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the whole reason i ever popped anything about dviss. it just rubbed me the wrong way. fuck, i'm pretty much good on this topic anymore.
Originally posted by joshspangler

the whole reason i ever popped anything about dviss. it just rubbed me the wrong way. fuck, i'm pretty much good on this topic anymore.

Tell me how I "rubbed you the wrong way" when I was responding to you INSULTING my
intelligence by calling ME "brilliant" with your sarcasm.
You stuck your foot in your mouth on that one and your non playoff record before
season 4 is the reason why. Do you even remember your response??

"Tight. You are the raddest dude ever. I'm sorry I bagged on the fact that you missed the sarcasm,
but I appreciate your witty response. You've definately put me in my place."

Have you really been thinking about that since August?
I REALLY hope we see each other in the playoffs.....
Last edited Oct 11, 2008 08:53:22
Originally posted by wcolejr
"Put us anywhere, we're the realist nigga's in the room". Dont get it twisted, we are commin' for that "#1 spot"

I really hope your black because if you aren't then repeating that word above does
not only mean you are "singing a song." It also means you are being offensive.
Whatever this is stupid. Your bragging you won a game by 1 point. It wasn't a pretty win at all and you don't have much to brag about because this game is questionable to say the least. This only happens in simulators that don't have all of the odd quirks fixed.
There is still half a season and playoffs left.

As it stands, this is the closest you've gotten to being on top. But you still aren't anything to worry about in the playoffs. In the playoffs we're all 0-0.
Dviss, shut the FUCK up. Why would it be offensive if i "wasnt black". Its a SONG RETARD!!! Im not gonna fight with you losers anymore, see ya playoff time dude!
Kirk Gibson
At the end of the day its all just shit talking right? We all know we speak with Wins. Portland you should be flattered its such a celebration for them to beat you. The Polynesians have the right to talk smack and celebrate they were the underdogs for sure. They just need to remember they may bump into again in the playoffs.

Originally posted by wcolejr
Dviss, shut the FUCK up. Why would it be offensive if i "wasnt black". Its a SONG RETARD!!! Im not gonna fight with you losers anymore, see ya playoff time dude!

if ur not a city dweller recently relocated to the great wild west using the that word is really offensive
Take it how you want it. Yea, i am from the city. The heart of the hood! But no, im not black. Nor should it matter if i was purple, yellow or green. As i stated before, its a song! Yea, i got some "hood" or "thug" in my blood, i "gang banged" when i was a lil champ in the 90's. But like i said, im not gonna fight with you guys! I will end this thread the way i started it......Great game portland, we hope to see ya again in the playoffs, but for now, we ARE the realest nigga's(to be more politically correct, i will use African American's!) in the room!!!!
1. thread was started to say we beat an undefeated team that we hadn't beat before.
2. yeah, i personally don't like dviss, dont know why really, just rubs me the wrong way.
3. I called you brilliant bc you ripped a dude who was obviously being sarcastic and you missed it, so then you went off on a tangent like you were a bad ass even though you were completely missing the point. so yeah, i ripped ya on it. but it's cool you admitted you made a bad post, and even edited the one which i'm referring to in the first place. tight move.
4. come to Kansas City.
LETS GO CROCS!.... oh the shit talking... just a sim game boys this is not life... you lost by 1 point take the loss move on your gonna win and kill teams for seasons to come you are a good team... you both are...if they won by luck its life... just a game lads...move on and getcha popcorn ready!
Originally posted by wcolejr
Dviss, shut the FUCK up. Why would it be offensive if i "wasnt black". Its a SONG RETARD!!! Im not gonna fight with you losers anymore, see ya playoff time dude!

See what I mean when people think their bad and say stupid stuff like this over the internet?
If we were in the same room there may be a fight. But since we aren't in the same room so why say things you wouldn't say if we were?
Bottom line is people who aren't Black can't say that word. Period. If your aren't black, why would you want to say it anyway?
Most people who aren't black, don't say that word and for good reason. See how uninformed you are?
Nigga doesn't even mean black. And it doesn't mean African American. When you say:

"but for now, we ARE the realest nigga's(to be more politically correct, i will use African American's!)"

you are using it out of context.If you don't understand that you shouldn't say it, then you are very ignorant.
Especially when I know you signed the same forum agreement that I did stating you should say racist things. You don't even know...
Last edited Oct 11, 2008 20:45:18
Originally posted by dviss1
Originally posted by wcolejr

"Put us anywhere, we're the realist nigga's in the room". Dont get it twisted, we are commin' for that "#1 spot"

I really hope your black because if you aren't then repeating that word above does
not only mean you are "singing a song." It also means you are being offensive.

you used the wrong your / you're....
\ i forgot you're so educated on life and whatevs... i cant wait till i find my camera charger so i can start posting messages via youtube. you can't touch me son. put up your true profile pic, you know, the one where you're eatin rice and push flexin your biceps....punk bitch
Last edited Oct 11, 2008 21:55:23
Well well well, looks like we got us a new #1.
Originally posted by joshspangler
Originally posted by dviss1

Originally posted by wcolejr

"Put us anywhere, we're the realist nigga's in the room". Dont get it twisted, we are commin' for that "#1 spot"

I really hope your black because if you aren't then repeating that word above does
not only mean you are "singing a song." It also means you are being offensive.

you used the wrong your / you're....
\ i forgot you're so educated on life and whatevs... i cant wait till i find my camera charger so i can start posting messages via youtube. you can't touch me son. put up your true profile pic, you know, the one where you're eatin rice and push flexin your biceps....punk bitch

I'm done responding to you guys. Regardless of how I spelled the word your, my point is still valid. Don't use that word unless you are black.
You're a fucking hypocrite, it doesn't matter what color you are. NO ONE should say it, it's not any less offending if one person says it over the other.

On another note, he was quoting a song you moron. I don't see anything saying you can not quote a song, poem, speech or anything else. That is what the two little marks before and after the statement means by the way.

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