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Originally posted by bknudson
I just asked a question. Did your righteous indignation spilleth over?

you took the words right out of my mouth
I kind of liked KT, he cracked me up. He was funner to laugh at then even ShakeBaked is.
Kind of like the same shit Asynder and akleine started last season with the whole Douchebag thread. What a fuckin joke! A lot of the guys that posted meaningful stuff don't even really bother posting here anymore b/c of that shit. Sbuck, Sew (just came back), Longhorn1976. The list goes on.....
Originally posted by bknudson
I kind of liked KT, he cracked me up. He was funner to laugh at then even ShakeBaked is.

I didnt mind him either, if it was just one or two threads, I could of cared less but the entire front page was full....some really long titles that made you have to scroll all the way to the right to even see who replied to threads
He said some funny shit, but he went to far with some of his posts too. Obviously, which ever mod cleaned up thought the same!
Don't think they should have banned him like that. Should have done what the NFL does for substance abuse. After you fail the 1st piss test, he gets put in a program. Second time he get X games suspended and it gets worse.

KT didn't need banned. He need put in a chat session with Husker and have Husker spam him till KT changed his ways.

Or a slap on the wrist....

Originally posted by bknudson
Don't think they should have banned him like that. Should have done what the NFL does for substance abuse. After you fail the 1st piss test, he gets put in a program. Second time he get X games suspended and it gets worse.

KT didn't need banned. He need put in a chat session with Husker and have Husker spam him till KT changed his ways.

Or a slap on the wrist....

Do you listen to yourself sometimes? I couldn't understand a word of what you were trying to say!

"He need put in a chat session with Husker and have Husker spam him till KT changed his ways."

Last edited Oct 22, 2008 12:56:46
Originally posted by brandonknudson
Someone knows how to cut and paste... good job lil buddy. Crayons next?

I think KT just needs scared straight. If you spammed him like he spammed us on the boards then I think he might change.

That is a bad ass avatar, even though it is a cartoon! I'll take crayons as long as I get the big box, and a couple of coloring books to go along with it. How do you put in the avatars that move like that?
I agree...if my Ex had tits like that...well....she wouldnt be my EX!!!!
Originally posted by robjay08
Originally posted by bknudson

Originally posted by robjay08

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Wow! When was this? I don't remember seeing anything like that, and I'm always online! I'm really not too fond of people that pull out the race card to defend themselves or cover up their idiocy on boards like this.

It was just a bunch of crap, I didnt even look at the threads, I think I clicked on one cause he was talking about the Nudists, but all of them was a bunch of crap talking towards us, it would of been fine if it was one thread but the entire front page was full of them.

Did your righteous indignation spilleth over Robjay? Please don't get me banned for saying that.

good day

Are you trying to say you want to log on and see the entire first page full of KT purposely spamming the board? I guess I was the only one who seen it but I did all of us a favor, I didn't ask for him to get banned, just tried to get a mod to clean up the board :-P

Originally posted by Toric
Originally posted by robjay08

Originally posted by bknudson

Originally posted by robjay08

Originally posted by HSKRCHMPS

Wow! When was this? I don't remember seeing anything like that, and I'm always online! I'm really not too fond of people that pull out the race card to defend themselves or cover up their idiocy on boards like this.

It was just a bunch of crap, I didnt even look at the threads, I think I clicked on one cause he was talking about the Nudists, but all of them was a bunch of crap talking towards us, it would of been fine if it was one thread but the entire front page was full of them.

Did your righteous indignation spilleth over Robjay? Please don't get me banned for saying that.

good day

Are you trying to say you want to log on and see the entire first page full of KT purposely spamming the board? I guess I was the only one who seen it but I did all of us a favor, I didn't ask for him to get banned, just tried to get a mod to clean up the board :-P


alrightthe link to the thread is here, go and ask the mod to un ban him, and if he ever posts 30 messages again, oh well I know I won't be posting here anymore if I dont have to scroll through 30 threads of crap to see a meaningful thread and I'm sure I won't be the only one

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