and is now probably far and away the worst team in the league.

So I see East as having more extremes and West as having more competitiveness, but no clear cut overall significant superiority. I can't speak to what happened one or two seasons ago, but for this year, I still disagree with the notion that the West's superiority is beyond question. Better? A legitimate case can be made for that, but it's not intuitively obvious.
Last edited Oct 23, 2008 05:50:57
Originally posted by DragoonNite
What's that have to do with anything? The entire point of the Hurricane Warriors is that their builds make them far superior to teams of a higher level.

and with them not being boosted their builds weren't at full strength.

That's what I'm saying..just don't know why you're bragging like if your team or any other team stood a chance when Honolulu was fully boosted.

Teams like Farkistan were beat 16-12 in the regular season but beat 24-0 in the playoffs..teams like the Pewnts beat them 25-16 in the regular season but lost 27-0 to the Warriors in the playoffs.

Right, even my lowly Raiders beat Honolulu the one season they were here. But we had like 5 levels on them then.
Originally posted by Knightman
Completely agree w/ you about Hurricane Warriors--I have no doubt they'd take my Penguins to school if we played. But my point was that just because a BBB team ends up in the top tier of a league doesn't necessarily mean that the league is bad--it could be that the BBB team is just that good, as the Hurricane Warriors were/are.

My thing is that, although I don't have the benefit of detailed knowledge of the history of this league, I disagree that it's self evident that the West is vastly superior to the East. I think they're probably pretty comparable--at least this season. Based on the interconference games, Wildcats are clearly an elite team, but East's #3 didn't just beat West's #2, they dominated them. West #2 didn't score until the 4th quarter when the score was 51-0. It could be argued that the West has 1 elite team and the East has 3. OTOH, West has 2-10 all as legitimate playoff contenders while East has a bit of a dropoff maybe one team sooner--although even that could be argued since it also seems that the West has more cupcakes at the bottom of the league which would elevate the other team's W-L records. Finally, East has Niagara, a team that had a tradition of excellence until being sold before this season and is now probably far and away the worst team in the league.

So I see East as having more extremes and West as having more competitiveness, but no clear cut overall significant superiority. I can't speak to what happened one or two seasons ago, but for this year, I still disagree with the notion that the West's superiority is beyond question. Better? A legitimate case can be made for that, but it's not intuitively obvious.

you wiped the floor with us for sure, but that is not the same team that has been a natural all season, I am thinking that was a fluke game, you guys raped the hell out of us, but we are definitely better than that, time to prove it in the playoffs.
Originally posted by Dolphan9954

you wiped the floor with us for sure, but that is not the same team that has been a natural all season, I am thinking that was a fluke game, you guys raped the hell out of us, but we are definitely better than that, time to prove it in the playoffs.

Honestly, I have no doubt that this is true. We might have hit upon just the right game plan against you guys. But it's hard to resist giving you guys a tweak when you've so publicly made spectacles of yourselves with: (a) the controversy you created over seedings in the "Best of BBB" and your subsequent withdrawal, (b) posting everywhere, often multiple times, about beating a winless USA Pro team, (c) claiming that you have 5 of the best players at their position in all of A#4 (so the other 32 teams have only 17 players between them that are the same caliber as your FIVE? Then why would you have 4 losses?), etc. I'm assuming this is how you guys psyche yourself up, and that's fine but it CAN be annoying. If you make such over-the-top claims, you gotta expect to take some shit every once in a while when things don't go your way.

That being said, your team is obviously a very good one and I'm sure you'll bounce back in the playoffs. Good luck to you (unless we meet in the Championship of course)
Last edited Oct 23, 2008 18:02:09
Regarding East vs. West, one other thing...if the West were so overwhelmingly superior, why couldn't they manage even ONE upset based on the seedings? They split with the East on the games that had teams seeded evenly and none of the West teams seeded lower than their East counterpart was able to generate a win.

Again, not saying East is superior, just that we are not as INFERIOR as has been claimed.

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