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We're 0 - 2 right now (Redscape), but I think we've got another 3 guaranteed wins, 8 possible wins, and 4 guaranteed losses.

We should probably finish between 6-10 (which would be a major letdown, but we've already lost two games we should've / could've won) and 9-7. Knowing our luck though, we'll still manage to fall below the worst-case scenario (example of our luck: everyone pounds on Chinese Bandits as they're rebuilding, then we get them right when they've recruited a ton of players).
Sonny Chiba
Originally posted by Brian the Stunt Bum
Taking over a gutted team sucks. Sometimes the only option is to drop to a lower level.

Actually he gutted us. Maybe would have stayed and played, but he "had his roster set".
Originally posted by Sonny Chiba
Actually he gutted us. Maybe would have stayed and played, but he "had his roster set".

Correct we spent 1 season getting a roster together. I guess I tell those people never mind sell try to sell your flex points back?

Also key phrase "MAYBE WOULD HAVE STAYED AND PLAYED". That's not the attitude we wanted to move forward with. Again these issues should be discussed to your previous owner(s). It's unfortunate the situation we all were a part of this season but it is by no wrong doing of us.

Originally posted by Tezcatlipoca
(example of our luck: everyone pounds on Chinese Bandits as they're rebuilding, then we get them right when they've recruited a ton of players).

now that's just mean!!!

actually, last year we didn't add any players to the roster during the season. our AI was way out of whack. we recruited GeauxGirl, and she helped set our AI and we are playing a lot better since!
Originally posted by beouf

now that's just mean!!!

actually, last year we didn't add any players to the roster during the season. our AI was way out of whack. we recruited GeauxGirl, and she helped set our AI and we are playing a lot better since!

I think he's talking about the first season. The Bandits got off to a slow recruiting start and entered the season close to the bottom of the rankings.
Now those rankings look alot better than the first ones.

I wasn't cool with the projections saying we were going toloss 7 games. That would mean we need a complete over haul if we fall that far. lol


Originally posted by beouf
Originally posted by Tezcatlipoca

(example of our luck: everyone pounds on Chinese Bandits as they're rebuilding, then we get them right when they've recruited a ton of players).

now that's just mean!!!

actually, last year we didn't add any players to the roster during the season. our AI was way out of whack. we recruited GeauxGirl, and she helped set our AI and we are playing a lot better since!

I'll vouch for this!

And Sarg about me is right.
Sonny Chiba
Originally posted by Bigmoose
Originally posted by Sonny Chiba

Actually he gutted us. Maybe would have stayed and played, but he "had his roster set".

Correct we spent 1 season getting a roster together. I guess I tell those people never mind sell try to sell your flex points back?

Also key phrase "MAYBE WOULD HAVE STAYED AND PLAYED". That's not the attitude we wanted to move forward with. Again these issues should be discussed to your previous owner(s). It's unfortunate the situation we all were a part of this season but it is by no wrong doing of us.

Communication is the key. And the new owner did none of that. I can accept the fact our owner screwed up. Just not the way we started to get traded off with out a heads up first.
our first season was pretty bad! but were making steady progress towards the upper part of the conference....
Personally, I think when a new owner takes over, if they got players on the team, those players should be their first priority. Honestly, gutting them also gives you 1 major unfair advantage sometimes, if you move down with a bunch of high lvls it outmatches you for the next season tot the lower lvl. But luckily for me, i didn't have to worry about that I took over a team with 0 players on the roster :/
lol. TOnga sucks. we will go 7-9
Yukon Don
Originally posted by Sonny Chiba
Originally posted by Bigmoose

Originally posted by Sonny Chiba

Actually he gutted us. Maybe would have stayed and played, but he "had his roster set".

Correct we spent 1 season getting a roster together. I guess I tell those people never mind sell try to sell your flex points back?

Also key phrase "MAYBE WOULD HAVE STAYED AND PLAYED". That's not the attitude we wanted to move forward with. Again these issues should be discussed to your previous owner(s). It's unfortunate the situation we all were a part of this season but it is by no wrong doing of us.

Communication is the key. And the new owner did none of that. I can accept the fact our owner screwed up. Just not the way we started to get traded off with out a heads up first.

...and you'd be happier with a heads up? We weren't given much time to get our roster signed and the old one cleared off. We did post a message on the team forum...we had 24 hours from getting the team to the new season rollover.
I can invite you all to a private mediation forum if you all really need to work this out...
Yukon Don
Originally posted by cdcollins
I can invite you all to a private mediation forum if you all really need to work this out...

What's to work out? It is over...I hope they all can get a team together soon.
Last edited Sep 25, 2008 11:51:20
Originally posted by rbedgood
Originally posted by cdcollins

I can invite you all to a private mediation forum if you all really need to work this out...

What's to work out? It is over...I hope they all can get a team together soon.

Just a lot of bad blood, long after the fact.
But if it's over, no problem.

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